Another really great one that theorizes exactly WHY America as a country is so susceptible to snake oil salesmen, con men, and anyone who spouts patriotic/religious nonsense is *Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire: A 500-Year History.
I really enjoy macro histories, and this one is particularly compelling and enjoyable to read.
I've been reading this book called Fantasyland : How America Went Haywire: A 500-Year History.
It posits that America is so messed up because Americans have been self-selecting gullible idiots since the days of Columbus.
Many many people came to this continent in the early days because of promises of easy gold and riches. After a year or two of struggling and not finding any easy riches, the smart ones packed up and went home. The dumb ones stayed and reproduced with other stupid people and bad stupid gullible children.
And this same kind thing repeats over and over for centuries until we reach the point where we are today. Not everybody is here is stupid. But the stupid tend to put down roots and reproduce and the smart people tend to see through the bullshit and go home when they have the chance.
Feku & Co: Exclusive purveyors of mis-truths in India, and masters in How to Lie with Statistics
1) When did Optical-Fibre technology start picking pace in India?
2) Can Feku & Co, unmatched-experts in pakoda-economics, speak about S-curve in technology adoption
3) Here is a relevant news piece from year 2012: <strong>Super optic highway to connect 2.5 lakh villages</strong>: 3 pilot projects with 61 gram panchayats across Ajmer, Vizag and North Tripura by October, Oct'12
Americans have generally always been believing weird-ass shit, simply because unlike most other large-scale pre-industrial societies, there usually wasn't an institution charged with limiting the acceptable body of belief (e.g an official church, or a Confucian mandarin elite, or a priestly caste). In the 19th century you had the Great Awakening and all the bizarre religious sects that came out of that (Mormons being the most prominent), but also things like patent medicine salesmen etc.
But you could argue that rationalism and scientific thinking peaked in the US immediately postwar, during the 1950s and early 1960s. Not coincidentally, this is when the US gained a 'thought control apparatus' for the first time, in the shape of television and other mass media. The prestige of American science and technology in this era, though, was quite heavily bound up with the military-industrial complex.
So when you had the counterculture emerge in the mid-to-late '60s, a lot of it veered into anti-science and rationalism, given the deep associations between the technocratic scientific establishment and the military industrial complex responsible for the carnage in Vietnam. This book is quite good on how a lot of woo came out of California, at first with the hippie movement, but later associated with the sort of postmodern French theory that gave rise to woke idpol.
Ofc it wasn't just the 'left' that was going down this road, the American Right from the late '80s up till now began to embrace the sort of paranoid conspiracism that's really dominated their politics ever since.
A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America (yes I know the title is a bit cringy) actually works through this in rather solid, data-backed detail.
Of course any individual has the possibility of being convinced or shifted from their position, but on a large-scale the boomer generation has caused, and are still causing, a LOT of damage due to actions of mass-sociopathy.
Tangential, but have you guys read One Billion Americans? Lots of really good pro-natal policy proposals in there. Big recommend.
>There are swaths of land in the US bigger than the country of Ireland that has a population density of between 0 and 1 person per 10 square miles.
you might want to suggest your brother to read THIS book, it talks about how Americans are exposed to so much fantasy and conspiracy that they think everything is a conspiracy, something along those lines, it ll clear his head
I highly recommend to get perspective on American history with conspiracy theories and other unique American cultural traits.
I read this book a few months ago.
The Sociopathic Generation.
His points about how it came about applies to every generation that primarily had a top down one way communication system including mine Gen-X.
Maybe especially mine, as our original name was "the latch key kids"... but then the Boomers were known as "the Me Generation"...
Feel free to get from local store as I did..
Bruce Cannon Gibney talks about that in "A generation of Sociopaths - how the baby boomers betrayed America", basically the pension funds will run out of money sometime in the mid-2030's.
So that is another problem to consider.
Interesting - while only features the paperback you can buy the Kindle version on the international Amazon sites like at roughly half price:
I'd be good to be able to buy it as epub or a similar open format directly from Andreas through openbazaar or directly on his site.
None of those wars included a full mobilisation of nearly all males and most females for fighting and war industry. It’s an aberration to even use the same word for these kind of conflicts, they where conceptually entirely different.
And I disagree about your analysis of the cause between the widening wedge between rich and poor. We saw a incredible growth of wealth for simple folks between 1850 and roughly 1960. That’s only possible in a system where you can accumulate wealth, money, to invest.
Since then we have inflation and things go south. It’s not just that things become more expensive. It’s that wages don’t keep up with inflation. It’s that you can’t save up for the future because just sending a kid to college is an impossible investment.
Personally I disagree with our entire economic model since the 1960s basically. The results simply do not convince me. All great periods in our history, classic Greek, Roman, renaissance, industrial revolution, they all happened under systems of sound money. And by the time they failed they had all invariably turned to soft money. It may not be the cause(though I believe it to be), but it’s certainly a symptom.
Explains it much better than I do, especially as I’m not a native English speaker. I recommend to read it, it goes quite in-depth on why it’s important to have sound money and what the consequences are, and historically have been, of not having it. History may not repeat itself, but it rhymes.
"the question of why this procedure requires such legal maneuvers is a perplexing one, since ectopic pregnancies will not lead to a birth."
Literally because some politicians have said 'maybe Jesus will intervene and save the baby'. If you haven't read Fantasyland yet, do it now. We are being forced to live with Christianity and Christian Nationalism that has become increasingly 'magical' in its dogma.\_kin\_swatch\_0?\_encoding=UTF8&qid=1671476409&sr=8-1
In historical practical economics, both fascism and communism have drawn power from mixing up state with high end private sector. These dictatorships saw there was no totalitarian rule without harnessing and combining the societal power of big corporations. That's obviously where fuhrer Klaus Schwab's vision of stakeholder capitalism emerged.
The WEF stands for a combination of communism for the masses, capitalism for the elites, calling it stakeholder capitalism (and consequently poor slavery for the masses, hence "You will own nothing and you will be happy"). It's all very clearly stated. If you still aren't capable of understanding all this, I'd advise you to read fuhrer Schwab's book: COVID 19, The Great Reset.
>I was talking about the market not being some perfect infallible thing which it isn't.
First you need to define what do you mean by "thing" and perfect at what? the market is close to perfect at allocating economical resources. But you dont state what is your idea of what a free market should do.
The free market goal is to allocate economical resources in the most efficent way, and it surely is the best method we have now. Whatever goal you think the market is failing at, you need to define it and answer if the market is actually designated to that whatever thing you are trying to fullfill
> The government is helpful.
In 90% of cases it does more harm than good.
> I know you need a lot of wealth to become a social democracy. The market by itself still doesn't cut it.
It does, rich countries became rich investing hard on industrializing and trading a lot. They didnt become rich by using any social democracy policy.
>I didn't say anything about the regulations in those countries. How about when FDR implemented the new deal in the USA after the great depression?
You need to learn about economy history, but theres no point of discusing this if you dont even know the most basics aspects of economics.
If you are really interested read Basic economics by Thomas Sowell, extremely easy book to read and learn the most basic things of economy. Then you can truly understand economic history of any country you decide to read about.
Fascism is more of a political system than economic system. On Reddit, most people are going to be heavily biased towards communism. Go ahead and read what they suggest but make sure to balance it with other readings.
To learn more about Fascism:
Doctrine of Fascism: This is fascism defined by Mussolini himself.
Vampire Economy: A description of business under Hitler from someone who lived through it.
You will find that Fascist economies are heavily regulated with lots of bureaucracy. The State has the final say and is involved in everything, despite it being "private" businesses. Note that in the manifesto, Mussolini rejects classical liberalism and free markets.
Ludwig von Mises has a book called "Liberalism" describing free markets. He also has a book called "Socialism" where he describes socialism and famously debunks it.
Economics In One Lesson by Hazlitt is a great starting point if you wish to understand economics at a basic level, which is going to be required if you wish to objectively evaluate various economic systems.
Human Action by Mises is a much more detailed framework for economics, its thick but fairly easy to understand.
Again, an understanding of basic economics is crucial before you can evaluate economic & political systems.
Good job, Jesse. You work hard. I love how an academic institution was complaining about the length of the article of all things.
This should be required reading for high school students since no one from medical students to university administrators to consumers of media seems to grasp the concepts within, which are vital to information literacy.
Having fun reading the reviews of Klaus' book
It would, unironcially. Argentina's problem is chronic inflation, inflation that is created by the Central Bank of Argentina in order to fund its massive bloated State.
This is basically where Argentina's economy is right now.
I'd recommend this book that's actually a first hand account if anyone is truly curious. In no way did Hitler's Germany have anything resembling a free market with private property rights that any small government advocate would ever want. It is much closer to the fascist states that so called "socialist" governments literally always devolve into. Hitler and the Nazis wanted to use the state to mold the economy like the central planning Young Hegelians they were and anyone trying to tell you different like the clearly uneducated u/ aeiou_sometimesy here is either wrong or lying to you.
This book by Klaus Schwab the founder of the WEF outlines what they plan to do. At Davos this year they talked about implementing a new financial system, doing away with free speech, Schwab talked to the attendees about how they are literally shaping the world. I'll try and find the video clips for you.
Great! Now do your reading!
Here is a book titled “Covid-19: The Great Reset” by Klaus Schwab the head of the WEF.
If that doesn’t get the point across that there is a deliberate collaboration towards a new order of the world you might try Klaus’ sequel “The Great Narrative for a Better Future”.
It’s ok though. Just a conspiracy. Nothing creepy about these books or their contents written by a man in charge of coordinating international development and cooperation.
Great! Now do your reading!
Here is a book titled “Covid-19: The Great Reset” by Klaus Schwab the head of the WEF.
If that doesn’t get the point across that there is a deliberate collaboration towards a new order of the world you might try Klaus’ sequel “The Great Narrative for a Better Future”.
It’s ok though. Just a conspiracy. Nothing creepy about these books or their contents written by a man in charge of coordinating international development and cooperation.
Andersen, Kurt, 1954- "
This is certainly a journey since there is so many sources out there and you will have find your own path. Here are two books that helped me.
I personally can really recommend Economics in one lesson to get you primed up in how to think economically and explains how economics affect every day things.
For investing I think Intelligent investor is good to show you how to think about investing and what to expect.
If you want to get some videos on how stuff works with calculations, have a look at Khan's academy. They do have several videos explaining the concepts of taxation and inflation with calculations. Just beware their political views are mostly on the left (I think) so this might play out in some of the videos.
You forgot an option: Home prices are determined by supply and demand. The housing market is neither too high or too low; it is precisely what the market can bear.
If homes are too expensive, then they will not sell. As long as someone is willing to pay the asking price for a home, then it is not too expensive.
Are Nashville homes over-priced for you? Perhaps. That does not make them over priced.
I'd highly suggest this book (which should be taught in all public schools around the 9th grade): Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt. Though published in 1946, the principles, theories, and lessons are just as valid today as they were then.
The open conspiracy now is the global Build Back Better initiative coming from the World Economic Forum. In short, the WEF has been a forum where global leaders organize and launch initiatives in their respective countries for many decades. Largely, their initiatives have failed or have been ineffective. Now, they've decided to be "open" with their plans, meaning, large parts of the playbook are published, but it's up to us to find out what's hidden.
The WEF published the "Great Reset" book and the "Build Back Better" initiative a couple years ago. With a few minutes of research, you'll see the majority of Western Nations are now pushing and passing "Build Back Better" initiatives (Biden's main policy goal). Here's the book that was published:
Once you understand this, it's much easier to see why governments of the world are behaving in certain ways. As we said, the definition of conspiracy is: working together to bring about a particular result, typically to someone's detriment. Is Build Back Better a conspiracy? You'd have to ask yourself, is this initiative good for nations of humanity? Or is it happening to humanities detriment?
Personally, there's many pieces of the agenda I agree with, but also many I disagree with. For example, a main piece of the agenda is to bring tax rates as close to 100% as possible. This, among some others, is a reason I find the plan detrimental, and thus a conspiracy. Preventing Biden's BBB legislation would be a win for Americans in retaining our relative sovereignty.