The tank is fine, it jus needs more branches and greenery. Fake plants work fine and these are the vines I use bc you can bend them to whatever shape:
I'm in Canada and I was able to get a two pack off amazon, it looked different in the Amazon picture but was still black and yellow when I got it. I wish it looked like the amazon picture cause it's nicer but oh well my gecko loves them.
I got them myself from amazon in Canada, but I found a link to US amazon for you. If you're elsewhere try searching flukers bamboo bars. the picture looks nicer on amazon but they were still black and yellow when they arrived.
it provides some climbing, but if those are taped together than you don’t want them in their. tape can seriously harm reptiles. these are an inexpensive climbing option that may work for your enclosure! a couple more plants would be great too for some more cover.
i also don’t see a digital thermometer + hygrometer or a feeding dish/ledge.
I got 50 leaves for $15 on Amazon. The leaves breaking down is what releases the beneficial tannins, but you may want to remove them once they are just stalks. Rachel O'Leary talks about them here.
I absolutely love the Fluker's bendable vines. They're relatively inexpensive and you can do so much with them. I like to use cork bark too if you can find it for cheap somewhere in your area. I would love to tell you I'm some master at creating beautiful vivs but I really just kinda throw some stuff together and my crestie seems to like it lol.
I'd get these instead. Dirt cheap and good quality. I like them a lot, they look great in my tank and my gecko loves them
I got it at a local pet shop in my town! My betta fish loves it so much and it's bigger than a standard betta log. I think this is the link to it on Amazon here.
Maybe a log in the front. And if you don’t have one already then a food bowl.
Fluker’s bamboo bars! I love them and he loves to perch at the highest point and look at his home.
I got them on Amazon for cheap but you can also get them at Petco.
Koyal Wholesale Cholla Wood...
edit: hmm looks like they changed things, the pictures at least look different but no piece of wood comes the same, I ordered the biggest one they had at the time for a hermit crab tank and its like two big prongs sorta
In finality here, I say get rid of those vines, get ones like this.
Here's where I got mine. It's 3 pieces, 2 from the link below and one (the long piece) is broken off a piece I've had forever
Zilla 09669 Malaysian Driftwood, size varies from 10 inches - 12 inches
ZooMed's Mopani is one of my favorites. They make a few different sizes and it is sold on Amazon, LiveAquaria, and lots of other sites.
The only problem with buying driftwood online is that you're usually just buying a piece with some rough set of dimensions, not the one pictured. By actually going to a store, you can pick out a particular piece that you like or that will fit well in your set-up. Petco sells ZooMed Mopani and I often go there just to pick out driftwood pieces.