I use whatever is on sale. Usually ends up being Mobil 1 or penzoil.
I also use the motorcraft FL 400s filter. Cheap on Amazon. Still not expensive at the auto parts store.
Motorcraft FL400S Oil Filter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000AS3D42/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apa_japtAb361TK7B
That filter is what mountune recommends for our cars https://www.mountuneusa.com/Motorcraft-Oil-Filter-FL-400-S-Focus-ST-Fiesta-ST-p/fl-400s.htm
Just buy the metal OEM assembly. I think its like $50. I bought it from amazon.
I checked my order and paid CDN $39.50
Genuine Toyota 15620-31060 Oil Filter Cap Assembly
They're nice filters. Super cheap on amazon with next day shipping as an add-on item. https://www.amazon.com/Motorcraft-FL400S-Oil-Filter/dp/B000AS3D42/
That, with full synthetic oil at $28, makes my oil change just over $31.
I have been buying mine from Amazon for $8 USD: Genuine Subaru 15208AA170 Oil Filter Complete, 1 Pack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LD1J362/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_UKERAbGFM1RXM
Unsure on dealership price for a change as I do mine myself.
Use the OG stuff from Mopar. Penzoil and a mopar filter. There's a guy on Amazon selling a full kit for the 6.4 with proper amount of oil and correct filter.
Edit: here
Just an FYI, there is an oil formula specifically designed for your car.
Supposedly the wrong oil can negatively impact the MDS.
I have only run the Pennzoil Platinum in my car, but will likely be switching to the Ultra Platinum on one of my next couple oil changes (once lilsean gets them analyzed). I've never run Valvoline in any car I've ever had, but it's hard to argue his Used Oil Analysis report.
I think you're overthinking it. As long as you get a SN+ (or greater) oil that is 5w30 and synthetic, you shouldn't have any issues. Just change it regularly (3k-6k depending on driving conditions/habits) and use a Subaru OEM Black filter, and you're golden.
Personally I use the OEM Black filters (3 pack) and Pennzoil Platinum, but probably switching to Pennzoil Ultra Platinum on the next oil change. I'd def stick with the OEM filter, but oil isn't as important as long as it meets the SN+ oil certification (synthetic 5W30).
The blue filter is for the EJ, however it will work on the FA but the best option is to get the black FA oem filter : Single FA OEM filter
Also I would definitely not re-use the crush waster. They expand to fill the cavity and you'll never get it perfectly back on where it was. It definitely won't be pouring out, but a slow drip can add up over time.
Penzoil Ultra Plat is so good for turbo engines because of it's high resistance to burn-off, but the regular plat is almost as good. You're fine going with either.
The draining part with the plastic plug was np, got that done.
I actually ordered that Tool Guy tool and it is sitting at my house.
I put new oil in without changing the filter and pretty soon will tackle removing the filter.
I ordered a metal housing to replace that plastic one....looks like it should be the same, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008BHP68A?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details
Maybe I’m missing it but you need to change the rear differential fluid as well. It takes <1 quart of the same fluid that goes in the transmission and takes 10-15 minutes to change. Otherwise all those things are required and their prices are fair.
Personally, I would bring one of these oil filters. Our filters have a check valve/pressure release that isn’t always done properly in aftermarket filters.
I can link you to higher quality (and often cheaper) versions of all those fluids and filters if you want. I have them bookmarked.
i get them directly from dealership parts department because ive known the service manager for over 20 years and he practically lets me steal them, but the ones on amazon are absolutely fine, buy from this listing there are no sketchy reviews. just idiots mad that they bought the wrong filter.
Here is how I buy my filters for the WRX. Also, don't use the washer that comes with the Fumoto... just use a crush washer.
Heres an Amazon link for our filters. Last 4 of the part # is always AA170, and its short and black. You don't need a crush washer if your gonna install your fumoto valve. The valve comes with a washer, and then you dont have to worry about it for the life of the valve.
You've got the right idea, I put like 5.2 quarts when its in the air. take it off the stands, start it and run it for 5 min. Wait like 10 min, check oil and adjust from there. (max 5.4 qts per the manual) Note on the dipstick, the lower side is the reference side you want to use when topping off. then just check a couple days later after a full night of sitting for a cold reading.
So this would be perfect then for the oil and filter combo https://www.amazon.com/Engine-Penzoil-Platinum-Synthetic-Filter/dp/B07V49WGHX/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?adgrpid=57632298618&gclid=CjwKCAiAksyNBhAPEiwAlDBeLOgp20XlyEBbLtRTAAIPK5vJJWgyT3-3vqGOS6m6FnLZKOgqRwC7XBoC24IQAvD_BwE&hvadid=274688401677&hvde...
I was thinking of maybe getting this filter? What do u think and do u think it is better or the same a as the stock oil filter? https://www.amazon.com/Genuine-Mopar-5038041AA-FILTER/dp/B006T08WXM/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2202HKGF935X6&keywords=challenger+oil+filter&qid=1639175062&sprefix=challenger+oil+%2Caps%2C117&sr=8-3
On top of this, if you ever plan on doing your own oil changes I strongly encourage you buy a metal oil filter cap and the correct wrench. The plastic one that comes stock breaks really easily, especially without the right tools.
>WIX 57356XP Oil Filter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00C5SZN9S/ref=cm\_sw\_r\_apan\_glt\_fabc\_PP0YGEJS99NPX6PKJ8D1?\_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
>Wix and Wix XP use different stuff to filter. If I remember correctly Wix XP and Amsoil use the same filter and Wix XP cost less.
yep, thats where my comment came from, looked it up after I seen your post and saw that it was super highly rated!! May have to explore that for my '02 IS300
WIX 57356XP Oil Filter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00C5SZN9S/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_PP0YGEJS99NPX6PKJ8D1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Wix and Wix XP use different stuff to filter. If I remember correctly Wix XP and Amsoil use the same filter and Wix XP cost less.
Meats are already treated and dyed, this way no one can tell the difference between the old and new stuff.
(This is also the reason they bleach flour. The fresher flour is slightly yellow-ish and the older more stale stuff is white.
https://www.amazon.com/Twinkie-Deconstructed-Ingredients-Processed-Manipulated/dp/0452289289 )
The black Japanese OEM filter assuming it's an FA20 engine. It's better built than the blue us made OEM filter. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LD1J362/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_XRV7AA78RH2ZM5K9QMH4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
The housing looks like this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008BHP68A/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_8ZBW3V94P63W15HS3DWB?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Edit - read your comment. Might need to get a breaker bar. I can't believe someone put this on so tight. Pretty sure it's supposed to be only a little more than hand tightened....
Genuine Mopar 5038041AA Oil Filter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006T08WXM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_8H3ZT6VF7D7EQDZA9P37?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Pennzoil Ultra Platinum Full Synthetic 0W-40 Motor Oil (1 Quart, Case of 6) (550040856-6PK) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JMCCE6U/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_REMN0CHFJXAKM9A3AN8C?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Product name: Genuine Mopar 5038041AA Oil Filter
Highest price ever: $16.76
Lowest price ever: $7.92
Average price: $13.24
Previous price: $14.30
Current price: $7.82
Last price change: -46%
Price change from average: -40%
Price change from all-time low: This is the lowest price ever!
The item was in stock as of 19/04/2021 06:45:25 (UTC)
This is the item I purchased. Im sure it fits multiple models and engine sizes..
I have a 2018 taco and I haven’t had it long enough to change the oil and install this.
Genuine Toyota 15620-31060 Oil Filter Cap Assembly https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008BHP68A/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_7VCVFbGB6MKYN?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
On amazon a Wix filter for my truck is $10.25.
On Rock Auto the same filter is $6.63.
But yes, if you're ordering just one filter at a time from RockAuto you're better off going Amazon because of Prime. I just order 5 at a time from RA and it comes out a little cheaper.
Deal link: Amazon
^^Note: ^^The ^^deal ^^may ^^have ^^expired ^^by ^^the ^^time ^^you ^^see ^^this ^^post.
Looks like that’s the metal version for some Toyotas, don’t see the Corolla specified. Weird. I’ll have to crawl under our cars and see which ones we have. I thought they were metal but now I’m not sure. I know our Avalon was for sure. I haven’t had any problems with the housing to date, usually change our oil every 6-12 months. Comments on that Amazon listing mention others having the same issue you’re having.