Shucks, would have been a great price.
Always affordable, but A Love Supreme is down to ~$11 as well:
The whole album is great, though some tracks are weirder than others. Although it is Hal Wilner's baby, the actual artists on each track for this album are various and sundry. Details can be seen at the Amazon page here.
I have a CD entitled Closed on Account of Rabies that has Gabriel Byrne reading Poe's short fantasy-horror piece, "The Masque of the Red Death." Byrne has a great voice for that sort of thing. His rendition is positively chilling.
The Amazon page for the CD has a brief sample.
The original with Mike Moreno for one. This track is off the record Invisible Cinema.
Herbie Hancock's early fusion albums are great (almost anything with Herbie as the leader recorded between 1970-75). But in some ways, a few of Herbie's sidemen from that same time period did a couple specific albums that I think are even better.
Trumpeter Eddie Henderson's first two leader-dates are unbelievable (Herbie's on both of them as a sideman), and thankfully they've been paired on one CD - "Realization/Inside Out", and you won't find it any cheaper than from the source I linked to (Amazon charges nearly twice as much).
Another spectacular date from another of Herbie's sidemen from that era is Julian Priester's "Love Love" Priester plays trombone, but this album is anything but a traditional trombone album. Find some on-line samples, and you'll be amazed. Desert island material, if ever there was.