True story, that's how it worked in the Robert Taylor homes. The gang leaders, building managers, and police had an uneasy truce.
If someone did some stupid shit that was out of line, the gang leaders would make sure to quietly rat out the perpetrator via the building crew.
I'm pretty sure that the recent rise in random street violence is directly related to the breakup/gentrification of the project homes. It's no different from the mafia or yakuza - once the central power is broken up, there are lots of low level thugs scrambling for money/power and nobody to keep them in line.
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, very interesting story about human cell research, the woman whose cells made it possible, and her daughter. It is a compelling true story and describing it makes me want to read it again! And I second (or third) the Mary Roach books; they are sometimes LOL funny.
>The Immortal Life of Hennrietta
Based on the book by the same name by Rebecca Skloot
What Taison says here is almost a pretty direct quote from the beginning of the latest book by Ibram Kendi. The book, called How to Be an Antiracist does a pretty nice job of clearly describing some of the issues with structural racism that we see today.
If you think Antiracism is a topic that is really interesting to you, I would recommend that book and also White Fragility by Robin Diangelo.
(Source: I work on a Structural Racism task force in my city in America and have done a lot of work in the field of Antiracism for the last 5 years or so.)
If you haven’t read the book, Medical Apartheid by Harriet Washington , please do! It’s an excellent and easy to follow chronological explanation of the medical experimentation on Black people ����
Currently reading this. Basically his mom ruined him for life starting at a young age, destroyed any semblance of a family to chase after dangerous dudes. Man grows up with deep hatred to punish women and manipulates them for his stable of hoes, furthering the cycle of ruined families.
Another rabbit hole I didn't know I hadn't been down...
I grew up in Provo and went to Timpanogos Elementary. Home of the Indians! (Not anymore - they're the Tigers now, and the Timpanogos Indians have gone down the memory hole). The school sits across the street from North Park, where they moved the actual Fort Utah (the structure). We used to have activities in that park all the time, including a huge "Mountain Man Rendezvous" every year). They built a water park there.
Reading the story of how the native people were treated when the Mormon settlers arrived was horrible, and sad, and completely unsurprising. And we damn sure weren't taught the actual history.
Side note: read Ibram X. Kendi's Stamped from the Beginning, the part that covers the genocide of native peoples as the U.S. swept westward. Lots of similar tactics were employed - "we promise we'll never ask you to leave your land!", "think of how much better your life will be if you give us your land, and let us trade with you!", etc.
White supremacy and white innocence run DEEP in TSCC...
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. A poor black tobacco farmer to whom we owe a debt of gratitude, because without her we wouldn't have half the cures to diseases we have today - including the polio vaccine.
>Anti-racism is a talking point invented by the right recently
That's not true. Ibram X Kendi released a book on anti racism in 2019, and who knows how long the concept had been making its academic rounds prior to that?
From now until April 2022, you are a black male. Don't even mention being white at all, T10's will be bowing down to you. You think I am joking, but this is truly for your own good.
Check out: Gang Leader for a Day: -- the dealers don't make much money at all. They are kickin' the money to people up the food chain.
Black people are less likely to be truscum because even if they jump through all the medical hoops, their doctors will often make up bullshit reasons to gate keep just because they hate black people. Black folks are often shy of medicine, psychiatry, and medical doctors due to medical racism. I am not black, but I've spent enough time around black folks to notice this.
That could be why you're not noticing a lot of black people in truscum spaces, as truscum tend to adhere to a strict medical standard unaware that medicine often discriminates against black people, forcing black people to purchase mediciations illegally or look for 'holistic' methods.
Again I am not black, I don't know that much about this, you might want to try reading Medical Apartheid by Harriet A. Washington. She is kind of homo/trans phobic due to her religion I think, and there is a lot of stuff about black trans people she specifically didn't mention because of this, but it will still give a general understanding of this topic.
There is a book called ‘Medical Apartheid’ that was published in 2008. I own it but tbh I only skimmed through it. This post makes me want to read it.
If he has enjoyed tales of the Count of Monte Cristo, he might love the true story of the real man who was biracial, born into slavery, freed and became the legend we're familiar with. It's a fascinating story and includes lots of resource material regarding the French courts, which were hearing cases from French slaves, granting them their freedom AND backpay for their years of labor. It gets into the French Revolution and Napoleon. It's a meaty book but fascinating, informative, and enlightening. It shines a very different light on American slavery just from the contrasts.
My wife's focus in her undergrad was pre-Civil War era, so I really should have been reading more of her books. I think she owns American Apartheid, I'll have to double check. She also got me <em>Stamped from the Beginning</em> by Ibram X. Kendi to read after I'm done with Foner.
Early American protestants had at least three ideas on how/why most Africans are so dark:
1]they were a separate creation [polygenetic]
2]They became that way from the curse after Noah/Adam
3]The hot environment changed their skin and if they stay in northern latitudes they will lighten up automatically [a non religious explanation for "scientific" racists].
All this is in the book Stamped From the Beginning. It is really emotionally hard reading.
Dumas' father was amazing. There's a fantastic book about him, The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo, He was a general and commanded armies for France, and then he pissed off Napoleon, which did not go well for him.
He should take a stab at the role, if only based on this more aristocratic look that he pulls off well:
Not only a good extension of the racial commentary that Gunn occasionally mused on, but a good opportunity for oft ignored historical narratives.
We have no way of knowing. OU athletics keeps a lot of things quiet.
Yes, white people don't get to abuse the n word for their own satisfaction. Black people get to make their own decisions about the use of the word that has a violent history for their ancestors. I would suggest you read some books on this to educate yourself, as it borders uncomfortably close to you making racist comments. Here is one that might help you. It opened my eyes a bit.
> I don't see black people talking about qualities that make a good white person. Or a gay person talking about qualities makes a good straight person.
You aren't paying a lot of attention then, I'm guessing. Obviously these things are difficult to bring into common parlance, but on an academic, social, and political level they are constant topics. Books like this for instance. Articles like this for instance.
If you want to read a book that makes perfect sense of this whole scene read Ice Berg Slim's Autobiography.
Dave Chapelle calls him the coldest mother fucker in history.
Some sociologists hate it, but I think Gang Leader for a Day is an entertaining read that gives a nice introduction to sociology and being a being a sociologist, especially the research and fieldwork aspects. And audiobook is available if that's your preference.
I really want this book, How to Be An Antiracist. I feel like it's important in this day and age.
Tagging u/The_bartenda89. Do you like to read?
Book Buddies!
You angry huh?. As I said, I'm sincere in all my comments, I don't need to have bad intent on the internet with strangers (that's too much energy).
For anyone reading this thread: I haven't read this book myself but it was recently recommended to me. Good insights on how to address long-lived systemic racism (spoiler: it's not as simple as claiming "equality now" and everything is solved).
>The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination.
How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
Dude's just an anti asian/white race hustler
there are books that explain it.
read this and then you wont be so judgmental to racists but can talk to them so they listen.
Don't confuse being against Anti-racism as it's been defined recently as being pro-racism. That's playing word games. This is what people are talking about when they say "anti-racist"
There are some awfully stupid, racist ideas in it
Count of Monte Cristo is so well done and so much fun! You will realize so many film and book tropes originated with this book. You may be interested in this non-fiction book when you finish it was fascinating:
Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America (National Book Award Winner)Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America (National Book Award Winner)
> by a few ignorant radical progressives
I don't disagree with what you've said here, though I'd add it's a few ignorant but best selling radical progressives, unfortunately.