GLY Portable Folding Bathtub Swimming Pool Large Freestanding Bathtub Bath Bucket for Adult with Cover
This one is expensive, but they make bath buckets!
I recently switched from using a rug in the center of my play space to these textured stickers, they’re meant for making your shower or bathtub non-slip, highly recommended. Unlike a rug there’s no trip hazard, they don’t slide around, and they’re almost invisible.
The grout needs to be removed where the tub meets the wall and in the corners. That should be caulk. Old caulk needs removal. Silicone won't stick to cured silicone. Use a good silicone like GEII.
The floor. You can cut out the damaged portion and put in new subfloor. I would recommend something other than particle board.
They make plastic shields you can install to prevent water from going over the edge like that. Splash Guard
No, they aren't attractive, but are effective and in some cases, the best solution.
For whatever reason, when my family resurfaced/re-did/restored our bathtub, it became incredibly slick. To the point of me slipping multiple times. Worse, it's a weird situation where the tub has a shower head in it. But because it was originally built to be just a tub, there's a window in the stall that shouldn't be there. Because water constantly shooting at a window with a wooden frame is a bad idea.
And so we ended up putting a clear shower curtain in front of the window so that it doesn't rot. But now said curtain blocks the sole handle in the stall used for balance. Which is even worse after the tub has been made slicker.
Also, the tub/stall has glass sliding doors. Yeah. The other day, I lost my balance so badly, that the full force of my body fell against the doors, without that handle to grab for. It was surprised that the doors didn't break. I am not a light or even average build person. I was full on expecting to be stabbed by jagged chunks of these doors to death. Somehow, they held up. But it was a death trap.
The moment that happened, we bought these strips as I was fed up with almost slipping and dying for a year. They feel kind of like velcro under your feet. Very grippy. And if want a regular bath in this tub now, they're not gonna feel great against your back and butt. But at least I'm not worrying about dying while showering anymore.
Slipping in the bath tub/shower stall. For whatever reason, when my family resurfaced/re-did/restored our bathtub, it became incredibly click. To the point of me slipping multiple times. Worse, it's a weird situation where the tub has a shower head in it. But because it was originally built to be just a tub, there's a window in the stall that shouldn't be there. Because water constantly shooting at a window with a wooden frame is a bad idea.
And so we ended up putting a clear shower curtain in front of the window so that it doesn't rot. But now said curtain blocks the sole handle in the stall used for balance. Which is even worse after the tub has been made slicker.
Also, the tub/stall has glass sliding doors. Yeah. The other day, I lost my balance so badly, that the full force of my body fell against the doors, without that handle to grab for. It was surprised that the doors didn't break. I am not a light or even average build person. I was full on expecting to be stabbed by jagged chunks of these doors to death. Somehow, they held up. But it was a death trap.
The moment that happened, we bought these strips as I was fed up with almost slipping and dying for a year. They feel kind of like velcro under your feet. Very grippy. And if want a regular bath in this tub now, they're not gonna feel great against your back and butt. But at least I'm not worrying about dying while showering anymore.
tried and it was fine. I don't have a cracker, I have one of these type things so it expands a lot. and I don't open it all the way. It's not warm, but it's not cold either.
also, how much nitrous is safe to use? like can i go thru a box of 24 in a day? and do that like once a week?
Are you me? Because I think you're me. I actually considered doing little non-slip stickers people put in their bathtubs...they make some pretty understated ones so it can still look elegant and not have giant Finding Nemo grippy-stickers all over it.
Have you tried the sticker type ones. They may get into the groves.
Here's what I would suggest as an alternate to a shower-mat:
There's all sorts of similar products... some come in strips, some come in dots, etc. The up-side is that they are permanent and don't get nasty. The downside is that they are permanent, and may not be as comfortable to stand on.
As far as fixing the existing damage... Well, you might be able to find a spray-enamel paint that matches the existing tub surface. I've never done it though, so I'm not sure.
I could not get it on with duck stickers staring at me...