Hey! I just installed a brake controller in my 2006 Tunda (First gen). My brake adapter was taped to the wall of the left side behind and to the left of the parking brake.
I bought the adapter on amazon and that Tekonsha brake controller and it works great. I did have to ground one of the wires (You'll see... it's a black one with a loop at the end) I just unscrewed a bare bolt to the frame down there and put it on there. No big deal.
The hardest part was there was almost no room to move down there.
It's plug n play, so good luck! Be sure to test it out before you go on the road! Much different with a brake controller.
Might something like this help (there are other types) - https://www.amazon.com/Frost-King-HD7-Unbreakable-Deflector/dp/B00VTVP4YQ/ref=sr_1_8?crid=2TX8YIS5690R8&dchild=1&keywords=register+deflectors&qid=1622599254&sprefix=Register+de%2Caps%2C158&sr=8-8
I agree with what everything everyone else has said. I don't empty my hopper. I keep my cover on it when not in use. Never had an issue.
And, get one of these or something similar. It'll keep the grease and other garbage off your controller when you're using it.
I just picked up one of these - works great, but loading a second bike on the rear posts would be a bit hard by yourself. But with two people should not be too bad. Trails are really nice and most are basically beginner level. Not sure if you did, but google image search 'mckinney falls bike trails' for some really cool shots.
Search for "sticker shield" on Amazon. That product will solve for the future.
Sticker Shield - Windshield Sticker Applicator for Easy Application, Removal and Re-Application from Car to Car - 2 Packs of 4 inch x 6 inch Sheets (Total of 4 Sheets)
I have this roof rack and it goes on my smooth roof, it's actually really great
It's a let's go aero jack it https://www.amazon.com/Lets-Go-Aero-Jack-Carrier/dp/B01MYRM7MM. Directions to put it together suck but I like where it is as I have no back ladder and wanted to save space in the bed of the pickup. Towed it this way about 8000 miles now and no problems. Bikes held rock solid and I can keep an eye on the.
I bought this a few weeks ago and used it on U-hauls smaller trailer and it was perfect. Not sure if the motorcycle trailer sits any lower/higher but I imagine it's not much different.
What vehicle are you towing with? What bike?
Something like this would be better as long as your bike is under 600lbs and the tow vehicle can handle 600lbs of tongue weight:
I’d use a de’longhi oil-filled heater, and maybe get an electric blanket or electric mattress pad. An under bed heater just sounds like a fire hazard.
Or just put a shield up over your vent to redirect the air.
Okay so you need to work on using the correct terminology. That’s a hitch shackle which is fine to use. This is a tow ball which is what you were recommending.
It’s this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MYRM7MM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 , directions to install are crap, but the rack is great bikes don’t jiggle around and I can see them. One thing is from the w and a, if you have an electric jack it might be a tight fit, so measure.
Sticker Shield - Windshield... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01466E24S?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I'd bought this a few years ago and it's worked like a charm. No fuss, each sticker can be used for two years worth of Somerville permits.
I'm gonna take this opportunity to shamelessly plug Sticker Shield.
It turns a permanent sticker into something more like a static cling that can easily be peeled off a windshield.
I swear by them for all kinds of adhesive parking passes.
Big fan of yellow fog lights myself, pretty cheap mod.
Other than that, maybe headlights and tail lights.
Great looking car either way!
I have a 2020 and I installed this one about two weeks ago, I ordered a longer cable thing and it works amazingly!! Tekonsha 90195 P3 Electronic Brake Control https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000P17NXQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_X516Z9HR2WR32PDYFKW7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
The set-up looks great! I have the same OEM roof racks on my 2021 (blue flame) corolla hatch. I think I located the Thule basket on amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Thule-859XT-Canyon-Basket-Black/dp/B01DWRB4TI/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=thule+roof+basket&qid=1623769562&s=sporting-goods&sr=1-2)
Do you have a link for the roof bag (that is compatible with the basket)?
Was $20 cheaper in store at Scheels if you have one
Malone VersaRail Bare Roof Cross Rail Rack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KH46TDU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_WK5CZZM5AWX0TEZADBBS?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Here’s something no one else will say but it will help change your new life.
At some point in time the corporations convinced us that saving 2 cents on your electric bill was more important than the quality of the light you bathed your life in. As your first apartment and post indicates, your living space is a sacred place, your small little slice of the world. Every moment there is important...
Then why is the largest, most utilized and potentially most communal space in your apartment, the kitchen, saturated with the same lighting as a McDonald’s bathroom??
These fluorescents are a hideous joke and no person should find them remotely acceptable. Get creative with standing lamps, soft white Xmas string lights (often recessed is best and connected to a remote) or even softer-colored gel covers you can lay inside the plastic cover.
Two links...
Design and warmth isn’t just for people with money. If you like cozy, a light change is paramount. Careful of dust and dead bugs when you take that cover off. Congrats and good luck.
I just put in a Tekonsha P3 and really like it. Mounted under the steering wheel by the center vent. Longest part of the install was running the wires to the trailer connection.
Window usage could help with people that want different temperatures (if you want it colder and it’s cold outside, crack your window open). To remedy the air blowing on your head, buy one of these.
I would recommend a Jack It Bike Carrier as it has a lot of advantages over a bumper mount 1.
A) don’t have to worry about the load on the bumper and/or bikes falling off and not seeing them (I’ve seen it happen)
B) you can see your bikes as you travel down the road
C) they are getting bounced around like they would on the rear bumper.
We’ve had one for probably 10k Miles now and I really like it. It mounts around your front Jack.
my idea is to get something like this OP, cut it out to a small shape, then use a stronger more normal adhesive to attach the googly eyes to the sticker
Sorry, I should have clarified. I am referring to electric trailer brakes, controlled by a brake controller installed in the tow vehicle.
The actual brake itself is a electric drum brake operated by an electromagnet, but I was more curious how the brake controller changes the amount of braking. If it is done via changing the voltage applied to the magnet, could this be replicated in a homemade controller?
> Eh...I think the question was in regards to a setup for carrying a bike without a trailer. I'd be interested in it as well since a trailer is way more limiting, exposed, upkeep, another point of failure, and the associated costs that go with a trailer.
I use https://www.amazon.com/Black-Widow-MCC-600-Heavy-Duty-Motorcycle/dp/B00WFIJ362/ but need to do some work to get my hitch extended. It's pretty sketchy getting my bike up that ramp by myself - given that it's about 500 pounds. I can't open the door with the bike there too. It looks like this van-bulance has a pass through.
I used this film but I do not recommend it; the film is not amber, it is a light-yellow color. To get amber you'll have to apply 3 layers of this film.
Lol, I wish they had the Uganda Style rack at the store when I went today. Unfortunately they were out of stock. I currently lease so damage to the top would not be ideal for the return, but I just struggle to have to shell out over $200 per bar. Any experiences with these...