There’s a book that’s free if you have amazon prime named “Johnny Carson” by Henry Bushkin ( who was his lawyer and close friend around the time of this clip. It’s a little gossipy but a pretty good book. Seeing him here really puts into perspective some of the stories told in the book. It sounds like he had a great life.
Showbiz parents are loons! Read I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy (iCarly). Her mother hated giving up the money/power/control. It sounds like a LOT of those Nickelodeon kid actors were fucked up behind the scenes :(
Methadone is a tried and true way to lessen the harsh drop off of heroin. Do you read much? I am reading a fascinating page turner that addresses addiction very well. The book is called Trejo. As in Danny Trejo. Famous actor, restauranteur and addiction counselor. Maybe your library has it. Maybe if you like it your son might read it.
Eating disorders start early. Just finished Jeanette McCurdy’s book. Crazy read about show biz families.
It’s a book by Jennette McCurdy and it was really good.
I remember reading about this in a biography of him; Johnny made lots of money from the clothing line but eventually stopped when he got tired of having to do photo shoots a few days a year.
I doubt it. He seems to be branching out with a new podcast with Roger Avary. Plus he's got his first non-fiction book coming out. I could see him transitioning into a latter-day Peter Bogdanovich where he takes on some acting gigs but is largely a raconteur on all things movies.
Half of these actors are not even good fighters in real live. And if they actually had to go there, couldn't they at least mention Bruce Lee, at least Bruce Lee actually was a good fighter. Bruce Willis, to the point I know, is 'just' an actor. Also, Bruce Lee's book was better than Peterson, so it is already two things in which Lee beats Peterson.
Ha ha. I did this exact same thing early in pandemic. Running with the Devil is a good read.
I love she is quoting Gary Busey saying False Evidence Appearing Real. That is a Buseyism. I've seen so many of these people adopt this acronym. Like, do you know who came up with that?
It's even from his book Buseyisms: Gary Busey's Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
This thread is truly delightful. I knew there's a reason I love playing a rogue. I read a book about the making of written by Elwes. It was a pleasant read and full of good trivia: As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride
Deal link: Amazon
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the new book by russell brand is really good. takes you through the 12 steps. it's helping me tremendously.
I recommend this
Russell Brand talks about a non-Godly 12 step program and puts it in terms that are easy to understand and of course funny in a dark and "been to rock bottom" kind of way.
He was addicted to a lot of stuff and got clean.
I was reading this a couple of days ago before I had a nerve ablation on my spine (L3-L5, bilateral) for pain. It definitely resonated with me, as does a great many comments in this thread.
5 days can become 6. There's a line back there between the previous and the current you. It's going to be the hardest thing ever to not stagger back over the line and say "I'm Home". But you know you're not. It's the worst kind of prison because it feels so free. But you do have the strength to get through to day 6, or 7, or 700. Because you made it through 5 days.
I don't know you personally but I feel like I've lived you and met you a million times over. I can do it. So can you.
Also, if you're in the mood for a book, I'd pick up Recovery by Russell Brand.
He's listed out The Program for free on his website. I found the book tremendously helpful...almost a 12 and 12 written for today's society.
Cary Elwes' book As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride devotes a lot of time to Andre, including his infamous drinking. He had his drink called "The American," served in pitchers. He would drink several of them like a normal person would drink a regular glass of beer, and the bars he visited all knew the recipe.
I don't know Enneagram types. But I have enormous respect for & appreciation for ISTJs in general, and esp. for a few I've known...
Also recently bought this book about ISTJ Johnny Carson, whom I loved as a kid:
I'm going to suggest a book. Felicia day wrote a book You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) Its a memoir and it deals a lot with some of the social issues she had and never fitting in. I've am just starting the book, but just the first f.schooled and not finding her group of people, and how she goes about doing that. It might be something that would help her understand she's not the only one out there with those problems.
Amazon link for anyone else looking for it. Definitely buying this for my Kindle!
Did not actually know she had written a book, but I loved her character in The Guild and she seems like such an interesting person. I'm happy to support her even if I don't like the book, but I'm pretty convinced I'm going to like it already!
Edit: Does anyone know if there is any difference between the version published by Touchstone and the one published by Sphere? (The only difference for the e-book versions that I can see is the price and that the Sphere edition allows for text-to-speech.)