I've enjoyed Andy Hill's book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Scoring-Screen-Secret-Language-Music/dp/1495073734
Not sure exactly what the dramatic theory is, but its pretty comprehensive :)
Of course! It’s a book by Lin-Manuel Miranda (writer of the play and the guy who plays Hamilton). It’s basically the book of the play but with more info and facts.
I don’t know where you’re from so I went with the USA but you can most likely find it on the amazon of your country as well:
What's helped me is Hamilton the Podcast and LMM's book Hamilton the Revolution (which I now am seeing that I paid a lot more for at my local bookstore than it is on Amazon. Trying here!)
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This is the one I have and it's still retailing for $45-60 CAD. Worth every penny tho.
> the book is called "Hamilton the revolution" by Lin Manuel Miranda
The book is $23.69...
> i forgot too say we cant watch the play as i currently cant afford disney+. And even if we could, my daughter would still want the book
A month costs $8, can't your daughter get that with her birthday money if you can't?
Buddy. YTA. That book is 23.99 dollars on Amazon for a hard cover book.
The link is
Massive YTA. Persy jackson lighting thief is 20 dollars on Amazon.
"Expensive" give me a break.
Just picked this up after seeing it recommended in the technical theatre subreddit (or maybe it was here…?): Mixing a Musical: Broadway... https://www.amazon.com/dp/0240817591?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
That is absolutely going to happen. The depth and nuance on this show. Soon, it’ll be listed here for great minds to ponder:
Here's an Amazon link to it.
If you are a newbie and a fan of stuff, there's a series called "Pop Culture and Philosophy" that starts with some pretty famous properties and discusses some ideas related to those.
It is funny, but I enjoyed the Hamilton Revolution book more than the film. The insight of Miranda’s brain and thoughts made the story more compelling as his life was put into parts of lyrics.
Not only is it more important to listen to the songs first, but there is more emotion, thought, and precision in the recorded music (found in spotify and youtube) than the actual film. This is because, obviously, it was live recorded. The movement and pauses create a different sense of storyline that has to match what you are seeing, though, the music by itself creates such imagery in your head.
As my film production professor always says, there is a reason why silent films no longer exist and radio still does. Sound is the most important part of a film, a film could be horrible but if the sound is amazing, it is capable of winning awards.
Listening to the musical by itself through spotify, as I do every single day lol, gives you the same effect as watching the film. In fact, you lose key moments watching the film since the lyrics are carefully written to stand on its own. Hence, the reason they released the recorded music FIRST.
The musical film has the same style as Daft Punk’s Discovery Album.
Every song covers a part of the story, just that in Hamilton, the lyrics stand alone compared to Daft Punk’s songs.
Nevertheless, the film is good, but not as good as the best thing you can own if you like Hamilton,
If you want some information on music specifically. there's a book called Sondheim on Music which is a written out interview with Sondheim.
Here's the amazon link but you could probably get it at a library: https://www.amazon.com/Sondheim-Music-Minor-Details-Decisions/dp/0810874369
You've got the right idea.
Learn DCA/VCA first, that will be biggest improvement.
Then get into scenes after you understand that. Don't do too much in scenes at first, just mutes and VCA assignment.
And read this: https://smile.amazon.com/Mixing-Musical-Broadway-Theatrical-Techniques/dp/0240817591
If you check out the comments on the song on http://genius.com/7860613 you'll see Lin confirms the homage and the call to JRB.
If you like this, check out the rest of the stuff for Hamilton on Genius. It really is amazing. Or check out https://www.amazon.com/Hamilton-Revolution-Lin-Manuel-Miranda/dp/1478913649 and get all of Lin's thoughts on the songs.
I saw it a few months ago and avoided the soundtrack altogether and understood everything fine. However, my dad didn't think he'd be able to follow so I got him the Hamilton book and he read it as if it were a play. He loved doing that because the songs and melodies were still a mystery, but he knew the plot.
I'm looking forward to my birthday (May 22nd) just because I'm asking for the Hamiltome as a present, and I'm really excited to get it.
I'm also looking forward to the new seasons of America's Got Talent and Project Runway this summer.
Oh, and I'm really looking forward to the Tony Awards, and hoping that Hamilton wins most of them, since they definitely deserve it! (And I can't wait to see what James Corden is like as the host, too.)
I have recently been interested in (Burlesque and the Art of the Teese/Fetish and the Art of the Teese)[http://www.amazon.com/dp/0060591676/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=3FJJEQORQML1S&coliid=I119QJ6QOBHERR]. I have always enjoyed the art form of Burlesque, pin-up, that kind of stuff. I have found it to be an amazing thing that I'd like to see more prominent. Plus, it's fun. Who doesn't like that?!