If they purchased the proper gasket tape its fine. Its called fireblack or lavalock depending on the company you purchase it from. It's used to seal smokers and grills. With Charcoal or stick burner grill/smokers you don't want any additional air getting in from cracks that could fluctuate your temperature. If you are trying to smoke a brisket you want to keep the temp even, steady, and low and the additional air will cause your fuel to burn hotter and produce black acrid smoke that will make it taste poorly. If the gasket tape isn't directly in the flame it shouldn't burn. The ambient heat shouldn't cause it to off gas chemicals.
I have that same smoker, I absolutely love it. I found I was getting a bit of airflow leak coming out of the lid, made the temps fluctuate a bit. I bought some high temp gasket tape and it's worked perfectly. Put it all around the lid, somewhat trial and error. Amazon Link
For the skillet, if you like the one you have there's no need to upgrade, won't net you much. You can add a pan of a different shape or size if you'd like. Griddles are great for making pancakes or breakfast sandwiches, smaller skillets are great for smaller serving desserts or sauces. If you want to buy another pan, I'd look at a different size or shape than the one you like ready. For the spatula, I bought a cheap fish spatula on Amazon last year and I love it. I only hand wash it to protect the wooden handle, but it's great on cast iron. Link Here
I picked up a couple of these and my only gripe is I wish I did it sooner. Amazing difference. It’s self adhesive but make sure you allow it to cure with the lid closed for 24 hours before firing up your pit.
FireBlack Hi Temp BBQ Smoker... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TAJW0QE?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I’ve ignored it till it came off completely. Then used this adhesive recommended on the FB Kamado Joe group. As long as it stays in place when the lid is closed, it should not be a problem.
LavaLock Food Safe BBQ Grade...
Never saw it before now, found it on amazon
BBQ Vortex for Weber Kettle 22 26.75 WSM smokey mountain Medium Kamado Big Green Egg https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01GGDBLF2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_MIagDbP3CVX7M
I gave up on the turning peel and got these for my 12... Keeps the bottom in contact with the stone the entire time too https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00N0L5Q6O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_M7CHWHBN3PSXRZYC86V1
I’d recommend Lava Lock. It should seal up that area for you.
LavaLock RTV 650 F BBQ grill smoker sealer Hi Temp Silicon adhesive 3 oz. ( 2.8 fluid ounce) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LRLELK0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_T373FbFAFHS5A
I have the felt, but assume the same type of solution.
I use this product or something similiar when applying a new felt. I am assuming it would also rectify your situation.
LavaLock® RTV 650 F BBQ grill smoker sealer Hi Temp Silicon adhesive 3 oz (2.8 fl. ounce) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LRLELK0/ref=cm_sw_r_u_apap_SRgR4ffAi7JDk
If you bundle, they'll ship it all for free. Future accessory purchases cost shipping. They do offer some discount on accessories for Military Veterans and 1st Responders (I think). Great company, great customer service. I LOVE my Bull. Be patient putting it together though, instructions aren't great. Last bit of advice: put this on the lid before initial burn in- it makes a huge difference. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00TAJW0QE/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Being genuinely curious about the product, found it on amazon. Seem to have mostly positive reviews. Just as a warning, he seems to buy a lot from that company judging by his post history.
I got my Zgrill this spring and the first two things i got were:
- Smoker gasket tape to put around the door. Keeps the smoke in better and allows for a soft shut for the door.
- Bluetooth thermometer with multiple probes. I like having a probe in the meats and one for ambient temp. All of which i can monitor remotely. I got a fairly cheap probe but it does the job.
Welcome to the family. Make your first upgrade to be some Lava Lock gasket material. The lid will leak smoke and heat from the left lower corner. Watch some YouTube videos for installation. You’ll want to shin under the hinges to make it seal perfectly and level.
For chicken drum sticks
I have these pizza spinners I bought off Amazon .
The work amazingly well and also function to pop any bubbles that are getting too big.
In addition to the thermal blanket others have mentioned, it helps greatly to seal the inside lid with a gasket using a food safe adhesive
The Vortex is a cooking device that looks like a metal cone: https://www.amazon.com/VORTEX-DIRECT-HEAT-Charcoal-Grills/dp/B01GGDBLF2/ref=sr_1_2?crid=AXC8CC5FUZTG&keywords=medium+vortex+grill&qid=1661954579&sprefix=Medium+vortex%2Caps%2C79&sr=8-2
It’s great for indirect cooking. I’ve only used it once thus far, to make grilled “fried” chicken. I used this recipe: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rD_cRWLguBg
As a vegetarian I’ve no idea how it tasted lol, but my whole family liked it and said the flavor was good and the skin was perfect.
I’ve learned from other redditors here that we can use the Vortex for wok cooking as well!
overwhelmed by the work, and I know nothing about decks.. but these things made making pizzas in my ooni 16 so much easier.
just hook and spin the pizza.. easier than using a peel.
I've done my ribs and brisket at 250, and the chicken today at 350. Skin came out nice and crispy. I've also cleaned it after each use. It holds temp well. Usually overshoots at first, then settles back down where I want it.
I'll have to give them a call tomorrow and see what they suggest. Right now my best thought is to do as been suggested, totally clean it out, try different pellets, and do the burn in again, and then next cook try just simple salt and pepper.
This is the gasket I mentioned.
Fireblack® Hi Temp BBQ smoker... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TAJW0QE?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
here is a link to one https://www.amazon.com/New-Star-Foodservice-43068-6-5-Inch/dp/B019R31DJC/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=AWGK881TXFJX&keywords=fish+spatula&qid=1657763814&sprefix=fish+sp%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-4
Basically they are designed to flip really delicate pieces of very thin fish so they don't break apart. The front is offset and tipped at an angle to make it easier to lift the food up to flip. For eggs this allows you to more easily get your spatula entirely under the yolk and also helps move the whites over the yolk instead of making them spread like a regular spatula when you flip them. The added "padding" helps keep the yolk in tact. The keys to fried eggs is providing stability to the egg white so the yolk doesn't break or cook through. Cooking the top slightly by basting it with butter as the bottom cook does a good job of assisting and then using the right tool finishes the job! In this case the butter also helps give the toast that nice chewey texture to provide some balance against the soft eggwhite and the runny yolk.
These work wonderful! I use them in my 12 Fyra. (https://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-CPS-022-Alfrescamore-Pizza-Spinners/dp/B00N0L5Q6O/ref=sr_1_4?crid=Z9F5W6TTVQO3&keywords=cuisinart%2Bpizza%2Bturner&qid=1656439370&s=home-garden&sprefix=cuisenart%2Bpizza%2Bturner%2Cgarden%2C430&...)
Adding to this thread in case somebody is searching for information. Here is the size of lava lock you need. One package will work for the lid and your hopper if you want to put some there as well.
You need to remove the lid and its quite easy as its just a screw and a nut. You can get the side with the hopper by using a flathead at an angle. Remove the little bumpers from the lid and save them in case you want to go back to how the lid used to be. Apply the gasket along the front and sides past where the lid bends (stop somewhere just past the bolt hole of the side of the lid). For the back of thee lid apply the gasket on the inside lip where it will meet the body of the grill.
It won't be a prefect seal but you will see a lot less smoke leaking out of the front, sides, and back than before. I found my grill temps across the grate were more stable after the install as I tested with cooking soft tortilla shells before and after applying.
I didn't do a before/after taste test so not sure if it makes a difference or not. I also didn't burn through a full hopper before and after to see if there was any impact there. What I do know is logically it makes sense to keep as much heat and smoke in the cooking chamber as you can. Assuming that Traeger designed this grill properly you want the exit to be mostly with the vents so logically this mod makes sense.
Worst case if it causes problems just remove the gasket
OP- As an aside, i used to use a charcoal lighter like that in my Weber until I bought a Vortex five years ago and haven’t looked back. It fits right under the grill and can really concentrate the heat for searing also. (There are cheaper models available, but this is the one I’m familiar with)
Im not sure if it’s like convection. It’s pretty simple it’s just a metal cone. It vortexmakes for easy indirect, or direct heat cooking. Great for searing steak directly over the cone, or slower indirect cooking on the outsides of the cone.
I think I have the same 575 and also had the issue of the lid not sealing in the smoke. Picked up this stuff from Amazon and it helped a lot:
LavaLock 12 GREY High Performance BBQ gasket smoker seal SELF STICK https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B01F9FE60K/
I can't see how the 2 pieces come together. Is it possible to add a heat resistant gasket?
You can get a tube of high temp silicone for cheap. Just put a solid bead all around the firebox and cooking chamber lids. As well as anywhere else the smoke leaks out. This will help you burn a smaller but hotter, cleaner and more stable fire.
I have an RT-700. I added a door seal/gasket after my 3rd or 4th cook. Wish I would have done it before burn-in.
Had mine for 2 years now and LOVE it. Use it 3x/week on average. Welcome to the club!