i think you are thinking of a different kind of rubber ball. they are identical to regular baseballs in weight and size, they are cork centered, wound, etc. it's just the covering is rubber/plastic, not leather.
Here is an example: https://www.amazon.com/Rawlings-Official-League-Recreational-Baseball/dp/B000OQA3N4?th=1
If frazier lost the ball, which you can see in the video he does, and reaches down and grabs the first ball he sees then this could absolutely happen.
Honestly, I would invest in a bunch of baseballs and just throw to him.
Bucket of baseballs from Amazon is $45. There are plenty of high school diamonds with batting cages that aren’t used on the weekends (especially afternoons) during the summer. West High has one at their diamond.
Not only will this save you money versus spending it at Vitense for some shitty bp, but it’s more relaxing, less pressure with less people around, and just great father son, mother daughter time. Even if you can’t throw, soft toss works too (google it).
Kids play with balls. They even jump over locked fences . It’s what they do.
Why not be the good guy, and defuse the whole problem? Balls are cheap. Neighborhood relations are not.
Just buy the kiddos a couple dozen balls (so many that if some get into your yard for a while, it’s no biggie).
yeah, you can usually find some good deals on EBAY for decent balls that are cheaper than the shit OLB3s even.
But I found this on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Rawlings-Official-Recreational-Baseballs-MENOLB3BAG12/dp/B0000CA8WW/ref=sr_1_19_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1521723141&sr=8-19-spons&keywords=blem+baseballs&psc=1
probably can't beat this barring some sort of sale/steal on EBAY or AMAZON (a few months ago I found a dozen new MSBL balls on Amazon for 18 bucks shipped).
Amazon often has a good price. Right now they're $15.99 USD, which is a very good price - places like Target and Dick's in the US often get $24 or more apiece for baseballs.
Here's $18.25 for 12. That's nowhere near $15 per ball. Rawlings Official League https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0000CA8WW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_ubYbBb0FEKJS8
I think you and I are probably talking about $15 for a bunch of balls versus the original comment of $15 per ball. Edit: so I was thinking if your normal everyday baseball, not MLB ball
While /u/thepowerisyours sockballs are an intriguing free option, I'd recommend getting these: SKLZ Impact Softballs.
They're light, don't fly very far (80-90ft), and unlike regular wiffle balls they're made with tough plastic so they last much longer. They also deform significantly when you hit them, so you know immediately when you haven't squared one up.
Here's another brand of plastic baseballs that can be turned into russian-style juggling balls ($8 for a set of 8): http://www.amazon.com/Franklin-Sports-Aero-Strike-Plastic-Baseballs-Pack/dp/B003GCJLC2
But you're buying in bulk. Single baseballs can be pricey because most people buy them in dozens or by the bucket. Amazon is selling this ball for $5.69 right now. And an official MLB ball is ~$20. Also, again, it's the UK Amazon. I'm thinking baseballs aren't really commonly bought there so higher prices are expected to ship over an unpopular item overseas.