De economía te recomiendo bastante Superfreakonomics. Tiene bastantes anécdotas curiosas y es muy entretenido.
I don't recall it being mentioned a lot in High School, BUT Australia is mentioned A LOT in the public agenda as comparisons are constatly made between the development of Australia and the (un)development of Argentina, as both countries were on a simmilar situation until about 1930
Even some books have been written about that: ¿Por qué Argentina no fue Australia?: Historia de una obsesión por lo que no fuimos, ni somos, pero… ¿seremos? <strong>Why Argentina was not Australia?: History of an obsesion about what we weren't, aren't... but will be?</strong>
> Also why did that economic advantage dissapear in the 20th century?
There's an interesting book on that: ¿Por qué Argentina no fue Australia?: Historia de una obsesión por lo que no fuimos, ni somos, pero… ¿seremos?