I genuinely don’t know what plant it is since i grew them from seeds I got off of Amazon. I used the big leaf seeds in Jim’s tank
Theyre so easy to grow! and you get that beautiful carpet in less than 2 weeks.
I use this backlight.
It has a lot of fun settings. I didn’t like the adhesive it came with (too many bubbles when applied) and ended up using tape on the corners of this adhesive to stick it to the back. Way better for avoiding bubbles!
Glad to help! Lychee is about 3 years old, maybe around 40" long. She was also previously in a 50 gal, so this is a huge improvement :)
The background was really pricey, but I loved how it looked too and thought it'd add much-needed enrichment because she is certainly a climber. It's from Universal Rocks, you can get it from Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005GZ1XLE/). I trimmed the sides a wee bit and siliconed it to the back, covering the top and leaving around 4" on the bottom to be covered in substrate. The ledge on the bottom creates a big gap though, it's a challenge to fill.
It’s this one: CURRENT USA Serene Background Light Kit | Includes Background Film, Wireless Remote & LED Light Shades for Color Therapy https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PN5FQKD/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_M9KeFbDWZ7PZT
I picked up one of the Current Serene kits for my tank and love it. Comes with an opaque screen that you cut to size and tape to the back of your tank and you mount the light bar below it casting color upwards on the tank. Works great with a smart-plug to control lighting windows.
Hmmm, you could do a Java moss carpet? It might be unruly but it’s something I’m considering myself because my tank is also low tech and I’m sort of a beginner.
This screen kit looks cool and simple enough. You just sandwich the moss between the screens and lay it down where you want. I’ve read that if you chop up the Java moss a bit it will grow faster and fuller as well. Although this won’t be the fast way. I’ve heard some people say their Java moss grows like crazy and other people say it’s somewhat stagnant. The moss in my tank is slow growing but it does grow.
During maintenance days, I remove the filter media basket and look to see if any shrimp have found their way into the filter. Usually, it's just the baby shrimp and I am able to net them out with a small shrimp net.
The plastic screen mesh is something I found at work. Something like this could work
Basically, cut that to fit and cover the intake "slits" on the spec. I keep the mesh in place with a filter sponge. The sponge is cut to be flush to the walls of the filter media so that it pushes the screen in place. I can take photos for you tomorrow at work to show you.
First of all, thank you so much!!! I really appreciate it :)
I used new zealand tree fern tropical background for the background. Its a is soft, porous and spongy, long lasting, and has fantastic moisture holding abilities. These natural products – tree fern panels and fibre, have a much larger surface area than many other substrates, which means its capacity to retain moisture is much greater.
I bought in amazon, here is the link
Fernwood Vivarium and Terrarium... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Y14GV8S?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Thank you so much!!! :)
I attached it with this
Fernwood Vivarium and Terrarium... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Y14GV8S?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Just ask me anything if you want to know how and what did i use :)
Dang I accidentally a word. I was referring to the gravel. I'm actually planning to use a 3d background I'm getting ready for a complete overhaul of my 55gal. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005GZ1XH8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_XH01MEHWQCNSJ246803S?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is the dream backdrop for me, I've seen snakes climb all over it.
That's a pretty penny though, I was thinking about taking some simple 2x4s and making a ramp or a ledge. Anyone have experience trying that out?
Huh, I hadn't thought about this either. I bought a similar background LED set up on Amazon...I don't see any reviews mentioning increased algae or disruption of day/night cycles. My tank isn't stocked yet so I can't speak firsthand. Fingers crossed the backlight doesn't throw anything off...
My opinion is that the tall plants in the back left need to move or go away because they distract the eye. They kinda look like lilies to me, so you probably don't want to move them to the back right and block the light for the other plants. If they are something else like Val then they could look really good in the back right corner.
I think if you just did that you'd achieve that golden ratio look. I think everything else about your tank looks amazing.
Also look into one of these for a background option. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PN5FQKD/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_aN8rFbS49TA2V
Agree with many of the other comments, and have a few additional suggestions.
Real plants are hands down better than anything else. I have an almost excessive amount of Java Fern and anubias in my tank, and my Betta loves hanging out in them.
I would also avoid hideaways/decor purchased online. Always buy in store so you can feel the material. If you do get one online, check it thoroughly and sand down sharp edges if necessary. You can use something like this: Luffy Decorative Aquatic Moss Wall/Floor Mesh Kit - Create a Lush Living Plant Moss Wall or Moss Carpet for Your Fish Tank (Plant Not Included): Includes 2 Mesh Pieces, 10 Cable Ties & 5 Suction Cups https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PLNDGMU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_seEFCbC6NXGHH to diy your own Betta hideaways with moss growing between. I used it to create a ring that acts as a makeshift Betta hammock, my dude loves it.
As for a lid, I used this as a light/lid combo. It fits a standard rectangle 10 gallon tank. MarineLand LED Light Hood for... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00474BN1K?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share There’s no risk of the light falling into the aquarium this way, although I recommend you tape the light in if you use it as it sometimes falls out when opening the hood all the way.
Also, I use a sponge filter in my tank in addition to a HOB filter, it helps with beneficial bacteria.
Northfin Betta Bits are my dude’s favorite food. Stability and Dr Tim’s ammonium chloride are great for cycling your tank, and make sure you have a water test kit, and a thermometer. I don’t remember seeing one on your list.
I used the big leaf seeds for Jim’s tank
I was the same too! But these seeds are super easy to grow and low maintenance. Just read the instructions carefully before putting the seeds in and if you need any help just shoot me a pm!
Get a 50-lb bag of multipurpose sand at Home Depot for $3. If you want, you can get a 3D background made by Universal Rocks on Amazon for pretty cheap.
I would stock it with a lot of peacocks and haps. I find cichlids to be more hardy than the smaller 1" fish like danios, barbs, tetras, and etc. Not to mention it's cheaper to decorate for African cichlids than to run a fully planted tank (lighting, fertilization, etc).
Also, I use Prime and Stability to cycle with fish in. Takes 2 weeks no deaths.
sorry i wasn't clear, i meant one of these
my bettas really like this thing. as long as you don't leave it in too long, they love kicking that other fish out of their tank. i friend of mine feeds her guppy fry to her bettas since they are constantly having fry. they like chasing things down but it's not necessary to feed live food. it's so funny to see the difference in interaction you get with a betta you've had a while and one that's totally new. my new betta goes into hiding the minute he sees me, all my others do the exact opposite and come out from wherever they were to say hello just like yours :)
I like this stuff. It's vinyl, I think. You just spray a bit of water on it, slap it on the back of the tank and smooth out the bubbles. Looks like paint/plasidip; but easier and without the permanence.