Just throwing it out in case anyone is interested.
Here is the amazon link. And, if you don't feel like waiting until January, you can get it from Amazon UK since it's being released in 3 days.
I know the full story just have gotten a chance to write it all down just yea ... so far I can tell you about Atlantis, the start of life, and the arrival of water on Earth ... free for kindle user creation and the universe
Umm OP posted a link this this book on Amazon, as “proof”
Creation and the Universe books available on Amazon for free for kindle check it out
Thank this well with the overall book series creation and the universe book series
It is my pleasure... I'm even looking to some sort of prototypes... unfortunately I'm still just wondering in the dark just trying to get people to understand or even accept the ideas...
I hate to see this area being left stagnant... so what ever I can do to push it along ... I will put in the work ... thank you for your time as well ... please check out Amazon book series their might be a topic that interest you ... all book are under free promotion for the next few days and free for kindle users Amazon book series creation and the universe
It is my pleasure... I hate to see this area being left stagnant... so what ever I can do to push it along ... I will put in the work ... thank you for your time as well ... please check out Amazon book series their might be a topic that interest you ... all book are under free promotion for the next few days and free for kindle users Amazon book series creation and the universe
It is my pleasure... I hate to see this area being left stagnant... so what ever I can do to push it along ... I will put in the work ... thank you for your time as well ... please check out Amazon book series their might be a topic that interest you ... all book are under free promotion for the next few days and free for kindle users Amazon book series creation and the universe
Checkout and share the creation and the universe book series on Amazon
> I am saying the "book of coming forth by day" and the journey of Osiris were an initiation for the pharaoh who entered as man and left as god.
It isn't, but even if it was, there are other funerary inscriptions in pyramids dealing with the journey into the afterlife.
This goes into great detail about how we know what particular parts say, with cultural context.
Bro not only were there typos, it's like half ART.
I mean, only scribes, only a very small demographic could write and read these things. (One scribe wrote a little ode to how awesome it was being a scribe. You get to work inside all day, sitting down, no one above you telling you what to do.) They were artists, their job wasn't just to write shit down, but also make it pretty.
Normally hieroglyphs are read right to left (i.e. the opposite of how we do it). But not always! Sometimes it's left to right! Why? NO REASON, just looked better that way.
Usually you can tell if you should read left to right, or right to left, based on the direction the figures IN the hieroglyphs are facing. Like, the hawk-figure. If it's facing right, you should read it from left to right. If it's facing left, read from right to left.
But! Not always! Scribes would mix it up purely based on how shit looked. Sometimes entire sentences (which had no punctuation, but that's ok, the words had no vowels!) would be rearranged just to make the presentation look good.
And people could still read it! Because they were raised in this tradition and it had always been like that so they didn't even think it was wierd. It was normal to them.
But damn it SUCKED for the folks trying to decipher this writing thousands of years later. Every time they thought they found a "rule" about how hieroglyphs were written, they'd find an exception a minute later. So they threw the rule out. Didn't occur to them (for a long time) that there were rules, just the rules weren't SUPER important to the scribes.
The story of how the modern world figured out how to read hieroglyphics is AMAZING. Tons of books on this subject, but this is a pretty good one: The Writing of the Gods: The Race to Decode the Rosetta Stone
> The burden of proof is on you.
Nope you started the discussion so the burden of proof is on you.
Rule 1 in Debate a Christian: Posts must contain (i) a clear thesis or claim to be proven and (ii) some effort at demonstrating the truth of said thesis via a provision of evidence, argument, consideration, etc.
It's intellectually dishonest to make a claim and then try to wiggle out of your responsibility for making that claim.
>The burden of proof must first be met by the person who originally made the claim.
That's you.
>Sure. Go ahead and dismiss my evidence.
You presented no evidence in the OP - you actually admitted that it was a logical fallacy, an Argument from Silence.
>Do you still beleive the Exodus happened?
This is irrelevant since I'm examining your claim about there is no evidence for the Exodus.
But this is easily refuted:
Israel in Egypt: The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Exodus Tradition
Five Views on the Exodus: Historicity, Chronology, and Theological Implications
Now you, the OP, or anyone else may disagree with the conclusions in the above but that is a far cry from proving that there is no evidence for the Exodus.
provide an actual link to a source that says common ancestor is 1000CE. not true at all (humans did not almost go extinct 1000 years ago so your panda example is not relevant)
the amazon page for the source you just posted
lol read the description
Scholars of the Hebrew Bible have in the last decade begun to question the historical accuracy of the Israelite sojourn in Egypt, as described in the book of Exodus. The reason for the rejection of the exodus tradition is said to be the lack of historical and archaeological evidence in Egypt.
provide an actual link to a source that says common ancestor is 1000CE. not true at all (humans did not almost go extinct 1000 years ago so your panda example is not relevant)
the amazon page for the source you just posted
lol read the description:
"Scholars of the Hebrew Bible have in the last decade begun to question the historical accuracy of the Israelite sojourn in Egypt, as described in the book of Exodus. The reason for the rejection of the exodus tradition is said to be the lack of historical and archaeological evidence in Egypt."
try reading some of the sources I posted in the original post and youll see the clear academic conensus that the Exodus is not real. the Jews did were not enslaved in and did not live in Egypt
Matt Clayton and Captivating History have a bunch on Amazon that are often given for free. Here's the url to one. Sorry, but I'm traveling and can't remember how to create a hyperlink from my phone:
Mythology: Captivating Greek, Egyptian, Norse, Celtic and Roman Myths of Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, and Monsters https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GTQLZP8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_NMxjCb6VH8KF6
Currently Free in Canada
Best historical fiction I've found was I, the Sun by Janet Morris. Incredible amount of research and very well written.