When I was a kid I had one of these with little shrimps... until I brought it to school for show and tell and an adult mistook it for a snow globe.
Its acrylic but i got it for a great price around black friday on Amazon
Tetra LED Cube Shaped 3 Gallon Aquarium with Pedestal Base https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008CA7W7E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_Eu-MAb7SYPXMB
Tetra 29095 Cube Aquarium Kit, 3-Gallon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008CA7W7E/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_.mt1vbJE93FST
I love this cube aquarium ($35-40), I currently have 2! It comes with a light, filter and air pump. I replaced the filter with a sponge filter ($5). The air pump it comes with will work for awhile, but I eventually replaced it with a milion brand one (~$10) it's a very quiet pump- important because the tanks are in my bedroom. I use an aqueon 10w mini heater (~$10). You should also get a thermometer to make sure your temperature is stable in the tank as a safety measure. I bought all of these supplies on Amazon because prime is amazing. Good luck!
"buy it at indigogo for $300!"
amazon already has this in stock.
The general recommended tank size is 20 gallons long. But a few sites I've seen said that the absolute minimum is 10 gallons (or 37 liters).
Here's a link to an amazon page for a 20 gal long. https://www.amazon.com/Aqueon-Tank-Black-30X12X12-20L/dp/B0002AS21W/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1542777437&sr=8-4&keywords=20+gallon+long+aquarium. Generally I'd suggest looking around at major pet stores. They can often get equipment in cheap.
Have a look at a kit like this. It fits a standard 10 gallon aquarium which you can get for an additional $20. https://www.amazon.com/AquaSprouts-Garden/dp/B01B4ZRVR4/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=M063OL87IBGJ&keywords=aquaponics+kit&qid=1659117618&sprefix=aquaponics+kit%2Caps%2C1863&sr=8-3 It's small and good for beginners.
Back to the Roots Water Garden, Self-Cleaning Fish Tank That Grows Food, Mini Aquaponic Ecosystem (Great Gardening Gift & Family Project), 3 Gallons https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LZMHWF6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_PWS5FVE7368SRE3T7AES
Here’s a tiny kit to try. There’s also YouTube tutorials. The biggest thing I would say is just use the appropriate plants for easy level, then advance from there. I also would recommend starting off with starts vs planting seeds in the medium since too much water kills seeds. Basil and strawberries are a good plant to start with
20 long tank:20 Long $100
BN-LINK Heat Mat and Thermometer: $29 Govee Hygrometer/Thermometer: $13 Thermometer Gun: $23 Substrate: $20 ($5 organic topsoil + $5 playsand + $10 excavator clay) Hides: $30 (3, $10 hides) LED Lighting: Food: $63 ($14 for blacked out bin, $49 for dubias) + $5/month (250 mealworms, you don't need this many for just one leo though)
You can find better prices if you buy things used, just make sure to clean it with a pet safe cleaner like F10. That goes for tanks, hides, etc.
I go a little overkill with thermometer equipment so that isn't all necessary but I'd recommend it.
Substrate varies from keeper to keeper but I recommend a 50/30/20 mix of soil, play sand, and excavator clay as that most closely imitates their natural environment.
All my food is from rainbow mealworms, best prices I can find for consistently high quality feeders.
As far as lighting goes leos don't require UVB but a low output UVB light can be good for them. I personally don't use UVB because it's very easy to cause harm to their skin with too much.
Seconded large tongs. If you plan on keeping inverts past being a spider midwife, they are a must.
Bought this for my wife a couple of years ago and she kept a betta in it for along time.., this is actually what inspired me to learn more about aquaponics... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LZMHWF6/ref=twister\_B09P4N3HL4?\_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I just recently upgraded to a 20 gallon, this is the tank I bought. It’s working out great!
Aqueon Aquarium 20 Gallon Long https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002AS21W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_5CJJQC7SRSP6FPA8N0FW?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I love how the picture had 1 yellow tangs in it.
No, would not recommend. That small, good for maybe 1 clown.
Fluval Evo 13.5 only a little more, and is a classic starter tank. Very common in the nano scene, so lots of support and ideas for modding if you want to go that route. Also enough volume for reasonable space for a pair of ocellaris for a few years. Be sure you get them young.
Speaking of scaling, this water garden is currently on the treasure truck. I found it amusing.
Do you think this would be a better tank? Or is the one in my original post better?
I bought the older version of this kit, which comes with a light and a filter. When the shrimp started mating, I put a sponge over the intake. It slows the flow a lot but hasn’t seemed to make a difference in anything.
Wondering how you like that tank and where you got it? I love the look of them. I was looking at a similar one here: Tetra Cube Aquarium Kit, 3 Gallon https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B008CA7W7E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_8X247KJ5X15T74DY4GFH
I’ve been looking around and checking reviews but haven’t been able to commit to anything yet.
The brand I got IS flimsy, but they have pretty fine tips and they've actually held up very well with all of my aquascaping. Having both the straight and angled has been a game changer for planting and maintenance.
so for this tank i could just fill below the black rim?
Hey op. Just reading through your comments here and thought this tank might be a better start for you if you’re on a budget. Yellow tang is going to need a tank that’s around 100 gallons. Right now their prices have gone through the roof so it would suck to buy one and have it die. This tank is an all in one tank with a light that will be able to keep beginner corals. You can upgrade this later as you get comfortable with maintaining a reef tank. Fluval Sea Evo V Saltwater Fish Tank Aquarium Kit, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M2WI6PT/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_JGTGNXNT6BJEAGN5RGGN?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It is smaller but if you keep your fish stocking light, you should have a good experience.
You will want this;
That tank doesn’t appear to be long enough to me. Also I’m unsure if it would use a hammock; they’re bottom dwellers and prefer caves
This isn’t too expensive and although 8 is what is says can hold significantly over 8, if you fill it up to the point of almost spilling.
It’s never a good idea to keep 2 bettas together. Especially in such a small tank. Females can be just as aggressive and territorial as males. You might think they get along, until one of them ends up dead, which is what I think happened here. Do you know why the glo betta died?
When did you first notice the spot? I’m guessing it’s also an injury from the fight that got infected. You absolutely have to keep up on water changes, Indian almond leaves will definitely help, and you can try treating her with Fungus Clear or Api Fungus Cure. https://www.amazon.com/Jungle-TB630W-Buddies-Tablets-8-Count/dp/B0002561WY
Another medication that can possibly help is methane blue, but you need a quarantine tank for it because it stains EVERYTHING.
Lastly, I’m guessing the tank she’s in, isn’t cycled? After you treat her and she hopefully gets better, you’re going to have to do “fish in cycling”. I hope all this helped!
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Hmm not sure you'll be able find a new tank with everything included and the light as well for that price range but you can find used sets for that price.
This one doesn't have the protein skimmer (not 100% necessary) and doesn't have a light. You'll be spending another few hundred for everything else if you decide to buy everything new