Two things.
Ordering tons of stuff to keep yourself in the MLM is called being Garage Qualified.
There is a book called Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time, by Michael Shermer. He makes the point that people involved in conspiracies, cults, etc., aren't stupid. They aren't usually poorly educated. It is an interesting read, and your library probably has a copy.
I read it years ago, and it has kept me humble - none of us are above being sucked in by dangerous beliefs or people.
You cant but help to love Bill Cooper.... and how he destroyed Star Trek for me...
If you read the reviews on his book on amazon, people are woke
If you would like to know more about this, I would HIGHLY recommend this book:
Well worth it to know more about the background, lots of research and a convincing argument about what was here before native Americans.
They were the ones doing the investigation detailed in the original Hunt for The Skinwalker book. According to the book, they managed to capture some seriously unusual occurences with multiple witnesses and some photos and video. Orbs and UFO-type lights, the incredibly weird cattle incident where an adult Black Angus steer somehow ended up inside a closed and locked trailer, and most intriguingly what's come to be referred to as a "hole in the sky" (no relation to the Black Sabbath song). The latter was described as something like a portal, visible only with IRNV optics and at a specific angle, that appeared out of thin air at one point.
Why People Believe Weird Things by Michael Shermer, while not specifically about the coC or Christianity, is a great read on, well, exactly what it says.
Michael Shermer was also on an episode of Mr. Deity some years ago and made some interesting points on skepticism and faith. edit: And honestly, go look through the Mr. Deity Youtube channel. It's an interesting, often satirical look at organized religion and the dumb things people do in the name of religion, featuring: Mr Deity (god), Jesus, Lucy (satan), and Larry (god's PA).
This incident was (along with the orbs incinerating the ranch owner’s dogs) the most shocking account of the George Knapp’s Hunt for Skinwalker book.
Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah
I started a pregnancy journal with my first, but never finished it because I was just writing, “Ugh, I’m so sick today. Again. Just like yesterday,” over and over. The journal even has writing prompts, but it seemed like my answers were always something about feeling sick.
Now I just have an agenda book that I use as a daily journal because it has just enough room for 3-4 sentences about my day, which is about more than just pregnancy. And I keep my Dr appointments in my phone’s calendar app.
Once baby comes, I really liked having a baby memory journal to keep track of milestones (although it got depressing with Covid because all my answers about what we did for baby’s first holidays were the same: dressed up in a cute holiday outfit and sat at home).
Motivated reasoning plays a strong role in why people persist in believing in bad ideas, even well after they should've discarded them. And faith itself is a powerful amplifier of motivated reasoning. If you already believe in an idea; and the entire idea of faith is to get people to believe in certain ideas strongly; every thought you have about that idea is filtered through layers of motivation and complexes of belief about the world.
When inside a system of beliefs, you see the world very differently than when outside it. That's the entire purpose of systems of belief.
There's a decent book that covers this sort of topic in detail; from people believing in scams, cults, pseudo-science, to holocaust deniers. Why People Believe Weird Things, by Michael Shermer. One insight I pulled from the book is: smart people aren't necessarily less likely to believe in false ideas, or to divest themself of bad beliefs. Smart people are more capable, after all, of coming up with intelligent-sounding reasons to believe in bad ideas. So it's really important to learn skills to test your ideas, and to find trustworthy sources for your information.
The book Hunt For The Skinwalker by Colm Kelleher and George Knapp is the best place to start that particular rabbit hole. The documentary isn't bad too, but you have to put up with Jeremy Corbell interjecting himself into the story again.
Beyond a Pale Horse would be a great read right now. How do I convince you guys?
I read this in the 90s and found it to be very entertaining. It’s got plenty of pseudo science and even more conspiracy theories.
Behold a Pale Horse
In 2001, the author was killed in a shootout with deputies in Arizona …
😂😂😂😂 man read The Ancient Giants who Ruled America, such a good book. Only focused on America but such good info. Smithsonian been covering this shit up since the beginning, might have even been founded to hide all this shit.
Beyond a Pale Horse would be a great read right now. How do I convince you guys?
Good article. I suggest everyone read Michael Shermer's book Why People Believe Weird Things. Shermer is a well-respected skeptic author, and he's very easy to read. He does a monthly column in Scientific American as well.
Avon Books. This is the Amazon page. The Necronomicon
I actually secretly bought mine when I was a teen (so help me if my mother saw it xD) from the book store Borders back when it was still open
you won't find it with the protocols of the elders of zion in it. I recommend buying the light publishing version and then reading the missing chapter on bill coopers website: or just read it in full at that link
edit: the amazon link I sent you is the book I own, its missing the chapter
If all it says is get a necronomicon, then get a necronomicon.
I did. Full of juicy horrors and gruesome details on how to summon them.
Best of luck
Will do, and thanks for the recommendation. One in return, just because I think you may find it interesting (And also because I don;t like to leave recommendations unreciprocated), "The Holographic Universe", by Michael Talbot. :)
I'd also recommend Why people Believe Weird Things. Really fascinating stuff.
The most intelligent of us are more capable of justifying their ‘mistakes’ and fortifying their positions, regardless of rational.
That's not it. That's a book about the book and it's impact on society, oddly. This is it:
Read these two books (pdf available online) and turn on your tv to see what is happening in current news events then go to the wef website and see if you can draw any connections there, I think you'll be shocked. I cannot retain information on your behalf.
there are other books. Joseph P Farrell and Peter Levenda are the two authors that most come to mind when talking about this topic.
there is also the youtube channel "Forgotten Battlefields" by Tino Struckmann where he goes and searches for some of these research facilities. It goes in to a lot of detail, and it does seem like something was covered up by the US and the Soviets after the war. it's one hell of a rabbithole: The Last Nazi Secret
My husband got me a gift card to a spa that offers prenatal massage and it was the best! Very nice to relax and take care of myself, especially when I was feeling so exhausted at the beginning of pregnancy.
A pregnancy/baby book if she doesn’t already have one. I got this one and LOVE it. It has room for updates until baby is 5.
I will also second the other suggestion about taking lots of pictures!
didnt know about the movie but i will watch it later today..
are you aware of ?
who built the moon.. a book by christopher knight. speculative of course but a fun read
I thought so too, for further reading I highly recommend this book:
The most detailed source for the Sherman's experiences is the book "Hunt for the Skinwalker" by Colm Keller and George Knapp. Here's it on Amazon:
The Shermans originally went public with some interviews for Utah newspapers, then with George Knapp. Almost all of their experiences are in the book, including the one you're looking for.
BTW, those dark entities are still haunting people on and off the ranch to this day. Not in detail, but some have mentioned it during interviews.
Trying to understand things beyond human consciousness with human consciousness is a bit difficult, but not impossible.
Have you ever read The Necronomicon? It's a pretty stimulating read.
You know, I’ve thought something similar for a while…
It’s really amazing to hear others think it too. Something I’m reading right now that really supports the idea is the book: