For laundry in hostels, I just found a time when most people were out and about (or not using bathrooms) and washed my clothes in the sink. Some travel laundry soap and a little rubber sink stopper came in handy. Then ring them out, roll them up in a towel to get them a bit more dry, then I hung them over/near my bunk using this thing. Cheers!
I bring some reusable zip ties (wish I would’ve discovered sooner) but mostly use these ball ties for hanging lights, hanging tapestries, attaching flag pole to canopy.
Take the edge that you want to be the cinched end, fold it over and sew it. Then run some sort of shock cord and run it through the channel you just sewed.
They just wrap around and tuck into themselves, no hook.
Very versatile, I like it! As a sailor I always try to minimize the need for tying knots, especially when I am doing a routine task like loading or unloading something. Knots take time to tie, you have to design their configuration, and they require a dexterity that is not available to you under certain conditions. I always consider webbing tie down straps, zip ties, (safety) hook bungies, loop+ball bungies, hose clamps, and the like.
For this grid, is there some sort of eye bolt that can be inserted into and removed from the holes easily? Webbing that can be used quickly and easily?
Actually, thinking a bit more, maybe you could have a 2" loop of cord sticking out of each hole of the grid. You just choose which one you want to strap webbing to and away you go.
You could buy purpose-made ones, from 5.11 and such, but honestly you could just as easy make your own out of something like this:\_1\_2?keywords=shock+cord+with+toggle&qid=1656452135&sprefix=shock+cord+with%2Caps%2C170&sr=8-2
I carry a small braided bungee cord clothesline for this. It works great for hanging a towel on bunk for drying or privacy purposes. Also where I hang clothes after washing/at night.
I got you.
Ball Bungee Cords, 50 Packs, 4 Inch Black Tie Down Cords for Tarp, Canopy Shelter, Wall Pipe, UV Resistant
I recommend NEVER leaving him in a bike seat while its on the kickstand. That said, I'm sure you are a good parent. I just had to say it as a word of caution.
To answer your question, the dual-legged kickstands are generally more stable. In your situation, I would also recommend that in conjunction with the dually kickstand, that you also add two things:
I use the 6" ball bungees. I will wrap them around either the front or rear brake lever, closing up the brake and making it hold. The wheel doesnt roll. If the wheel doesnt roll, the bike does not have the need to fall over. I use this technique for all of my bikes that do not have a kickstand.
If you use the above methods, it will make your life a lot easier when handling your child and the bike..
A nice leatherman or swiss army knife.
Camper cookware.
A box of strong magnets with hooks
A big cargo net with hooks
These screens that stretch over open windows to allow air but no bugs.
I feel like they would take a lot of abuse on the bow rail. Are we talking about those Tommy Bahama folding chairs from Costco that everyone has these days? Seems like the side rail would make more sense.
If it was me, I'd just get some of these to attach them.
Product name: Reese Secure 9481300 Orange 10" - 48" Adjustable Fat Strap Bungee, 2 Pack
Highest price ever: $19.22
Lowest price ever: $5.13
Average price: $13.57
Previous price: $16.48
Current price: $5.28
Last price change: -68%
Price change from average: -61%
Price change from all-time low: This is the lowest price ever!
The item was in stock as of 11/05/2021 04:39:06 (UTC)
I like boots. I hate bootlaces.
So I went on amazon and got some elastic cord and adjustable cinches, like this
I got to customize the length of my laces, and the clamps mean not only that I don't have to tie laces, but also that I can get a much more adjustable and customized fit.
Basically, I only have to do my laces once, and this solution is much cheaper than others out there if you have multiple shoes.
Just this lil guy they only withstand about a year of abuse but at that price I'm content to replace them from time to time.
I use a couple of bungee cords to keep the hookah tightened to a table.
Also, you can checkout /u/m2i5k6e6 review on this stand. You can find it in Amazon.
I am pretty sure I bought mine from the container store. So here is the link I have for that.
This chair on Amazon looks to be the exact same thing and is reasonably priced.
The chair you have looks similar but has smaller bungee cords to sit on. Idk how that would feel compared to the wide bungee cords.
I've always just used a cheap bungee net. Something like this will work:
Other people swear by Rok Straps, but I've never used them:
I don't know how well they'll secure a huge backpack though. When my pack has been fully loaded I usually just wear it while riding. It kinda sucks. You can rest some of the weight of the pack on the passenger seat, but that only helps so much.
Typically when I'm travelling by motorcycle, I use either hard or soft panniers and if I need a backpack with me, I strap the empty pack to the panniers and load the panniers up with all of my gear. When I get to my destination and I'll be travelling on foot, I load up the empty pack and leave the empty panniers on the bike.