Fennomenal PR: From Obscurity to Omnipresence
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How to Choose the Best Laptop for a Writer?: A Guide for Selecting a Notebook or Tablet for Writing
FREE until December 17th.
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Here is a great book on this exact issue. https://www.amazon.com/Package-Price-Profit-Essential-Packaging-ebook/dp/B07Y1BHJMY Nigel has a great community that I am a part of.
The full title of the book is
Package, Price, Profit: The Essential Guide to Packaging and Pricing Your MSP Plans
Edit add price : the price I can see is $1.10
Influencer Fast Track - From Zero to Influencer in the next 6 Months!
FREE on June 19th
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Publishing: Self-Publish a Book in 30 Days!: The Proven 4-Week Formula to go from Zero to Bestseller
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Mid-Life Career Rescue (Employ Yourself): How to change careers, confidently leave a job you hate
FREE until January 7th.
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Solve the Divorce Dilemma: Do You Keep Your Husband or Do You Post Him on Craigslist?
FREE until January 6th.
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Have you heard of the book "MSP in a Month"? It might be worth a look at the author's Karl Palachuk's other books about service agreements and reselling services. I have not read them but have considered it a plan "B". Plan "A" is goat farming.
Read https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Y1BHJMY/
It's a very short book and a fun read. Will help you figure out best pricing for your situation.
It sounds like you're in a good ballpark price wise! Which is very unusual. Most people in your situation undervalue thier time and talent.
I'd highly recommend "The Management Myth". It's a highly readable, thoughtful debunking of a lot of management tropes.
There's a summary article by the author on the Atlantic: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2006/06/the-management-myth/304883/
Edit: Management Myth – link to Kindle page.