In the iconic book Ignition! every test fire where the test stand doesn't blow up, is considered a success ;-)
girlonaroad, your story reads like the one that happened to Richard Feynman (from "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman"). He was accepted to an ivy league school (Princeton, I think) and attended a welcome new students event. He was offered some tea and asked if he wanted lemon or cream. Not knowing which was the right one to choose, he said both. The response was the title of the book.
It's nothing new, it's just coming back into the mainstream now that they realize how powerful psychedelics are for healing. Listen to Michael Pollan's recent JRE guest appearance and pick up his recent book, it details how this research and push for re-legitimizing pyschedelic use has been happening in the background all along. Some people have even theorized that since we banned psychedelics and picked up a more alcohol-heavy culture we've become more depressed, more angry, less empathetic, and argue returning psychedelics into the mainstream in a safe manner could change all of that.
Interesting times ahead.
There's quite a few details you're missing. There's also nuance with mergers and acquisitions. They're not the same.
I read this book a few years back, which was really interesting.
All the cofounders put a lot of work into getting it off the ground - that includes musk.
It's not like PayPal was a successful business before the merger.
"In 1954, only one year after Twarog and Page reported finding serotonin in the brain, Woolley and Shaw recognized the structural relationship between LSD and serotonin and proposed that the mental effects of LSD might be caused by its interference with the actions of serotonin in the brain"
You can also find more by just searching about Twarog and Page. You can also read Michael Pollan's new book "How to change your mind" Which will cite MULTIPLE sources, studies, mostly from accredited universities such as John Hopkins, NYU, Harvard etc.
I highly suggest reading it. Everything I have referenced only touches what that book covers.
Theirs a lot more, I suggest pulling up google scholar and researching papers that are now being published online after the Nixon era ban had been lifted, universities have started uploading those.
Might check this site out. As someone who has worked in the mental health field, I've seen patients struggle with this but it's doable. I believe there are some people who need them (but it's a WAY smaller percentage than what is on them). It can take quite a long time (weeks to years) because these medicines alter your brain chemistry. And as someone else has mentioned it does depend on what you've taken, and how much. Your brain is highly adaptive though. Best advice I would have is be patient with yourself, stay positive, and know it does get better.
If Abilify at those doses is all you've taken, I have high hopes your mind will clear up. Maybe start with simple brain exercises like puzzle games. Something to help calm, check out some of the free meditation videos that's all over the place. I don't like ones where people are talking but the music ones.
This book isn't about antipsychotic use, but a physician who had a stroke and how she recovered from it and the power of positive thinking.
Good luck to you and don't give up!
That reminded me of one of my favorite books. It is a biography on Nikola tesla which happens to be free on Amazon right now, too. It's titled Nikola Tesla: Imagination and the Man That Invented the 20th Century
For anyone else that was suddenly compelled to go check out the book because of this exchange...
This is where I read about it, amazing book. There's also a Netflix documentary series with the same name. It doesn't cover so much of the history though, the book goes into significantly more detail.
Warning - Lot of [mis]information in the link ahead.
Being that Bill gates "predicted" the virus, his ability to ~~forecast~~ influence the future should not be ignored. He ~~predicts~~ explains there will be a hung election and civil war coming soon to a neighborhood near you.
He also claims there are "conspiracy theories" out there about him which his paid cronies are working to combat, and discredits RFK who published this #1 bestselling book because it claims Gates "likes to make money and kill millions of people."
"The truth is kind of boring sometimes" claims Gates.
Edit: adjusted post to account for the truth
People wonder why Elon is so hell-bent on acquiring Twitter. He told us during the shareholder meeting that it would advance his plans by 3 years.
This is consistent with what is known about how he calculates things:
Page 188:
"Sometimes he [Elon] wouldn't let you buy a part for $2,000 because he expected you to find it cheaper or invent something cheaper. Other times, he wouldn't flinch at renting a plane for $90,000 to get something to Kwaj [Island] because it saved an entire workday, so it was worth it. He would place this urgency that he expected the revenue in 10 years to be 10 million dollars a day, and that every day we were slower to achieve our goals was a day of missing out on that money." - Kevin Brogan, early SpaceX Employee
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense)
It's no wonder why this is a best selling book in the US right now:
> The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 41% of American Adults now have a favorable impression of Dr. Fauci, down from 44% in August. Forty-five percent (45%) now have an unfavorable impression of Fauci, up from 42% who had a negative view of him in August. Thirteen percent (13%) are not sure.
Males with autogynephilic attraction are known to purge it all and then sometimes return to transitioning. However, most AGP's simply live normal heterosexual lives and engage in fetishistic cross dressing in private, or with their girlfriends who don't mind it. I recommend this book about it – the second half focuses on MTF.
I read this one which is considered to be the biography of Elon right now. What did I say that was wrong?
Kennedy's new book has been on sale on Amazon.
Or you could go with a classic
Dig a little deeper below the surface. You could start here or here below. Of course you may not want to upset the apple cart.
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense)
Check out this podcast: Unlimited Hangout with Whitney Webb #unlimitedHangoutWithWhitneyWebb via @PodcastAddict
He can technically claim this from the trial data. Of course the press and sheeple have no idea what it means. From RFK's book:
> The table shows that during the six-month trial, two people in the placebo group numbering approximately 22,000 and only one in the similarly sized vaccine group died from COVID. Believe it or not, this data point is the source of Pfizer’s claim that the vaccine is 100 percent efficacious against death. Since only one person died from COVID in the vaccine group and two died in the placebo group, Pfizer can technically represent that the vaccine is a 100 percent improvement over the placebo. After all, the number “2” is 100 percent greater than the number “1,” right? The media winked at this canard, obligingly reporting Pfizer’s extraordinary 100 percent efficacy claim. At least some reporters must have understood that most Americans hearing this statistic would naturally believe that the vaccine would prevent 100 percent of deaths. A more honest—and helpful—way of thinking about the Pfizer vaccine’s efficacy is to consider that 22,000 vaccines must be given to save a single life from COVID. Equally concerning, every virologist and infectious disease expert knew that the true reduction in risk of 1/22,000—or about 0.01 percent, as the BMJ reported— was far too insignificant to make the vaccine even a minor barrier against the spread of COVID. It’s axiomatic that any vaccine that does not prevent transmission and that spares only 1 in 22,000 from death from the target contagion has no ability to stop a pandemic.
The whole book is excellent.
Interesting that it's being pursued for Fibro pain. I've had pretty good experiences with experimenting with psychedelics specifically for fibro/cfs and chronic migraine issues.
The micro doses are generally good for the day you take them for pain as they allow you to not focus as heavily on the pain, but it's more of a feeling of you know it's there but are more accepting of it and don't put it so much in the forefront of your attention. They are also below tripping thresholds like the article mentions. Ideally, you really don't feel any different from a motor functioning standpoint. It kind of just feels like a really awesome day where things are breaking your way. It's also generally not something you take every day. Standard is to give at least 2 days between doses so I'll be interested to see how the study works and performs over the long haul.
I'm also super interested to see if they will eventually explore macro doses for trials. I was able to break my chronic migraines with a heavier dose(5g of psilocybin or Ayahuasca) and then was able to maintain remittance with micro dosing or CGRP injections. Also was able to vastly improve chronic nausea issues with a different Ayahuasca trip.
The healing potential is really huge for this class of medicine for a number of issues and I'm excited for us to learn more in an academic setting! The Michael Pollan book they reference( is really good if you are at all interested in this sphere. Also to note, please do your homework before running off and trying these things haphazardly. I know some treat these things recreationally but it can be harmful for cultural stigma which can affect the timeline of research and ultimately how quickly we can develop standardized treatments.
> To be honest a chemical weapons using locally source materials through the ventilation system would do more harm than a few expensive MANPADS.
I'm not sure that's realistic. You need quite a large volume of precursors to make enough gas to incapacitate, plus it takes some time, heat, and stirring to mix binary agents in your chosen reaction vessel so they react. Vil Mirzayanov covers a lot of the mechanics of the process in his book "State Secrets: An Insider's Chronicle of the Russian Chemical Weapons Program"
And remember the cockpit has it's own air system.
SS: People were complaining the other day that the book had an outrageous price of $32 on Kindle – true, way too expensive! Fortunately, it's just lowered to $2.99! I highly recommend the book. Every sale contributes to the book staying high on the bestseller list, which means it will gain more exposure and be included in the New York Times and red pill all the baby-boomers.
Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. But if you're even thinking about psilocybin you should read or listen to Michal Pollan's How to Change Your Mind.
One point he makes is that religion can help get to a higher level of consciousness but it's not the only way. Psilocybin can also work, and religion shouldn't have a monopoly on achieving greater consciousness.
Agree with others that a heroic dose will give your brain a break from the state that it’s in, and will give it a taste of a different, better, target state. Then, microdosing will keep nudging your brain toward that target state. For the heroic dose, though, you definitely need to feel absolutely safe, know that your kids are 100% taken care of while you’re in it, and have a helper who is experienced with psychedelics and who you trust. If you can read or listen to Michael Pollan’s book that would be great: How to Change Your Mind
Perhaps you should ask RFK Jr. He has a book about Fauci available for pre-publication purchase coming out in November, called "The Real Anthony Fauci".
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense)
He talks about the book and more in this interview:
You should check out:
There's a lot of research to show that humans benefit from a feeling we call "Enlightenment" and that devout religious people in prayer have the same areas of the brain light up as people on Psychedelics.
As an atheist, I'd rather get that feeling from a chemical than a religion.
Lol, they fucking hate Bailey's book so much and will do anything to prevent its discussion. I'm going to link to it out of spite:
Fun fact: you can drive them nuts by using the word "autogynephilia".