So i work for a vehicle wrapping and signage business, and usually we deal this sort of stuff in the regular and my go-to liguid for jobs like this is called "rapid remover", Amazon link below And this stuff works wonders, all you need is to spray this on liberally, then give it about 5 minutes and then use some type of plastic squeegy to remove the thick glue off the door, and finally spray again and use paper towel to remove the remaining residue.
(RAPID REMOVER Adhesive Remover for Vinyl Wraps Graphics Decals Stripes 32oz Sprayer
Not a direct answer to your question, but I would recommend using knifeless tape to get a clean line around that curve. Then you don't need to pull that piece off in the first place.
as /u/stealthcoyote said, they go on with double sided tape. The thing is, proper prep is essential in order for them to stick over the long term. The louvers come with a small tube of 3M Adhesion Primer. But I found that single little tube was not enough for proper prep. So I bought two 3-packs on amazon So I had 7 tubes total, and ended up using 6 of them.
So if you do decide to buy those louvers, do yourself a favor and buy extra adhesion primer ahead of time. I was already into my install when I realized that there wasn't enough in that tube for a proper prep. And had to put everything away, and wait for the Amazon delivery.
Hexane will dissolve most glues without harming plastics. It flashes off really fast though, and wear gloves, it can soak through your skin. We do vinyl graphics on signs and the adhesive removers we use work well to. Rapid remover is one. Might have to order some online. Grimco is one of my suppliers but I’ll bet amazon has some too.
I've had really good success with this with any sticker / residue removal on my skis. Spray it on and let it sit for a bit then take a scraper and it'll come up no issues.
You can use this we had a transit that we wrapped the side and on the rear panel the customer wanted to put a promotion so we applied this and wrapped the whole panel again and left it on for a while and when he wanted to go back to the normal wrap we just pulled it off without damaging the vinyl under it.
3M KTS-DL1 Design Line Knifeless Tape - 50m (164ft)
Rapid Remover is the most common in vinyl/sign industry.
Rubber wheel is popular, automotive Goof-Off is decent just be VERY careful around plastics.
Hehe, i figured it was autocorrect! Yeah it seems to be hard to get in
the states. Unless I want to pay $30 for a bottle! Any thoughts on RApid REmover?
You can still do it. Couple things I would recommend though, is maybe use a bit of 3M primer 94: on the back before applying vinyl. Then, you'd want to get an exacto knife and painstakingly cut around the grill. Easier job to do if you take the PSU apart, but I do not recommend you do this.
For the strips I just wire-tied them so you don't have to worry about adhesive ever coming undone in the summer etc. As for the bass control are you sure you actually need this? I've had a handful of systems and if it's been properly tuned with your system at the amplifier (especially for the types of music you listen to), you shouldn't be changing the amount of bass enough to justify needing a quick access dial. With that being said, if you really need this dial I would get some 3M Primer Pens which will prepare the little area that you are trying to stick the bass control to be bondable.
I don't know who turned me onto this, but I bought this stuff to remove fake carbon decals from my BMW Wagon
Combine that with a plastic razor....easy peasy for paint. The textured rails, maybe not so much.
If you do choose to go full hard mode. I have seen people use something called knifeless tape on YouTube. It looked like it made things much easier. I would look into it if you are going to be applying from a large roll.
This Knifeless Tape seems to come highly recommended for making easier, risk-free cuts:
You can see examples of people using it on youtube to get the most out of it.
I bought two rolls of this. One for the straight trims and one for the large Chrome part on the last window. Just use a hair dryer and it works nicely.
I'm using "Ehdis" - I think that's a generic brand? They don't have any felt on the bottom, just a piece of plastic.
Thanks man. I picked up the blades as well this decal removal spray:
RAPID REMOVER Adhesive Remover for Vinyl Wraps Graphics Decals Stripes 32oz Sprayer
Utility knives or anything like that will damage the paint if your not careful Thats why any good PPF place has pre cut pieces. No need for knives. I did look around and this seems to be the safest bet. Amazon
^That's ^why ^I'm ^here, ^I ^don't ^judge ^you. ^PM ^/u/xl0 ^if ^I'm ^causing ^any ^trouble. ^WUT?
Regarding the "complicated spots" in pict #6... It looks like the vinyl In the corner area is not sticking well. These spots can be difficult. Try this stuff next time. It will keep the vinyl that is stretched into the low areas from wanting to pop back up.