hello, thank you for the advice and i have researched better options for Charlie and i think https://www.amazon.com/Koller-Products-Panaview-5-Gallon-Aquarium/dp/B00KIRR8BY/ref=nav_ya_signin?keywords=5+gallon+fish+tank&qid=1566959690&s=gateway&sr=8-3& this might work, please let me know if this is ok
Honestly, that tank you're looking at is still super small, and I really wouldn't recommend it for a betta (or any fish) long-term. Minimum tank size is 5 gallons, with larger always being preferable when possible. It's really dumb and unfortunate that they even sell "fish tanks" as small as the one you linked, because they're really not appropriate for fish at all. But the market is pretty much completely unregulated, so here we are.
I'd recommend buying a tank in-store or used, that'll be normally cheaper than the ones available online. If you're in the US, then Pet Co, Pet Smart, and Pet Supplies Plus all sell plain 10 gallon tanks for like $13-14 (5 gallon tanks are around the same price). Or at low at $10 during the dollar-per-gallon sales. 5 gallon tanks are usually around the same $13-14 price range, but don't apply to the sale.
Walmart also sells a 10 gallon aquarium kit for $30, including light and filter. You'll need to baffle the filter though with a sponge or something, the intakes on internal filters can be too strong for bettas sometimes.
If you're set on ordering off Amazon, this 5 gallon is only $30
i recommended him a 5g tank this one specofically https://www.amazon.com/Tetra-Crescent-Aquarium-Efficient-5-Gallon/dp/B00324X5L2/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=5+gallon+betta+fish+tank&qid=1619140084&sr=8-3 i hope it's sufficient
It is a very popular selling tank you can also get it on Amazon.
Marineland Portrait Glass LED aquarium Kit, 5 Gallons, Hidden Filtration https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00O8SZTKQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_KT6bGbBAXS6TN
Fluval Spec V.
It was what was most recommended here when I asked about 5 gallons. It seems to go on sale fairly often depending where you look, but I got it from Amazon a little cheaper than what it's listed at now about 2 weeks ago.
Hi there! So here's the thing: betta can be pretty f-ing hardy fish even in the worst of conditions. They should be in a 5 gal or more with a low flow filter and heater and lots of plants and hiding spots. Do that, they will be so happy and pretty and healthy.
But i grew up watching my mother care of our family betta fish. We had 3 over the years and each lived for 3 ish years all dying because my mother would drop something on them, drop them, or poison them on accident. And she kept these boys in a 1 gallon tank with 1 hide or plant. Plastic plants of course (when they had them). She would use tap water for their weekly water change. No filter. No heater. Water anywhere from 60-67°. Those betta were not very active or happy, but they lived (somehow) for 3 years.
To anyone thinking I'm justifying that type of care: I am not! They are so much more enjoyable when they are happy and healthy in a 5 gal with a filter and heater. That being said, OP I believe your boy will be ok, just keep an eye on him.
As for good tanks I highly recommend the 5 gal portrait tank. Its $70 on Amazon but comes with a filter and light. Marineland ML90609 Portrait Aquarium Kit, 5-Gallon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00O8SZTKQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apap_9Mi8tkRNTC8Fv
As for a heater I recommend one that has a temperature control so you can set it between 78-82°.
You're welcome. This is the exact one, but I think I grabbed it on sale for about $50 from Amazon a little over a year ago.
Marineland ML90609 Portrait Aquarium Kit, 5-Gallon w/ Hidden Filter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00O8SZTKQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_.4TbBb4BS0E30
Our son was gifted a Betta in a small plastic 0.5 gallon tank, and he was looking pretty bad. I got thid for him, got some black sand for the substrate which I LOVE, but it is a little bit of a pain when cleaning the tank, it can get everywhere. I pour new water with a large drink cup from a movie theater into the back filter chamber to prevent sand clouds. This is my favorite tank of the 3 we have, because it just looks really elegant and sleek. The LED has also kept Java Moss and an marimo moss ball alive for just about a year. I tried duckweed but it didn't live. I am goi g to try moving a small cutting of an Anubias to this tank too, we will see how it does.
I’ve had horrible luck with a 2g and a 3.5g, so just beware. You’ll still be doing those frequent water changes even with a filter. And as a college student, I can attest to not always having the time/energy to keep up. I got a tall 5g off Amazon so it takes up less space than a long would. Of course it’s more pricey, but I’m spending more to upgrade my failed 3.5g than if I’d just bought a bigger tank to begin with (sigh).
Either way, lovely lil fish you got there!
I set up a 3 gallon for my daughter. It’s and all in one kit around 70$ pump light beautiful little tank to start and won’t break the bank. Filled it with moss,crypts anubias, and Java fern and it’s doing great.
MarineLand Contour Glass Aquarium Kit with Rail Light https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GOFSB6U/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_MzMyFb8X0603V
This is the aquarium I have. I added the heater and removed the disposable filter - using bio-rings instead. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00O8SZTKQ/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
They sell similar ensembles in most pet shops and some larger super markets here. Also, online might be a good place to check.
This one doesn’t have a heater but would still be a good start V https://www.amazon.com/Tetra-Crescent-Aquarium-Efficient-5-Gallon/dp/B00324X5L2?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
You’re doing good! Don’t beat yourself up over it, I’m not sure what your budget is but maybe check Facebook marketplace for a tank. They’re usually a lot cheaper there, I found a few on Amazon though!
I googled "5 gallon tall" and got this.
It looks like it would work well, it just needs some hardscape so shrimp can use the vertical space, and it might need a mesh or sponge over the inlet so shrimp don't end up in the filter.
• Tank size: Not sure of the inches but a gallon
Marineland Portrait Glass LED Aquarium Kit, 5 Gallons, Hidden Filtration https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00O8SZTKQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_8933N6SZ7HJKV0HBZ7G4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
• Heater and filter? (yes/no): Yes to both
• Tank temperature: 80’
• Parameters in numbers and how you got them: Petco
• How long have you had the tank? How long have you had your fish?: 2 year for the tank (Previous one passed because of a bad winter storm a couple years back) and fish for a year
• How often are water changes? How much do you take out per change? What is your process?: Probably every two weeks, I don’t really have anything to clean the gravel so I usually just clean the entire tank including changing the filter pad
• Any tankmates? If so, please list with how many of each: No
• What do you feed and how much: Usually betta min
• Decorations and plants in the tank: Fake decorations because algae kept exploding in the tank when I tried to use life plants, a little tiki hut and some long grass that I’m replacing for a softer choice
Fluval spec V is perfect for a betta in my opinion. A bit expensive. If the current is too strong you can put a pre filter sponge over the outflow. Heater fits right in the same spot as the pump so you dont even see it. And I just stuff most of the filter area with filter fiber.
Sure! This is the tank.
I bought different lights though and also baffled the filter with a sponge through the intake.
Thanks. I am aware and this aquarium is a 3 gallons, Frida is well taken care of. I also have a 55gal with African Cichlids.
Honestly, that is a good idea to consider.
This is the tank, it has filtration built into the back. It's 3 gallons, perfect for my one betta.
Sorry, one more question - do you know the filter quality on a tank like this fluval one? I'm trying to decide if it's worth the splurge. Whatever the betta would be happiest with.
Thanks again!
I have been pondering that exact issue, looking at some small USB fans, trying to figure out what would be best. I do like the low air circulation plant alternative.
I recently received a Marineland 10 gallon portrait tank. It has all the mechanicals built in, but I'd want to augment its lighting. My other issue with it is that the water intake that fills the pump reservoir is half way up the tank, so I'm pondering making a half aquarium/half terrarium with it. Stacking some rocks and driftwood inside for a waterfall. Maybe having aquatic plants in the bottom under the water, and two or three orchids, if I can find some small species that would thrive in that type of environment.
Anyway, that's just one of the projects that I have in mind. I also have my eye on a cloche that I've seen some have created gorgeous little terrariums in. Another project where low air flow would have to be considered.
Tetra Aquarium Kit, Fish Tank with Filter & Lights https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00324X5L2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_BY6W5C8653BAZJETXTB2
This is the cheapest 5 gallon I see on Amazon. I got my 5g at Petsmart for $45 lid and filter included. Don't forget a heater! Also maybe a small home decoration. They do like to hide away occasionally. Warning though. Set the tank up and let it run for one week. It needs to cycle properly or it can hurt the betta. Also you will need to add stress coat (water conditioner) to the new tank to help the water cycle. Thank you for helping this betta! You are saving it!
If you are in the USA, you can buy it on Amazon with Prime:
Marineland Portrait Glass LED Aquarium Kit, 5 Gallons, Hidden Filtration https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00O8SZTKQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_HFSGTESHD3FH4DZNRCEP
Tetra Curved-Front Tank with LEDs Crescent Aquarium Kit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00324X5L2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_J5VGW1AQ0MH8ZHZ19FPZ
PULACO 25W Small Aquarium Betta Heater with Free Thermometer Strip, Under 6 Gallon Fish Tanks https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081VN41FQ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_63ZY6K61CJTA2DHX2NF1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
If you buy 3 of each your total would be 186.57
Yea I cleaned out the entire gravel today and did a 50% water change. I also put in a second cycled filter system to clean up the tank, I feel the one that came with is not really cutting it.. Fluval SPEC Freshwater Aquarium Kit, Aquarium with LED Lighting and 3-Stage Filtration https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009S8NO26/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_3M43YQVW6KXPPFBZ8XNX?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I like this one: link
Can you see it? It’s a Canadian link lol
It’s only 5 gallons, but I’m a fan of this tank. The filter compartment can house the heater and you’re able to put the lights on a timer
I just recently purchased and set up This Kit.
I used the included Nutrafin Cycle Biological Aquarium Supplement at the recommended dosage for the last 3 days, as per my LFS instructions. Upon researching this product I've discovered that it can be a quite poor choice to begin a cycle. Supposedly it can contain none of the required bacteria (as it may be dead), and it must be continually used to maintain your cycle.
My tank is filled with only substrate and water at the moment, with the filter running.
My water sits at about 7.0 PH, and is somewhat cloudy at the moment.
The plan is to have a Betta with live plants, and maybe some bottom dwellers.
My questions are this:
How can I know that my tank is ready for fish, is the bacteria even present? Can I take the current tank into a more natural cycle as is. Should I just start over and begin a natural cycle.
I'd hate to go buy a fish now only to find out the tank isn't ready, or have it crash as I would rather have a natural cycle and don't want to have to rely on this product.
Thank you for your help.
As others have said, a bowl is too small for any betta, let alone any fish. Have her look into 5 gallon tank kits like this one. It'd me cheaper than buying everything separate. She'll also need to get a heater and thermometer. He's gorgeous and deserves to thrive, not just survive.