“Jonas Nilsson is the author to Anarcho-Fascism Nature Reborn”
Looked the book up on Amazon. The official description is incredibly — purposely — vague, but the reviews make it clear: this dude’s racist as hell.
Not only that, but Jonas Nilsson, the narrator and producer of that "documentary" is a well-known alt-right lunatic and author of Anarcho-Fascism: Nature Reborn.
James S Scott speculates that this is actually very common. His main case study is Southeast Asia, where there is a lot of evidence of people fleeing heavily agricultural civilizations for a horticultural life in the highlands both as a result of conflict and simply because the life of the latter is freer and (at least in many ways) richer as compared to the heavily-taxed life of an agricultural serf in a stratified society. Of course, horticulture might not be rice paddy cultivation but it's still agriculture. Nonetheless, he finds signs that this is a worldwide dynamic that shows up where ever you have a geographic or temporal transition between densely settled agriculture and a lower-density space that makes "less civilized" lifeways possible. One space he keeps coming back to is the Eastern/Midwestern US of the 1500s and 1600s, when the post Columbian contact plagues and their associated population collapses gave the survivors plenty of elbow room to make this transition.
> I think Amazon has as much right not to distribute a book with 3-D printed gun schematics as it does to not distribute a book with instructions for how to make a bomb in your garage.
> I'm watching the events around the Alex Jones deplatforming with some concern for where it's going. I understand that people further to the right than me have every right to be more worried than I am.
Ok, thanks. That's really all I'd have the right to ask for.
I am against all bans on information. Yes, I am pro-free speech. And you can buy books on Amazon right now that have bomb making tutorials.
Anyone who has paid attention to reality and questioned things could see that this stuff has always been true. We may not have always had the data to prove it, but we knew what the system was doing and we knew it was by design. The whole idea of “Modern Society” is bull shit. Most of the things that people depend on everyday in the modern world aren’t necessary at all to live. It was just created to drive you further away from the natural world and into a system where a select few benefit off of your ignorance, dependency, and suffering. It’s never going to truly change before the whole thing collapses though because this system is all people know, so they believe it can be changed from the inside out, which is just simply not true. You can’t tweak a predatory and exploitative (by design) system to not be predatory or exploitative. You have to get uncomfortable and tear the whole mother fucker down. I’ve tried to study many systems and the only thing that truly makes sense to me at this point is anarchism (and no, not the capitalist propaganda version that we’re accustomed to). Michael Malice is great at articulating the ideas of a true anarchist society. He has a book he just released called The Anarchist Handbook along with countless YouTube videos and interviews explaining the reality of the concept and it’s really interesting stuff.
Anarcho-Fascism: Nature Reborn https://www.amazon.com/dp/9188667200/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_R-zxCbWTJB38B
And you thought i was joking
Yes, and indeed certain anthropologists theorize that real-world hill tribes do in fact deliberately live in terrain that is difficult or useless for lowland states to access in order to escape serfdom, slavery, military conscription, corvee labor, etc.
Well, I guess I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of the government then...
Amazon still sells the anarchist cookbook as well.
TIL that there is a tankie book dedicated to shitting on non-tankie socialist YouTubers: https://www.amazon.com/BreadTube-Serves-Imperialism-Examining-Psuedo-Socialism/dp/B09798771Q
It's an absolutely hilarious book full of adhoms, complete nonsense, and more.
> BreadTube is an entity that is being utilized by the more powerful liberal "globalist" wing of the western capital power structure
> One of Vaush's favorite talking points is to accuse all who question US media allegations against China, Iran, Russia, and other anti-imperialist states of being the equivalent of Nazi Holocaust deniers.
> According to YouTube Wiki fandom, Matt's mother is Colleen Esteves, a convicted white collar criminal.
You have it backwards. The 1st Amendment protects a fundamental human right of self-expression. If you wish to supress that fundamental human right, you much overcome a VERY large hurdle of extraordinary justification.
Libel is a narrow exception to free expression that, under the extraordinary circumstance that the information is false and is intentionally published with the intent to cause harm, only then can the speech be made unlawful.
So we have here a desire for prior restraint on the publication of true and accurate and already publicly available information on how to conduct perfectly legal activity. How can that possibly be justified?
Despite providing instructions for legal and illegal activity, you can right now go purchase a copy of The Anarchist's Cookbook on Amazon.
I don’t know if this what you’re looking for but The Art if Being Ungoverned by James C. Scott blew my mind when I read it in undergrad. https://www.amazon.com/Art-Not-Being-Governed-Anarchist/dp/0300169175
I’ll see if I can find a free copy somewhere, or if you have a university library access it’s probably online.
Absolutely not. Capitalism isn't trade, nor is it markets - that's just silly. Capitalism is the economic system in which private property exists (by private property, we mean property which is owned by somebody because the state says they own that property). This includes the means of production, but also housing.
If there is a propertied class and there is a working class, there is hierarchy. This hierarchy can only survive with the support of a state. Anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron - it's literally a nonsense term.
This isn't to say that markets or trade is antithetical to anarchism; left market-anarchists and mutualists do believe in markets. They don't, however, believe in private property, and are still socialists. I haven't read the book myself, but <em>Markets Not Capitalism</em> seems to be the go-to text for market anarchists. The work of Kevin Carson is also very influential in those circles.
This is a good broad introduction into anarchists from all schools of thought.
I particularly enjoyed, Mikhail Bakunin, Benjamin Tucker, and Proudhons essays and they are all considered left wing
Even if you only tacitly agree with this read The Problem of Political Authority: An Examination of the Right to Coerce and the Duty to Obey by Michael Huemer
Yes, more or less synonyms. Here's Chomsky's view, since he's the world's most cited living scholar, maybe liberals will give him a fairer listen than others:
I'm an economically agnostic anarchist.
I'm not gonna sit here and simp for landlords but i'm also pretty skeptical of the LTV.
I see the following as the biggest threats to the individual (respectively):
I dream of peaceful, voluntary communities. Individuals and collective groups min/max'ing the dials of coercion and cooperation to 1 and 10.
I'll welcome you, because about 5 years ago I was where you are now, and there's a rich history of commies & capitalists, Marxist and Austrian economists who all answer affirmatively the most important question of our movement: "Do you hate the state?"
Someone i'd recommend is Michael Malice. Dude was born in Soviet Ukrain, and is equal parts a fanboy of Ayn Rand and Emma Goldman. Is welcome on Glenn freaking Beck every Friday and every week tries to work into the conversation a dig the constitution as being illegitimate.
He's got a great compilation of anarchist writings called "The Anarchist Handbook" [1] that include everyone from the godless Stirner to the christian Tolstoy, from the American abolitionist Lysander Spooner to the Lithuanian communist Emma Goldman. He even threw in a bit of Rothbard for people like you.
I think Malice might be our best bet to steer people away from the Ancap-to-Fasch pipeline, and create an Ancap-to-Anarchist pipeline.
[1] https://www.amazon.com/Anarchist-Handbook-Michael-Malice/dp/B095DVF8FJ
> So the argument is that anarchist = grifter?
Not to beat a dead horse but anarchism also has a storied history of well reasoned thought (someone even put together this handy collection of such essays that explore the very thoughts you're saying are grifts ), it seems pretty extreme to call someone who advocates for anarchism a grifter, you could just say you disagree.
Honestly Would've picked Anarcho Fascism/ Nilssonian Fascism for Lib-right.
Polcompball page:
The actual book:
Historically, Marx's most formidable ideological rival was Mikhail Bakunin - and not someone on the right. His book God and the State is a scathing critique on Marx's ideology. In the past, many leftists argued whether or not Communism ought to be achieved through the State (Marx) or through Anarchy (Bakunin). A whole 50 YEARS before the Soviet Union was founded, Bakunin was able to fully predict the horrors or Communism in practice and warned people with his works.
It's a real shame that I don't see more people talking about him and it was only through listening to an audiobook on Anarchists that I was first exposed to him and many leftists who would come up with some of the most compelling arguments I've heard against Statism and Communism.
You were so determined to prove me wrong you didn't bother to look at all the options - although I admit they don't have a Kindle edition of Powell's <i>The Anarchist Cookbook</i>.
But try here instead, then.
Mike Malice is another good Anarchist who's written some books including this one:
You can't actually ban books in the US. School systems and the like can remove them from libraries, and people often refer to that as "banning" but the 1st Amendment prohibits the government from actually suppressing any work.
Anyway, if you want a copy...
We both wrote the same thing. “Anarchist Cookbook”.!?!
no not the cook, book, the hand book there 2 different books https://www.amazon.ca/Anarchist-Handbook-Michael-Malice/dp/B095DVF8FJ I'm criticizing they in stealth fashion whey where making all other views look bad. you need a church is since no one has been able to prove universally morality without God some have come close but it cant be done monarchy is just better in every why the average person is to stupid to vote eg if you don't have a job you shouldn't be able to vote everyone is allowed to vote these days
I still dont understand lib left.
Someone want to verify if this book is lib left or lib center?
"Markets, not capitalism " https://www.amazon.com/Markets-Not-Capitalism-Individualist-Inequality/dp/1570272425
"The Art Of Not Being Governed" might interest you:
I did distinguish chattel slavery.
Anyway, we don't need to get into it here but if you want a philosophical deep dive I highly recommend this book: https://smile.amazon.com/Problem-Political-Authority-Examination-Coerce/dp/1137281650/