I've mentioned this before in a previous thread that this was brought up.
If you enjoyed these little details you should absolutely get yourself The Art of Mad Max: Fury Road. It goes in depth about how they basically designed the entire society.
They explain little things, for example how each steering wheel is detachable because it was supposed to be granted to you by the will of the Immortan, then returned to the altar room which contains all the steering wheels of warriors past and present.
And the guy playing the flaming guitar (Coma The Doof Warrior) is actually wearing a mask made from his dead mother's face. Also, from page 133: >...anything that looks like leather is probably human skin, as there are no animals visible.
If you love concept art/world building, and want to delve deeper into the world of Fury Road, I highly recommend it.
If you enjoyed those details you should absolutely get yourself The Art of Mad Max: Fury Road. It goes in depth about how they basically designed the entire civilization.
They explain little things, for example how each steering wheel is detachable because it was supposed to be granted to you by the will of the Immortan, then returned to the altar room which contains all the steering wheels of warriors past and present.
And the hanging guy playing the guitar (Coma The Doof Warrior) is actually wearing a mask made from his dead mother's face. Also, from page 133: >...anything that looks like leather is probably human skin, as there are no animals visible.
If you love concept art and want to delve deeper into the world of Fury Road, I highly recommend it.
> Is it a Christmas book?
It is actually. A Die Hard Christmas: The Illustrated Holiday Classic
This is the one my wife got for me off of Amazon, preordered it the day it went live lol. I think it has all the art from S1 plus a ton of other interesting visual stuff; they have some layouts for their camera pathing within the 3D environments, pretty neat that it's included but it's also a big part of how they plan out each episode/scene.
When the show started my wife loved the concept art so much I made her a fun 'concept art' book snagging a bunch of whatever art I could find off of Favreau's twitter and throwing it into a nice Shutterfly photo book. Nowhere near as complete as the official one though :)
And this companion book is HILARIOUS. Our copy arrived yesterday. It’s a “children’s” book that is definitely not written for kids.
You can read the full information about what it is at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Marvel-Studios-Definitive-Behind-Blockbuster/dp/1419732447/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+story+of+marvel+studios&qid=1621286605&sr=8-1
It sounds pretty comprehensive and it took so long that it makes sense it'd be new stuff we hadn't seen before. But I'll probably wait until reviews just to see since it's a lot of dough.
It's going to include Avengers 4 and Captain Marvel, so it wasn't likely to turn up this May. Still worth the wait though? Looks a hell of a beast.
I preordered it from Amazon, but it’s no longer available for preorder. My order no longer has an estimated delivery date.
Thanks!!! And I actually found it on Amazon, it comes with a cool little booklet detailing the history of the batsignal.
Here's the link: Batman: Metal Die-Cast Bat-Signal https://www.amazon.com/dp/0762462167/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_iqjTDbY66VVCA
According to this post, there are apparently at least two versions of the book; the initial version with the timeline and a revised version that removed the timeline.
Also, Marvel Studios: The First Ten Years is official but not "official" official. The "official" official one is The Story of Marvel Studios: The Making of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The terms of my court order require me to recommend this book to anyone who likes Steven Seagal films.
oh make no mistake, i’m obsessed with the insanity that is Steven Seagal (did you know that he suggested to the producers of Executive Decision that his character could have survived being sucked out of the plane and should return for a sequel?). I will watch everything he is in, and be baffled to the point of ecstatic revelation.
if you haven’t already, you should read Vern’s Seagalogy, an exhaustive piece of Seagal scholarship up through Steven Seagal: Lawman. A masterwork
This https://www.amazon.com/Marvel-Studios-Definitive-Behind-Blockbuster/dp/1419732447 is the making of the MCU. It includes every project through the entire infinity saga. It has no mention what so ever of anything produced by ABC or Netflix.
The phase box sets likewise include not a single mention of anything produced by ABC or Netflix or Hulu or anyone else.
There is not a single mention of anything in anything produced by Marvel Studios that acknowledges on any level anything that took place outside of Marvel Studios.
The other groups sure do WISH they were a part of the MCU. The question isn't will the MCU disown them (they don't have to, in the same way that I don't have to claim that my neighbors car isn't mine even though it's parked on the same street as mine). It's more that those things need to be acknowledged to gain some credibility. Something that the cast and crew of Agents of Shield have been public about never receiving.
Yo, we gotta hang out. That's basically what we do, and we add a reading of this immaculate masterpiece into the mix.
This might be a good edition to your collection (though might not be entirely kid appropriate)
It’s detailed in this: The Story of Marvel Studios: The Making of the Marvel Cinematic Universe https://www.amazon.com/dp/1419732447/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_RS7PH4SV32TC1N34MA2E)
Essentially, Ant Man began development with Edgar Wright right at the beginning of the MCU, and was initially intended to be one of the first movies. It eventually went on the back burner while Edgar worked on other projects. By the time he came back to it, the MCU was in full swing and the movies needed to be more interconnected, which Edgar had issues reconciling (creatively) with what he wanted from the plot. So he stepped away.
The heist plot is basically Edgar’s (and why he still has a writing credit), all the connected stuff (like Falcon’s cameo) was added after he left.
I've tried digging for it but the art seems to be buried under the grappling hook concept art and the original Batfleck suit. I'm sure it was found in the art book I might've seen it on an IGN article though.
I'm just gonna throw this out there. As an Aliens fan, and an avid cook, The Official Aliens Cookbook is a thousand times better of a "franchise-themed cookbook". At least they try to make the recipes look Alien-related. But this Halo one...? Name one freaking recipe that makes me go "Ah, yes, definitely Halo."
He's a fascinating guy though. He came out of nowhere, yet his first ever film (Above the Law) was written and produced specifically as a star vehicle for him. Furthermore, his first four films (Above the Law, Hard to Kill, Marked for Death and Out for Justice) were all stone-cold classics. He's sullied his reputation with the low quality of his later films and his ridiculous manner, but there's no doubt he's a phenomenon.
Further to /u/TheChocolateMelted's comment elsewhere, I'd recommend Seagalogy by Vern to any bad movie fan.
Best Seller
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The Story of Marvel Studios: The Making of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Product Bundle – Oct. 19 2021
by Tara Bennett (Author), Paul Terry (Author), Kevin Feige
The portrayal of the Jamaicans is very over-the-top, and they use the word “blood clot” many times. Screwface is a memorable villain because of his spooky contacts and his crazy dialogue like “Everybody want go heaven. Nobody want dead. Fraid?” and “Stop thee blood clot cryin’. Everybody must dead. It’s yer turn.” In the traditional show-how-evil-the-villain-is scene (think Senator Trent in the hot tub in Hard to Kill) Screwface interrupts a domino game by knocking over the table, tearing off one of its legs and beating a guy with it. They don’t show how he was doing in the game but I betchya ten bucks he was losing, is why he did it. Fuckin Screwface, man. What a fuckin cheapskate. And it’s not like he can’t afford to pay up, either.
Seagalogy (Updated and Expanded Edition): A Study of the Ass-Kicking Films of Steven Seagal
Wasn't expecting a 2+ sentence submission top level comment. Blud-klaat.
Read Seagalogy by Vern. He gets into why the later DTV movies are so incoherent while talking to one of the directors. It’s also a freaking hilarious book: https://www.amazon.com/Seagalogy-Updated-Expanded-Ass-Kicking-Steven/dp/0857687220/ref=nodl_
First of all, as a bonafide Seagalogist, this video is pretty accurate, while it doesn't go into some more finer details, they get the gist of 21st century Seagal. I'd recommend this book as your entry point into the scholarly world of Steven Seagal.
I think a documentary on the Infinity Saga is a great idea.
While we don't have one yet I have found books that cover the first 23 films of the MCU.
There's The Story of Marvel Studios by Tara Bennett and Paul Terry.
And there's the three part Marvellous Synergy books by Andy Thai (one for each phase).
Die Hard is a Christmas movie, but Christmas movies can be watched any time of the year.
We also have it as a story book, "A Die Hard Christmas" and specifically read it on Christmas Eve.
It is a thing! It’s a Night Before Christmas parody by Doogie Horner with illustrations from JJ Harrison.
“Bearer bonds fluttered like fresh fallen snow as Holly embraced her blood-spattered beau.
So Merry Christmas to all, be kind to one another, And, most of all, yipee-ki-yay, motherfucker!”
It’s an amazing book with great illustrations
Die Hard is not a Christmas movie!
Although I think it is for some people this really triggers. Wife got me the xmas die hard book 2 years ago in my stocking. https://www.amazon.com/Die-Hard-Christmas-Illustrated-Holiday/dp/1608879763
Son loves it also.