Yo I gotcha fam.
Have a 2011 LX and had constant bottoming out when I was towing with it, I got Moog CC865 springs from Amazon. They're variable rate springs, so with an unloaded car they're only slightly stiffer than stock P71 springs, but when loaded they firm up nicely and handle heavy weights very easily. Highly recommended. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000COTT1U
MOOG CC501 Coil Spring Set https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000COMSYK?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
MOOG CC80551 Coil Spring Set https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00180J0T8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
There is the front and rear set brotha man
All the guys telling you to replace the shocks to solve this...can be ignored. The shocks have nothing to do with ride height.
If the springs aren't stock, you need at least stock springs to raise it to stock ride height. If you have no money you can get wedges that force the springs to make the car higher.
To be clear I've never used these. I just know they exist.
I just replaced the front coils in my 84 GT350. This is the tool you need.
OTC 7045B Front Coil Spring Compressor https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000GTJ5I8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_9YPTMG6Z4GE7YYWEBBGK?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
They look like car's strut spring boosters.
Basically stick them in the coils on your struts or coilovers, and it makes them stiffer or sag less.
Look into these -> https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000C53ZSC?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00
Over spacers.
I see these kinda often. Amazon or Oriely etc sells <$15 https://www.amazon.com/Superior-18-1201-Spring-Lox-Adjustable-Spring/dp/B00029K20C/
Usually you do a pair and not so gapped as that. sorta safe. Quick remedy if bottom out over speedbumps, tow hitch, weight in trunk, fat passengers, etc. Failed spring or shocks, are $15, cheaper than replacing whole spring, etc
I see these kinda often. Amazon or Oriely etc sells <$15 https://www.amazon.com/Superior-18-1201-Spring-Lox-Adjustable-Spring/dp/B00029K20C/
Usually you do a pair and not so gapped as that. sorta safe.
Thanks for the tip. I am actually considering Moog springs since I will be going with them for a lot of other suspension parts. The only issue is that they have mixed reviews on Amazon. Lots of folks say that on the ZJ they sag very quickly since it's heavier and then the top part of the spring pancakes and makes a lot of noise. Thats what I am reading here:https://www.amazon.com/Moog-CC782-Coil-Spring-Set/dp/B000C53ZSC.
This makes me want to go with a fixed rate spring instead like Omix-ADA even though it's about double the price.
My .02 worth, spend the $64 on these vs junkyard coils (which will probably be sagging or getting ready to). Moog CC782
They're equivalent to the XJ UpCountry front coils and will get you a hair over 1", add in these Energy Suspension 2.6103G Spring Isolator and you'll hit right at 2" of lift.
What're your guy's thoughts on this spring compressor? Worth the coin?
I once bought a set of HF compressors to do the struts on my wife's Neon, years ago (she has an Outback now). I never got around to doing them, because I just didn't feel safe even trying; ended up taking it to a shop.
But that seems really stupid to me to pay someone to do something that easy (if dangerous) that I could do myself. I'm willing to pay money for a tool if I believe I won't kill myself in the process of the work. I realize that when compressing springs nothing is 100 percent guaranteed, and one should do what they can to prevent injury in the event things go south suddenly, but every little bit helps, and it probably should start with the proper tool.
EDIT: Note - I realize this tool isn't for struts - but what would be a good (if expensive) tool for struts for home jobs, that would still be safe? I found this one, for instance:
It will not harm the shocks at all - it anything, they will last longer now since they have 10 months of less-than-expected use. In fact, coil spring spacers are often added to bad springs or as a white trash lift kit.
If the compressor is bad it may be from leaky air bags on the rear. this will cause the compressor to run more that it should shortening it's life. At that point you may want to look into replacing them with a coil spring kit and eliminate the compressor setup(just leave it in there). I know that didn't immediately answer your question but it's what I'd do if it were mine.
if you aren't interested in spending loads of money and replacing the full suspension system you should check these out http://www.amazon.com/Superior-18-1601-Rubber-Spring-Booster/dp/B000AMBOFS/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1428688176&sr=8-2&keywords=spring+spacers i'm not for sure if they are that good or not as mine have not yet arrived but they aren't that expensive
I was thinking something simple like this
Can't say for sure it'll work on your front and back suspension(I know the outbacks need the skinny ones for the back) I means it'll wear struts faster but any ride hight altering on stock struts will.