I picked up these mirror relocation brackets from Amazon a few years ago. Makes it much nicer if you have the doors off all the time to be able to still have mirrors. I keep mine on all the time and just move the mirror back on the right door as it's hard to see it otherwise.
Nice Jeep!
Adjusting your mirrors correctly and checking them first, then the blindspot is a much cheaper option. You can also buy the add on mirrors.
$5. Maybe like $10 after shipping and tax.
this. big fan of this wrist mirror mounted vertically on my wrist guard with the widest part further away from my body to allow me to see around my helmet more easily.
They work amazingly well. Used one on every car for last 20+ years. I just picked up a pair of 2 inch round ones from Autozone for $4. They have them on Amazon too.
I barely ever use the bigger mirror, this small one shows my blind spot plus enough of the area around the car to give almost all the data I want.
I look back a lot. If there's a lot of traffic I try to get on the sidewalk if there is one.
You can also get a wrist mirror like this or this, assuming you ride regular it can be a help (goofy riders are at a natural advantage in US traffic I feel). I sometimes use one of these if I am dealing with a lot of heavy traffic or visual "noise", since it helps keep your eyes forward - you use it like you would a car mirror, which is for an initial check to see if there's anything even approaching. If it looks clear, THEN you do a quick over the shoulder glance before you move from your "lane".
I had these on my truck when I bought it and they really help.
Blind spot mirrors.
or anywhere that sells auto acc.
I buy these (2 pack for under $8). https://www.amazon.com/Fit-System-C0400-Passenger-Adjustable/dp/B001DKT0DO/ref=sr_1_11?crid=218J894A7W06Z&keywords=mirror+car+side+wide+blindspot&qid=1661982401&sprefix=mirror+car+side%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-11
Pop the mirror out, drill two holes, run a bungee through it to fit your hand size, pop mirror back in.
*Usa las direccionales. *Si alguien las pone para cambiar de carril dales chanza. *No te le pegues a los carros, ni tampoco andes cambiándote de carril a cada rato. * Si manejas en carretera, usa el carril izquierdo para rebasar y vuélvete a cambiar al derecho (si es de 2 carriles en una sola dirección). * Es mejor manejar con calma a buena velocidad, que manejar arriba del limite y andar frenando de golpe. Frena desde lejos. Baja la velocidad para dar vueltas. * Comprate unos espejos así: https://www.amazon.com.mx/dp/B001DKT0DO. Ayudan a ver el punto ciego de tu carro, así no te andas cambiando con un carro justo a lado de tu llanta trasera. * Cuídalo bien, no seas cochino, lávalo de vez en cuando, cambíale el aceite. Das mejor impresión si tienes un carro bien cuidado incluso si no es carrazo del año. * No manejes en estado de ebriedad. No vale la pena, mejor paga por el uber, no seas tan agarrado.
Cosas básicas, sentido común. No dejes que el road rage te llegue. Pon música lo-fi o algo relajante y no te estreses. La verdad manejar puede ser muy placentero siempre manejes en buen humor.
These things here should be standard equipment on every vehicle, as far as I'm concerned:
I'd strongly recommend a set of them, or something similar, for your own vehicle. It's a much better solution than common advice to turn your mirrors out wide, which comes with a few dangerous drawbacks of its own, particularly in urban driving where you need to be aware of more turn just cars that are centering in an adjacent, wide, highway-sized lane.
I can see things that are right up next to my rear quarter panel in my main mirrors, like lane splitting bicyclists or motorcyclists. I can see things further away, in the traditional blind spot, in the convex mirrors. A vehicle gaining on me will be visible in both the center mirror and the side mirror from several car lengths back. As it gets closer, it will be visible only in one of those: the center mirror if it is in the same lane as me, or the side mirror in the adjacent lane. As it moves up beside me, it will disappear from the side mirror, but will be clearly visible in the convex mirror. As it comes into my peripheral vision, I can usually still see the back of it on the convex mirror.
I hope I answered your questions well. Good luck with your car.
These are absolutely amazing. Look good and don't rattle/come out of position even at highway speeds. I can't recommend them enough.
Lange Originals | Coyote Mirror™ | Compatible with Jeep Wrangler & Gladiator | Quick Removal Replacement Mirrors https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085Z3699Z/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_R9R0BF8BPFBY4962MX1J
Another suggestion I can give you is to head to your local auto parts store and buy a couple of those stick-on, convex mirrors. I have these on my pickup and van, and as vehicles overtake me, they are always visible in at least one mirror until they are in my peripheral vision. The van has heated mirrors, too, but they adhere to them no problem.
If you get those, you should aim them a little bit down, so you can see your rear tires in the inner eighth or quarter of the mirror. The sky should be visible in like the upper quarter of the mirror. When I got them, I parked at the edge of my driveway, and brought my bicycle out to test how I adjusted them, to make sure I never lost sight of the bike as it "passed" me (even though it was just me, so I was getting out and moving it a little bit at a time).
Both of those vehicles have particularly bad blind spots, so those additional mirrors are a godsend.
Are you swapping in an LS or something similar that needs high flow line? I’m curious if the problem is just the interface between the sender and the stock hard lines or if you are putting in a whole new run. I just rebuilt my entire system and had to replace some parts and I used Dorman Nylon Thermoplastic lines like this
on the recommendation of my mechanic mentor. I was rebuilding using the stock lines and just needed it in one spot but it was super easy to use and I’m told whole runs can be made rather simply it’s just heating the tube and pressing it onto a barbed fitting. Maybe not as slick as an-6 fittings but maybe easier and cheaper if you plan on doing it yourself.
Either way I would probably use a short length of regular fuel line (I think it’s 5/16 but I’m not sure) and a proper fuel line hose clamp to connect to the senders output, and then use a barbed fitting and another hose clamp like this to then connect to either AN6 lines or thermoplastic lines.
You should be all set as long as you have your riding gear. full face BMX helmet for ece 22.05 motorcycle helmet, and wrist guards are the bare minimum IMO. From there you can get knee guards, elbow guards, and a motorcycle jacket/bmx jacket if you wanted. I also recommend getting a hand mirror like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000TCGD96 makes me feel so much safer riding on the street. I also recommend either getting a armband phone mount or a smartwatch to monitor your speed while riding, I feel a lot a safer, especially at low battery, when I can look at my arm and see how fast I'm going in EUC World
A motorcycle helmet and one of these mirrors does the trick for me. (mirror goes over your wrist guard)
I just use on of these on my non dominant hand, over my wrist guards. For me that's my left wrist and here in the U.S. I'm normally riding on the right hand side of the road as a cyclist would so, lifting up my left wrist gives me a clear look at traffic coming behind.
How bout Lange Originals side mirrors. I run them on mine.... they look great and never move on me. $125 on Amazon.
This is the mirror I’ve been using on my wrist. Works well for me so far.
However, there was a time when I was trying to raise my left wrist to check the mirror, there was bicyclist trying to quickly pass me on my left side and I almost back fisted him in the face.
OP, can you confirm that these are the correct ones? I found them on O'Reilly's site and looked up the Amazon page. I just want to make sure it is the 2" ones linked here. O'Reilly's also sells a 3" version but that seems too big and I'm not with my bike right now to check.
Yeah, I was looking on Amazon and the ones I saw looked really sketchy. Is this similar to what you had? This kind of clamp looks like it might just fly off at speed.
If you have a TJ or jk, I like the rugged ridge mirrors. They come in round or square and the brackets boot to the existing windshield holes.
Not OP, but I bought these and they're amazing so far. Still need to go on a full road trip with them. From the picture in the amazon link, they fit on the lower part of the mirror and have a nice rubber pads. They dont strap on like OP's mirros and they're very study and do not wiggle around while driving.
Dometic DM-2912 Milenco Grand Aero3 Towing Mirror - Twin Pack
Brackets That attach to the window. They are nice and solid. no need to remove them when the doors go back on. also easy enough to change back and forth as desired.
There aren't mirrors like those that attach to the doors that I know of, but you can just run those 100% of the time, and get a set of these: https://www.amazon.com/Rugged-Ridge-11025-05-Mirror-Relocation/dp/B00603DS6Y
Thanks! We ended up ordering this off of Amazon. Figured buying a longer length would save us if (when) we screwed it up. The manufacturer site does list it as rated for fuel injection!
Rugged Ridge 11025.04 Black Mirror Relocation Bracket - Pair https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001FAK28E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_3l8CxbA82MYEF
Is what I bought and use on my JK Sport. Work just fine and a few bucks cheaper