Hahaha this goes away with time. and practice with having conversations, but it will continue to happen.
You'll need therapy to learn how to manage emotions when something embarrassing comes up in your mind, or else it will just slow you down.
I would suggest picking up this book https://www.amazon.com/How-Talk-Anyone-Success-Relationships-ebook/dp/B000SEI4V0. The audio book is actually better since the narrator gives specific examples.
There's a ton of self help books out there about social anxiety etc, but they don't give many REAL examples. This one teaches you how to notice very subtle things you do with your body, or others do. One quick example is when someone wears something to stand out. You'll know it when you see it, but when someone has a button pinned to their coat, they're wearing very colorful earrings (think of those big feathery ones), Maybe it's a casual setting but someone is wearing a polkadot bow tie. Those people WANT to be talked to, and asked about it. They know it brings attention, and if they didn't want that attention they wouldn't be dumb enough to wear it.
This is what I mean by specific examples.
Influencer Fast Track - From Zero to Influencer in the next 6 Months!
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>Then let this little book walk you through SassyZenGirl's Proven 7-STEP FORMULA to go from ZERO (followers) to INFLUENCER STATUS in just a few months!
Trauma. Transformation, Testimony!: A Recovery Memoir
FREE until June 22nd
> Many people suffer from trauma that is often brought on through life events such as substance misuse or living in poverty. For Leslie Ann Wertz, the odds were against her from the start and she found herself an addict with a long and difficult road ahead of her.
>That she managed to find her way out of the spiral of despair is testament to the hope she had and the spiritual healing she underwent, to emerge from hopelessness and reforge her life to live it the way she always knew she could.
>In her book, Trauma, Transformation, Testimony: A Recovery Memoir, she explores how her life went from the very depths of despondency to one of achievement.
found this book on amazon...could help you out (not an affiliate...just making a suggestion..rather than downvoting your post like all these other douche bags):
Amazon (AMS) ads are a great place to start. If you haven't already, check out Brian Meeks book on AMS ads (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072SNXYMY)
Start with a small daily budget, monitor your ads daily and see how they convert. Ignore the current suggested bids as they can really be out to lunch.
The problem may not be your ads at all, they could be with your blurb, your cover, your price or your look inside.
Use AMS ads to set a baseline, then if they aren't converting as well as you would like (1 in 10) then consider tweaking each of the above, one at a time, leaving enough time between changes to monitor the impacts. That way you can see if the changes are having a positive impact. It takes a while, but it is worth it to have measurable results.
Coucou camarade, Je suis passé par la même merdouille, début d'isolation z l'école, abandon du système scolaire à 18 ans pour ''faire un formation cned, stp maman ca a l'air cool et au moins je fais un truc que j'aime'', puis sortit de ma bulle (enfin!!) à 23-24 ans. J'en ai 29 maintenant, je suis la pour discutailler en MP si tu le souhaite.
De tête, voici deux choses vraiment importante pour moi: - premièrement, j'ai lu ce livre: https://www.amazon.com/How-Talk-Anyone-Success-Relationships-ebook/dp/B000SEI4V0 Plein de trucs a prendre plus ou moins zvec des pincettes, mais ça a aidé a combler le vide d'experience et de savoir faire. - deuxiemement, les gens aiement les compliments. Tu arrive a tout si tu sais les brosser dans le sens du poil, tout en restant vrai et honnète.
Bon courage. Comme quelqu'un l'a dit, ca se travaille.
Neil Postman's Amusing Ourselves to Death (1985) followed by Tim Wu's The Attention Merchants (2016).
The former is a bit more abstract and makes the case that Orwell was wrong and Huxley was right. 1984 worried about a world controlled by Big Brother with government censorship while Brave New World showed a dystopia where censorship wasn't necessary -- just take some soma and be distracted.
The latter takes a hard look at our current attention ecosystem.
P.S. give me upvotes so my dopamine level spikes and my brain learns that posting on Reddit at 11 am on a Friday is fun!
How to talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships
I've only read the sample but even that has good tips.
> Facebook was doomed to get hijacked by marketers and propagandists.
I cannot recommend Tim Wu's book The Attention Merchants enough.
There are better ways to learn than from a book, but this one is good to get a sense of the fundamentals
- But to really learn well I would suggest you either try and implement what you read by promoting your own website/blog. Thats the best way to learn. You'll see traffic coming into the website, your rankings improving, you'll learn how to 'ask' people to promote you.
DO try this on your own blog/website.
Good luck!
I have a friend who had this problem - but I think she got a lot better over time. Her attachment habit was actually pushing people away, which fed into a vicious cycle of finding a new friend, clinging too much, and then losing the friend when they didn't want to hang out all the time, and she would respond to the rejection negatively.
I don't know how you can resolve your insecurities directly. But I highly recommend this book... Even if reading and applying the tips in the book can't remove your feelings of insecurity, they may help you to mask them - and over time, relational success might help you feel more confident. I believe "fake it until you make it" might apply.
Awesome, thanks for sharing.
I'd love to read it, but I can't seem to view this on my android phone from The Netherlands (tried your suggested link http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B00RW6WKAI?*Version*=1&*entries*=0).
I've installed the App and pressed 'Buy now with 1-Click', but nothing happens.
I don't usually buy ebooks from Amazon.
I've tried the uk link (have an account there), but it says "This title is not currently available for purchase".
Do you need to have a Kindle or something?
After reading How to Win Friends & Influence People, I read How to Talk to Anyone after seeing it recommended on a self-improvement blog. Even though it didn't have quite the same impact as the first book, it did introduce me to a few techniques like waiting a bit before smiling at someone you just met as a way of appearing more genuine.