I bought a bunch of 16oz. glass swing-top bottles from a retail place called Chef's Emporium. I put pourer tops on them when in use and seal them with the swing top when it's time to put them in the fridge.
They're all over Amazon. Like this: Swing Top Grolsch Glass Bottles 16oz - CLEAR - For Brewing Kombucha Kefir Beer (6 Set) Bonus Gaskets https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LB1862A/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_pG0Rzb1GQ3PJY
I just got a set of them on amazon that I really like. Solid, got a strong carbonation, and a bit smaller than the giant ones so I can make a variety of flavors with a batch of water kefir.
I can't say anything as to the strength of the swing tops. But they certainly look good and are perfect for bottling. However, you'll have to make/drink a lot of mocktails before you have enough bottles. I bought these on Amazon and they work great: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0064ODUDK
Quicker way to the bottles. Unless you were going to buy a bunch of those mocktail things anyway. :-)
I recently switched from using recycled GT bottles to swing tops. It made a world of difference! Honestly, the carbonation increased by 50%.
These are the ones I bought off of Amazon...Swing Top Bottles
This is the best brand, I have been doing home brewing for a few years now and this is the brand I have been recommended and bought multiple times. If you can, find a local store to buy from. Most of the price on amazon is shipping empty glass and they will be much cheaper if you find a place to buy them in person.
They came with the bottles! You get a bunch of the stickers and a chalk marker with 6 bottles.
If you search “Chalk sticker label” on Amazon you can find a bunch of them in all kinds of shapes and sizes!
For general reference, there’s a bunch of these style bottles on Amazon. Just make sure you’re buying from the manufacturer and not a third party seller.
Since Amazon isn’t an option, try your local Craft Store. Micheal’s near me sells them, but so does the local store.
For your purposes, maybe something else would work. I like those swing top bottles but they're too expensive like that to give away if you dont think it's coming back.
Goodwill might have something too that seals, for super cheap. They have a lot of glass in my area.
I just bought the corks and a floor corker but I guess it depends what your limitations are.
Okay it's been much longer than anticipated, but I have answers! I got these bottles from Amazon. The first time, they shipped to my home via UPS and arrived completely shattered. I shipped them to my workplace the second time because stuff normally comes there from USPS and they arrived in perfect condition! I had much better carbonation with swing tops.
When I first started making kombucha I would pour from the bottle to strain into another vessel, then pour the strained kombucha back into the bottle to drink the whole thing on the go. Now that I know you shouldn't drink an entire bottle at a time, I just strain a bit into a glass right before drinking. Much less spillage.
As suggested I did about 2 oz of flavoring per bottle- 0.5 oz mashed blackberry and 1.5 oz Welch's Passionfruit juice blend. It was a little too sweet but still delicious!
I bought these from Amazon. They are thick enough and seal perfectly, but I will say the neck sizes are somewhat inconsistent. I have trouble fitting the funnel in some of them. Otherwise, they are great.
Here's one I used from amazon for $5 that works well, but yes that looks the same, assuming you can just detach it from the spigot and fit on whatever spigot/tubing you already have on your bottling bucket.
I use these EZ cap bottles like most others on this sub. ( https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0064ODUDK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_-AklFbSV7N3XN ). You can get them on Amazon as well as most brewing suppliers. This should help with carbonation as long as you have your ratios balanced, 1F liquid plus added fruits or sugars for 2F.
Something labeled as for "home brewing" should suffice. I bought these on Amazon years ago for Kombucha and haven't had a single issue. Be sure to read the reviews and check to see if anyone had any issues w/ bottle damage.
Hey there!
I'm making my own creme de mure (blackberry liqueur) for some gin brambles and I need to sterilize my bottles. I'm only making 1-2 bottles to start( to see if it's worth the pita)
Can you guys suggest a easy way for me to sterilize a couple of bottles?
Here's the bottles in question
Thanks so much!
I got the 16oz bottles from Amazon. They work great and are fermentation grade. The large one is a reused cider bottle. I’ve had great success with carbonating in those bottles as well.
16 oz: Otis Swing Top Bottles - Glass Bottle 6 Pack w/ Stoppers ... https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01LB1862A/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_api_i_BYYHE5R45F2KE8ZSMDTG?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
> As people die in the wasteland and the caps just get lost, you've got disinflation which is way worse because nobody would want to spend money because it'd be constantly raising in value?
Commodity money systems do not generally experience deflation, as the physical tokens are a medium of exchange which also has intrinsic value of use of the commodity itself.
I do not recall if the Fallout universe has any surviving cappers.
you can find them at most homebrew shops. Otherwise amazon has them as well.
Depends on the bend. If it's that seriously deformed like u/HomemadeSodaExpert showed than I'll work similar like he does. If it's just a simple bend, I use a bottle capper like this one, recap it and open it without bending.
Spring Loaded Beer Bottle Filler https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000E66A4U/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_a_GE3HS0S6G2S1V51N35BY
I fill it literally to the top with wand in, somewhat risky for minor spillage if not carful
Open them really slowly and change them out to swing cap bottles like these swing cap bottles
They're straight up Grolsh Bottle Washers. Like the ones they use for their beer. Bought one pack and now I never need to buy Strap Locks ever again.
Here's a link to an example of the type of bottle you'll need: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078JYNSCR?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
These are on the small side in terms of their capacity. You can also buy and reuse flip top bottles from the grocery store. For example: https://www.instacart.com/products/17856378-sprouts-sparkling-lemonade-25-4-fl-oz
Hi everyone! Looking to get some bottles to use for F2! I read the wiki guide on carbonization and the link of recommend bottles is out of stock, Amazon recommend these instead? Any feedback on if these will work well? https://www.amazon.com/YEBODA-Bottles-Brewing-Airtight-Silicone/dp/B072Q417JQ
That's part of the aging process. You don't have to age it that long, could only age it a few months and it'd still be great. The longer you age it the more complex the flavors start to get. So it really just adds a bit more to something that already tastes amazing.
The recipe and process I follow is very close to what it outlined here if you want to read up on it a bit more:
As for the glass, something like this (anything airtight would work):
I brew hot with a French press, than I bottle it in glass with tops
Than I refrigerate, once I am ready to consume will flavor it with a citrus juice and some sweetener, honey or simple syrup. It tastes like what I put in it, and lasts for a week. Still strong and gives me a perfect cold drink to pick me up in the morning.
I reuse beer bottles. I just bought a bunch of new caps and an util (bottle capper) to apply them to the bottles. I recommend this product:
The bottles can be reused over and over, just make sure you wash them immediately after use as difficult-to-remove-mold will grow on them otherwise.
Also, to prevent the caps going off due to overpressure, you can perform a secondary fermentation inside an airlocked container and wait until there isn't more activity in the airlock. Then just add a controlled quantity of sugar to each bottle (2 coffee spoons).
I bought these off Amazon and have had no issues whatsoever with them: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078JYNSCR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03__o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
The ferment lids let the carbonation out and I plan to bottle in fridge with these swing top bottles from amazon
Liosten to this guy OP, he's the only one that actually answered your question. Those canning jars can't take too much pressure and are not usually perfectly cylindrical, this puts even more pressure on the corners.
They would probably work if you did a short 2F but then you'd have the same problem as you did with the growler, not enough carbonation, plus the added risk of a glassy, liquidy mess.
I'd just order a pack or dedicated swingtop bottles from amazon. If you wanted you buy a couple of 4-packs or Grolsh lager for the same price, and get the added bonus of 2 exta bottles and all of that delicious beery goodness.
Swing Top Glass Bottles - Flip Top Brewing Bottles For Kombucha, Kefir, Beer - Clear Color - 16oz Size - Set of 6 - Leak Proof Easy Caps, Bonus Gaskets, Chalkboard Labels and Pen - Fast Clean Design https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LB1862A/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_4J.MDbCKXHADR