Preservatives called "itchy Ms" can be a culprit - they are typically Methychloroisothiazolinone & Methylisothiazolinone, long names starting with M. Some good products without them are Shea Moisture, Cantu, Yes to Carrots, Not Your Mothers Naturals.
If it's really serious you might want to see a dermatologist. I did and was diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis. I was given a medicated shampoo and it worked OK but through Amazon I found this dog shampoo and it is freaking amazing even if it smells like tar. Works better than everything I've ever tried.
I've switched over to the "curly girl" method so I use all sulfate/silicone free products, that dog shampoo works well with that routine but I don't have a lot of issues like I used to so I rarely need to use it.
Hi, I also have a 7 month old Shar Pei. When he was about 3 months old he also developed the same thing. I assumed it was the heat here in Florida but I also saw some red spots. I tried to take him to the vet as soon as I noticed but they could not squeeze me in that weekend. I decided to try something out in the meantime to make sure he feels better. I bought him this shampoo called veterinary formula clinical care. I got him the purple bottle and he is doing great now! It’s a very cheap shampoo but it saved me a visit to the vet. I bathe him every week since he suffers from dry skin and that worked out for me! I hope this helps you out. veterinary formula clinical care
I'm so sorry!
We've had luck with Apoquel for our pittie with skin issues, although it sounds like you might be past that point already...Have you tried antiseborrheic shampoo? That's been useful when we've had short-term issues with our TWC, but I think that was more about detergent irritation than allergies, so maybe not the same...
It's so tough, because the poor pups are always so stoic in their suffering, and remain so sweet and good-natured throughout it...Good luck, and regardless of any other medical treatments, make sure this dude gets his cuddles and scritches daily. :)
I have seen several people use this product to dechlorinate tap water
But also chlorine is a necessary micronutrient ur water might be fine once in awhile.
Try this!
My basset hound had a terrible skin infection like that he would scratch at until he bled. This worked wonders - just use it like a regular shampoo every few days and leave it on the coat to soak in for a few minutes, then wash off. It definitely works. Plus it's pretty cheap.
Yep, had exactly the same thing happen to me.
So I did 2 things:
(1) rather than buying an entire new kit, I just found the cheapest one available on Amazon (I think it was the pH one:
(2) designed and 3D Printed a test kit stand. More details on that at:
I’m using this shampoo for my little guy at the moment-
Along with a Highly moisturizing Eucerine lotion (found at drug stores or Walmart) with 5% urea in it.
This regiment has completely cleared up the skin issues that were starting to developed on my little guys skin - I also had it approved by the vet.
I would also caution against coconut oil - it may work for some dogs of course, but in humans it’s highly comedogenic (clogs pore) - I know some humans claim it works for them and I’m not disputing that just giving my two cents/some info. If the issues your pup is having are plugged follicles his skin may be too sensitive for the coconut oil. Good luck! hippo is too unfortunately. I use an anti-parasitic & anti-seborrheic medicated shampoo. You can buy it on Amazon. It’s a little pricey, but it works and is much better than pills. It completely cleared up after a few uses.
You need to find out what your pH is. It looks like 6.4 on the strip but I believe it could be 6.4 or anything below 6.4. Generally speaking fish need a water pH of 6.5-7.5. If you are 6.4 you're probably OK. If you are less than that it's a problem. The API kit tests water pH down to 6.0. if I were you I would buy this one and see what it says your pH is:
Hopefully it's in that aforementioned range. Again I stand by what I said earlier about just accepting your pH and hardness levels as what they are and not trying to adjust them. If your pH is below 6.5 I would consider sourcing aquarium water from somewhere else depending on aquarium size. It might be easier to adjust the pH of your easy to get water for water changes with liquid pH modifiers.
I would get a cheap API PO4 Test Kit to confirm that number. For levels supposedly that high, API is fine. Make sure you follow the instructions for both test kits to a tee too.
Yes. Is there a buckle right in the spot? Any other jingling things there? Velcro? Check the other side as well.
Why did you leave the harness on all day?
If it’s the harness, I’d monitor and use this. Vetericyn Plus All Animal Wound and Skin Care Spray. Cleans and Relieves Cuts, Abrasions, Irritations, and Sores. Non-Toxic, No Sting Formula. (16 oz)
If it’s not the harness, I’d go to a vet.
> mitigate the chlorine/chloramine
Reducing agents are cheap and easy. Some variant of "tap water conditioner" is sold everywhere that sells fish. They usually contain sodium bisulfite if you'd rather buy that directly. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) works pretty well too.
My dogs get hot spots and itches too. Add this to your list. It really helps.
Weight loss is another very common symptom of hyperthyroidism. It's diagnosed by a simple blood test, which is not that stressful for cats, besides the vet visit. My late kitty had ht and was diagnosed in her late teens. The medication comes in a very small pill, which is easily hidden in a small pill pocket or in food. They eat it right up.
Hyperthyroidism causes anxiety, makes your heart beat hard and fast, and makes your metabolism run high. That's why when cats have it they lose weight and they start crying at night, when anxiety peaks because there are no distractions. I know you are concerned about stressing your kitty out, but I encourage you to take her for testing because the temporary stress of a couple vet visits could easily take away the chronic stress of living her last days in an uncomfortable state. Good luck to you both <3
I do now, I read a lot and researched as much as I could in order to make sure I could make my betta as comfortable as possible, but I overlooked that I guess?? I did condition the water before getting it, using this product specifically: API STRESS COAT Aquarium Water Conditioner 16-Ounce Bottle
We do the cytopoint injection as well! Also, we wash any open wounds with this:
API makes a good one, I’ll put a link below. 10:1 is perfect so if you are running a 40 nitrate level you want 4 ppm of phosphate. I think you should dose your ferts to match that. I also can’t recommend nerite snails enough for algae on glass. Of all the algae eaters I’ve purchased so far these are the only ones that will actually take care of the glass.
API Phosphate Test Kit For Freshwater And Saltwater
Turtles are pretty hardy, but obviously it always helps to have better water quality! This is what I use. I’m not too versed on this part and I’m trying to get better as well but from what I’ve read this stuff is supposed to be pretty great:
API TAP Water Conditioner, Instantly neutralizes Chlorine, chloramines and Other Chemicals to Make tap Water Safe for Fish, Highly Concentrated, Use When Adding or Changing Water and When Adding Fish
We washed him in this shampoo and had him stand in the water for like 10 mins it is pretty effective.
I had a cat with hyperthyroidism - this is the first thing I thought. Op should check into this. It can be controlled with medication. We have had pretty good luck getting a cat to take pills with these:
This is the test kit.
Everything was at the highest so I did three water changes over the course of a week and now pH is back down to normal as well as nitrate and nitrite for most part. kh too. gH still a little high.
Just buy something like this:
2 drops per gallon (1 drop per 2 liters), mix it well, and put it into your spray bottle(s).
We have had good luck with this..
Also, chicken based food has been an issue, so we switched to salmon , and had some luck with this...
Got it. I initially used Tetra SafeStar Plus when I set up the aquarium - even using this, the tank would still need about a month to properly cycle?
Also, confirming I do have a heater that I believe is at the right temperature.
A little bit of Googling resulted in finding this:
My tap water has chlorine, so I can't vouch for the effectiveness of this product. You could check the reviews.
I asked someone in the professional growing industry here in Canada about this topic (water storage for de-chlorination purposes) and their opinion was don't do it. Just use some sort of de-chlorinator solution or tablet. You generally don't want water without chlorine in it just sitting around. You are inviting bacteria growth. My city still uses chlorine but many areas use chloramine which doesn't off gas easily. I walked into my local pet store and picked this up for 10 bucks:
However if you insist on having water storage they gave some general tips...
Make sure everything is clean. CLEAN clean. Whatever you use to deep clean your equipment between grows should be fine. But make sure it's sterile.
Don't just add more water when it's low. Empty the bin and sterilize everything and then refill.
As far as I know the air pumps don't do much to keep it clean. They accelerate the off gassing process and can keep the water oxygenated (if you're growing in a medium that needs the extra oxygen).
Make sure it's stored out of sunlight and with a lid (you can keep it cracked open for the first 12-24 hours to let gasses escape).
Did I mention making sure everything is clean? Including equipment used to remove water?
stick with the water changes!
i had the similar problem & i was recommended this. did a lot of research on it. it worked!
Tetra SafeStart Plus to Cycle New Aquariums
do a water change then add this (amt depending on size of your aquarium). may need to order a couple bottles & add the next few water changes. don’t give up on them. it will get better i promise. you can also order a test kit to see what is off in your aquarium.
Hii I used a mix of this API Stress Coat Aquarium Water Conditioner, 473 ml Bottle and this Interpet Anti Fungus and Finrot Aquarium Fish Treatment, 100 ml
For our animals and even myself I use a Hypochlorous solutions on open wounds to prevent infection and promote healing. Kills all the bad stuff plus leaves the good tissue alone.
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