Just buy him this: https://smile.amazon.com/Glass-screen-protector-for-your-co-workers-old-ass-phone/dp/B017XHGP4C
They'll usually stick even if the screen's busted. This will make it so it doesn't cut his fingers though.
Aluminum fasteners wouldn't have been a wise choice in that application, but it's odd that the manufacturer spec'd regular black oxide fasteners for a use case that involves exposure to the elements. Proper material choice would probably have been a 316-series stainless fastener.
Paint will not likely be your friend here. You aren't going to be able to effectively paint those fasteners and I doubt that there's much shy of powdercoating that will be really perfect there, and that will be impossible to do anyway without making the external threads useless.
Here's how I would approach it:
Option one, if it's an option at all, would be to remove all of the fasteners and replace them with set screws from 316 stainless.
Option two would be to get yourself $30 worth of supplies and a good podcast or two. Pick up some steel wool (I'm thinking #1 or #0) and a thin dowel rod (or a few of these). Wrap a bit of steel wool around the end of the dowel and chuck it into a cordless drill. Use the apparatus to clean the inside of each of the set screws. I wouldn't worry too much about the external threads, as you don't want to use the steel wool on the wheel finish itself, or if you do want to touch them up then use #00 or so gently by hand (and maybe even mask off the aluminum base if you're worried about scuffs).
When all of the pieces are clean take a can of LPS-3 and spray them down. The LPS series of products are corrosion-inhibiting spray lubricants; #3 is the most potent of the group. Once you have a good application of corrosion inhibitor, wipe off the excess and call it a day.
I pour from the bottle to one vial sample like this: https://photos.app.goo.gl/vkT7YPlXa2QIwfQ22
I bought these vials from Amazon. You can get 50 pieces for 8-10 bucks. See link below (not affiliated): BCP 50pcs Plastic Graduated Vial Tube with Screw Caps https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074QKMF2G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_LWfGAb8TSCRYD
This one. I just switched from a different style and I love it. Easier, quicker, and barely any clean up.
a tofu press the secret to cooking really good vegan/vegetarian tofu is squeezing all the moisture out. But it’s kinda tricky to do by hand, so these simple kitchen tools help with that. Vegans love em.
I have the Tofuture tofu press and it's been working really well. The built in reservoir is super nice especially if you want to press some tofu and throw it in the fridge for later. The $30 price tag kinda stung though...
As someone who bought a Wabi after recently getting into bikes for commuting, buy a torque wrench and some good hex keys. Those rear wheel bolts will often slip if not properly torqued and unless you have quality tools, you will round the bolts like my Craftsman's did trying to get to that torque. The torque wrench will be useful if you ever install or reinstall some parts. After doing so without a torque wrench to tell me when to stop on the stem a few times, the face-plate was near catastrophic failure because I over-tightened the bolts and cracked the aluminum in several places. Almost every problem I've had with the bike has had to do with not knowing how tight something should be, and buying a torque wrench sooner could have saved me hundreds of dollars and so many hassles.
Wera 5073661002 Kraftform Kompakt 27 RA Slotted Ratcheting Screwdriver, 1/4" Head, MULTI https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B004VMWYCU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_5AY5NMPNFDKJ8YYFPJF6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 I use this one on a daily basis. Contoured handle, but not soft touch. Excellent tool.
For those prices I would get this, but to each their own:
Been bothered by a loud-ish hum from my NAS sitting on top of my rack (could hear it at night thru the closet door). Bought some cheap ($6) anti-vibration pads and put them under each foot and they work like a charm! Can't hear a thing!
I get mine from Amazon, but I also use a lot of tubes. Instead of inking up my pens from bottles, I only use sample vials (or something like a TWSBi inkwell for my larger pens). It's a great way to avoid contamination of your ink. We live in a pretty moldy area, so I"m always concerned about fuzz on the pens syndrome.
Note: there are other types of tubes that are on eBay, but these cryotubes are by far the best. The other clear ones can't have 5ml unless you fill it to the brim, making a mess of things. These tubes are exactly like the ones sold on Goulet pens, only it has blue lids instead of clear.
If you'd like a rack for your sample vials, here's a link to the one that I purchased. It is identical to hte ones sold on Goulet.
Guess it’s not on sale up in Canada wera ratcheting screwdriver
Tofuture literally HALVES the size of my tofu block if I leave it in the press overnight. 1000% worth it if you want to get as much moisture out of your tofu as possible.
Let me introduce you to the best screwdriver ever.
Thanks, in for the chiseldriver. I just need one good size instead of hammering stuff that shouldn't be hammered.
Is this the Wera ratcheting one you're talking about?
I'm surprised the wera is listed as that expensive, it's 43 USD on Amazon currently (Wera Kraftform Kompakt Ratcheting Screwdriver) I guess it might be more in Canada?
Actually no, the first one was, I think.
Here's the first: Molex 11-03-0044 K Connector... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GOIY1NE
Here's the second: 11-03-0044 Connector Accessories,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LHDH9KN
Anyway, just happy to have it working.
Oops. The ratcheting ones start at $39. But if I were you I would spend a bit extra and get a set without internal bit storage that has long bits. Around $45 before shipping.
There aren't any vegan-friendly grocery stores near me, so I've gotten good at making the best of what's available. Get in the groove of cooking legumes, whole grains, and frozen dark greens and you'll have a very well rounded diet. Buy a tofu press of this style and store a block of tofu in it at all times, so you always have quick-to-cook protein on hand. Tofu scramble tacos (don't press tofu for scramble! Too dry) are super cheap fast and easy. Bulk cook black bean burgers and keep them in the freezer. Mash up chickpeas with a fork and add lemon juice, paprika, pepper, and veganaise for a quick cold-served tuna-salad-style meal that keeps for a few days in the fridge.
Tofu gets a bad rap, but that's because it's often not prepared in the best way. Trader Joe's sells extra-firm tofu that is full of protein, and if you get a tofu press you can make it extra chewy, restaurant-style. Marinate that in a sauce overnight and bake it! It should be amazing. I love this peanut sauce. Plus the peanut butter in it adds extra protein, too.
Freeze-dried edamame is also a really good source of plant-based protein as a snack. Same with peanut butter, dried/baked chickpeas (you can toss them in a spice blend for more flavor), and nuts. Also don't forget about Greek-style yogurt! Those little 6oz containers usually have at least 14g per serving. They have kid-friendly flavors, too.
This stuff on the critical areas. Reapply as necessary. Do not expect any paint to fix your rust issue.
your $100 example is a speciality screwdriver cause of the angled handle. Here is the same quality for less than half the price https://www.amazon.com/Wera-Kraftform-Kompakt-Ratcheting-Screwdriver/dp/B004VMWYCU
Don't get ripped off though. I paid under $6 for it.
Super easy compared to many different ones I've used. I extracted a 10 and 18 pin connector from a SF600 in under 8 minutes, might have been about 5 minutes and no blood was spilt.
I use one of two methods....
if I'm crumbling the tofu, I use my hands and squeeze the tofu out until it's dry and it crumbles in my hands.
if I'm cutting the tofu, I use this tofu press: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01698J0RU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I'm sure you can find a cheaper tofu press, just the Amazon link is easiest.
it basically has the tofu block siting on a drainage surface and puts pressure on it with silicone bands causing the top layer to press down. Put in tofo block, strap on top and put in fridge. Come back an hour later to cook dinner, and the bottom has captured all the water.
On the WAN show they compared the cost of the screw driver to Snap On's price. Snap On trucks are nicknamed 'rape vans' for a reason. Snap On hasn't had decent quality products for almost 20 years now. If you wan to compare high quality tool go to Wera. They have a similar ratcheting screwdriver for half the cost .
Why would I be interested in Linus's driver when I can get any of several German multi-bit ratcheting screwdrivers for 1/3 of the price. If I wanted to support LTT personally I would prefer to get things like shirts where I feel you get more value for your money.
It was this Tofuture's Tofu Press - the original and the best Tofu Press for transforming your tofu https://smile.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01698J0RU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_i_8Q3WT6BMCSJ88GR3QWQK?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
But I did not pay anything close to that amount lol, no idea why it's so expensive here. Before that I used a chopping board with something heavy on top and some paper towels/a thing to collect the water underneath.
The different color wire would be the earth wire. Did the count on sesame Street not mention this? It's not colored differently for a fashion statement jfc
https://www.zoro.com/jonard-tools-insertion-tool-size-16-5-14-in-blue-a-4599/i/G4799487/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping%20feed&utm_content=free%20google%20shopping%20clicks&gclid=Cj0KCQiA95aRBhCsARIsAC2... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GOIY1NE/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_3NSY368V9XRT7K1GY0B1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Thesebtools are not of specific sizing, but hold the pin as I mentioned. Just bc you've never heard of something, doesn't mean it's nonexistent
You need something to isolate vibrations. You can do it on the feet of the cabinet your turntable is sitting on. There are screw spikes for that kind of thing, but I’ve never used them. Perhaps others can give a recommendation on that.
You can also isolate the turntable from the cabinet. I used these guys. They are cheap because not labeled as an audiophile product, but worked well for me. Stopped all foot traffic vibrations causing my table to skip.
DiversiTech MP2-E E.V.A. Anti-Vibration Pad, 2" x 2" x 7/8" , Pack of 4 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KAFG8EG
I think the prices for the screwdriver is normal, for example the thisthis version of the Wera Kompakt