Last time I looked there were at least a half dozen available for the low price of $0.00. I went back to verify just now and it seems many of them are now $0.99. However, there is this.
Unfortunately cursed child was never released as a book, it is a play. And you can get the plays dialog, a play script. A good read though.
Amazon link to said script:
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two: The Official Playscript of the Original West End Production
That sounds like Folger. Definitely my favorite editions. Did it look like this?
Douglas Adams Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was originally a BBC radio show. The scripts are available on Amazon and through other sources.
I think they try to keep them off the internet because you can buy them as a book. It looks pretty nice and isn't that expensive.
Mine has a red cloth cover and a plastic vinal cover over that. It was published by the Penguin Group. 2002
This is the one:
Buy it and you can watch in your head...
It’s not a great fic honestly. I’ve also only read it once and that was quite a number of years ago so I don’t quite recall everything in it, but I think The Cursed Child might fit what you’re looking for. I’d not recommend that fic though, it’s poorly thought out, not paced very well, and the characters are wildly OC, in but not in an alternate universe. Just all around kind of strange.
This is the Amazon classics one. Here’s the link: Macbeth (AmazonClassics Edition)
I also just picked up the complete works: Shakespeare: The Complete Collection
I wish they would did not abbreviate character names in the complete works edition. But…it is 45 cents…so I can’t complain too much
> Im talking about books like the Cursed Child which has no good characters, a world that doesnt make sense, nothing to say, no logical flow, that both die hard Potter fans and non fans can agree is bas. Thats not so much based off subjectivity or taste because the story down to its very fundamentals has big problems.
3.3 million copies sold opening week. It's also got 4 stars with over 27k reviews. on Amazon. Sorry, your argument here is exactly what I'm saying: you and so many others may think it's bad, but there's plenty who like it to the tune of thousands and millions of people. Again, in publishing the number who like it is all that matters.
Also don’t forget that all the Fleabag scripts are being published and the book is available for pre-order and buying the book supports PWB and Fleabag.
A search for “Fleabag: The Scriptures” will provide all sorts of info but here’s where you can pre-order from Amazon US and from Amazon UK and of course nothing is better than requesting it from your local independent bookstore if you have one!
Yeah, we all know she didn't write the final script. People don't have a problem with the dialogue writing though. They have a problem with the idiotic story concept and outlines, which is all hers.
Oh my gosh!!! So exciting for your sister, yay! What is it about, if you can share? I would love to check it out once published.
This book (Fleabag: The Scriptures, by Phoebe Wallace-Bridge) is the oldest item on my list! After I watched the show, I knew I needed to get the screenplay. I still obsessed with this show. If you haven't seen it, it's incredible and PWB is an amazing writer.
Thank you for the contest!
Definitely!! The romance in season 2 was exquisitly done. Though, she did publish the scripts so maybe there's a bit more to be found in there? Stage direction and such. I bought it cause the show was amazingly written and I'm a writer, but haven't read it yet.
Edited for typos
I don’t think this will include the series bible, but it seems like a pretty complete package nonetheless: Fleabag: The Scriptures
I think this is the version I had (lent it to a friend and never got it back). It has interesting anecdotes about the writing process and cast, etc. Definitely a good read.