Have you ever tried Childs Farm? Its a product you can buy in stores in the UK but it's also on amazon (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Childs-Farm-moisturiser-cocoa-butter/dp/B072JSY3SJ/ref=sr_1_3?s=baby&ie=UTF8&qid=1534342592&sr=1-3&refinements=p_4%3AChilds+Farm). It is intended for children but people here swear by it for being able to calm down eczema.
It’s a clear liquid, I usually use Johnson’s because it’s cheap and widely available.
I find XD rings more comfortable for long term wear. Also I use baby oil. This coconut and shea butter version works wonders for my skin.
Wait you can use mineral baby oil ? I thought everyone used some industrial oil (forgot the name)
Would something like this work ?
You could try a spray moisturiser, or something that’s gel or water-based! If you get something that’s like scent-free. A baby lotion like this one might also be good for you (https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B072JSY3SJ/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_5MYHW1SVN4CG9S5RR2Z8).
You mentioned ‘patients’ so I’m wondering if you’re a healthcare worker (snap, if so!). Maybe you could try using a little bit of moisturiser then immediately putting tighter-fitting PPE gloves on - that might stop you being able to feel it.
Yeah heat rash or excema. This stuff works better than anything I have ever tried.https://www.amazon.com/Childs-Farm-Baby-Moisturiser-250ml/dp/B072JSY3SJ/ref=gp_aw_ybh_a_5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=JCSQGXSFFGXH19S89MYR
well no cancer is a win!
consider the things i have said above.
im not american so i don't know what you have available to you regarding moisturizers but i find it helpful mixing my steroid cream 5:1 with a Sensitive moisturizers to be helpful.
i use this https://www.amazon.com/Childs-Farm-Baby-Moisturiser-250ml/dp/B072JSY3SJ
but something like this might be better for you right now: https://www.amazon.com/Wellskin-Glaxal-Base-Moisturizing-Cream/dp/B00GKHHICA/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3UONVHARXDFKW&dchild=1&keywords=silcock+base+cream&qid=1622075160&sprefix=Silcocks+base+%2Caps%2C253&sr=8-2
I think that one is for consumption, baby oil is much cheaper. I had bought this one to shave my legs with and it works great on my face too but does have the dreaded fragrance
An Organic baby oil for massage to promote body growth and strength.This Baby Oil nourishes and vitalizes skin that is truly natural and safe with over 95% certified organic ingredients. Baby Massage Oil is always free from Mineral Oil, Synthetic Fragrance, Colors, Parabens, BHT/BHA, Sulphates, Silicones, and other toxic chemicals.
Shop Now- https://www.amazon.in/Life-Pursuits-Organic-Ayurveda-Massage/dp/B07C3PYZKS
I happened to use this of my son's on my face once and loved it, I'm sure someone is going to tell me it's bad lol. But I've had great luck with it for oil cleanse/makeup removal. (Idk why it's so expensive on Amazon you can find it other places for ~$10)
It's also less than 2 ounces. That seems really expensive. Why does it matter if its organ oil? How about $0.44/oz. baby oil?
Another stripper trick is to use baby oil gel on your legs and body for a nice glow. Better than using baby oil (gross and slimy) and it smells nice and absorbs.
Yeah, that's fair enough. I haven't had any problems at all with this one (which is mineral oil plus a fragrance), but I would highly recommend patch testing anything before you use it.
I second this suggestion. I think this is a lot better than silicone lube. Here's two options for you.
If you're not the lotion type, you can also buy "baby oil" (I don't know what it will be called in your country) which can be applied after you clean your skin but while you're still in the shower. Put a little in your hand, rub into your skin, and rinse off. When you get out of the shower, pat your skin dry (don't rub it dry) with a towel.
Here's the brand most common in the US: http://www.amazon.com/Johnson-Baby-Oil-20-Ounce/dp/B000GCJM06/