Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy series. Either the 2nd or 3rd book I believe? They're all fairly short, I bought ultimate edition on Amazon and get all like 5 of them together.
Edit: for everyone asking, here's the book I got
The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Johannes Cabal: The Necromancer
Steampunk(?) Lovecraftian witty and sometimes very funny. I normally go for high fantasy but loved this series.
The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy includes all 5 that were written by Douglas Adams. The one I have on my shelf has a different cover than what Amazon currently shows, but it looks like it's all there. There is another Hitchhiker's book by Eoin Colfer working on Douglas Adams' notes called And Another Thing... you might also want to check out. Though you're probably better off switching to Dirk Gently before you get to that one.
‘Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell’ by Susanna Clarke. It’s not horror, but I think you will still appreciate reading about the exploits of these two great magicians.
JKR 'uses' quite a few folklore and myths, but never really goes into any depth with them. It's all very surface level, that's why fairies are depicted like little glowing Tinkerbells rather than the powerful, chaotic, unknowable, and all-around strange creatures they are in folklore. If you expect her to have any depth in what she does, you're going to be sadly mistaken.
Edit: If you want a story which truly does go deep into the myths and folklore it draws upon, I recommend Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke.
yea the book is also calles good omens, here's a link to the amazon page if you wanna buy it https://www.amazon.com/dp/0060853980/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_w4phDb6THWTH8
its a great book id recomend both the book as and the show!
Guess your dog's been reading this book that's actually for sale on Amazon:
How to Teach Your Dog to Drive: The Essential Guide https://www.amazon.com/dp/1250077990/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_JMW7YEEDRQPRT7H3JQDH
I like the character concept. But wouldn’t it be more satisfying for the PC to convert a follower rather than simply running across one? I ran a game (that ended before we could wrap it up) where our Druid was in the process of converting a farmers kid to druidicism and he loved it.
I would also recommend the book Small Gods by Terry Pratchett. It is fundamentally about the singular follower of a God in a world where that Gods worshipers have all been corrupted by false religions doctrine. Its an absolutely fantastic book.
In case you aren't aware, "Titania McGrath" is a parody account.
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There are a few different printings of the full series.
Here's a link to the first one I found on Amazon The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Ah ok, isso diz que tem uma oferta nova. Na oferta de capa comum tá escrito 2 novos porque tem duas lojas vendendo. Aqui tem um exemplo onde tá escrito somente 1 em estoque no lado direito. Não compro aqui porque não é direto com a Amazon e não encontrei anda sobre essa loja além do Reclame Aqui.
Edit.:Eu copiei os links quando logado, talvez por isso que diz que é de uma lista de presentes, a minha lol Vou deslogar e editar o post.
the last podcast that i could find which had post malone in it was this one from june 9th
last time i watched it was when it aired 3 months ago so i don't recall anything about documentaries but i know that he recommended the book slaughterhouse five by kurt vonnegut which i have since bought on amazon kindle but haven't had time to read.
The best fantasy book I ever read was Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. It's a slow burn, but the world building is second to none. There was a BBC miniseries as well. I haven't watched it but it's well-reviewed.
Some others I really like:
Hoity toity literature: Moby Dick (way more fun than it's reputation lets on), Notes From the Underground by Dostoevsky.
Non-fiction: The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson (chronicles the building of the World's Fair in Chicago alongside HH Holmes building his Murder Castle), The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddartha Mukherjee (history of cancer).
Great sci-fi: Dune, Canticle for Leibowitz, Fahrenheit 451.
Books that are really fun to read: Anything by Neil Gaiman, Dresden Files series.
>"Dave saves the universe" That's a trilogy right there.
Boringly named man has space adventure is indeed a trilogy.
I got The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy as a gift and it's awesome. Has all 5 books plus a short story ("Young Zaphod Plays it Safe"). I've re-read the whole thing cover to cover a few times.
The fifth book is a little depressing, but still good. The author's life had turned to shit, and it shows in his writing. Still, it's a hell of a good way to wrap up the stories.
I am 100% sure I am not the only one who fell for this marketing scam. Who doesn't want to see a movie with zombies? You throw zombies into any old, stale book, TV show, or movie, and you'll have fans lining up to see it. I just thought it was going to be a period piece, not actually follow the book. That's just dumb.
Holy shit! You're right! There's actually a book called "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies". That's what I thought you said when I first read your comment, but I was sure you were referring to the actual Jane Austen book. WTF, who's the retard who would write a book called that? Watching it for the sheer entertainment of seeing zombies gobble up women in the Victorian era is one thing. Reading about it? Eh.
Johannes Cabal the Necromancer (as well as the other three books of the series), by Jonathan L. Howard.
Hell even the AUTHOR'S name has a vaguely H. P. Lovecraft feel.
Read this series. You will love it, or I'll eat my hat.
The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
It's not particularly about being less depressed and all that, but I guarantee it will make you feel better.
American Gods may not be a good book for people who can't read good. It's got some parts that slow down and get really dense, kind of like LOTR.
Good Omens is a Gaiman/Pratchett collaboration that I freaking loved. Good plot lines, lots of chuckles, and I didn't think any parts got too slow.
You can buy it here in Kindle format which will allow you to download it legally. If you don't have a Kindle reader, you can also download the free Kindle reader program for the PC and you can read it that way.
It just got turned into a tv show, but I haven't seen it yet. It is NOT like Harry Potter. It's much closer to Master and Commander, but with magic.
It's... already a book. That's where the movie came from.
Yes! He's hella talented. Actually, on a quick google it looks like he has 2, which I was unaware of. I'd only heard Go. If you're into post-rock you'll probably really like GY!BE. They're sorta the quintessential band for the genre.
Personally? I'm all about the cooking class thing. It's a good couple's activity, it's a really nice skill to have, and it's the sort of thing that's immediately useful in real life. Plus they tend to be pretty cheap, all things considered.
If you only take one book suggestion from me? If you've not read Good Omens, correct that immediately. That's a book that I actually get surprised when people mention that they've not read it. It's good enough that IMO it should be mandatory reading.
Try Susannah Clarke's Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell.
Very Good Omens.
Man either there's something odd going on in the conversions or books are really surprisingly expensive in... Denmark is it? USD$39 for a paperback HHGG omnibus? Even really overpriced physical bookstores wouldn't charge that much here.
That same Hitchiker's Guide on Amazon.de would be $15 euro, so about USD$16 (and it's about $10 on the US site). And probably $5 if you shopped around the 3rd party listings.
The price on the Narnia Hardcover seems right though, that's a nice edition of it.