I just read the article and I want to go back to bed: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/07/we-need-new-science-progress/594946/
Peak liberal ideology right here, folks
Edit: I just looked up the co-authors and found that one of them, Tyler Cowan, is the author of a book titled <em>The Great Stagnation: How America Ate All The Low-Hanging Fruit of Modern History, Got Sick, and Will (Eventually) Feel Better</em>.
Cowan's fundamental argument is that America's astronomical wealth rests on certain forms of """low-hanging fruit"""" such as """free land""" (which, he generously notes, "was often stolen from Native Americans, one should not forget) and that the benefits of that """low-hanging fruit""" have now ceased helping deliver the same rate of exploitation as it used to.
Simply put, his argument vindicates Marx's argument about the falling rate of profit, and this article with his co-author Patrick Collison is really about how to grasp this pseudo-object called "progress" in order to return us to past rates of profitability.
In conclusion: these fuckin liberals will drive a comrade to drink
Edit 2: This has to be one of the saddest sentences I've ever read lol:
>Along the cultural dimension, the artists of Renaissance Florence enriched the heritage of all humankind, and in the process created the masterworks that are still the lifeblood of the local economy.
The short answer is - yes it is possible! There are many viewers out there including me who look into lottery numbers. It's more like a direct perception of numbers using remote viewing and other related techniques. The major issue in viewing numbers is the belief system that it's not possible to do so. Somehow, the collective unconscious is trained to think that numbers are hard or at least very different from pictures. A simple inception " numbers are also images" can do a lot of improvements. Nevertheless, it might take a lot of practice, probably months or even years to reach this level and that is one of th major reasons that we do not have substantial evidence in such cases. The same argument holds good for alphanumeric passwords as such.
In this book Debra and John Knowles speak about it on many levels. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B098KLC3Q9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_8CXPNM87G0ZTNS6N60YV
While the math behind a trading algo doesn't have to be extremely sophisticated a very good understanding of stats is necessary to characterize your algo.
I do a ton of work to understand the stat properties of my algo. I use all the classical performance measures like Sharpe, Sortino and so on. But also I try to fit the P&L to distributions, do Monte Carlo, measure performance on a continuous basis. I characterize the frequency and duration of the drawdowns and so on.
Another magnificent source is Sournette. Read everything from that man.
Ah yes, part of the reason I'm out on the town is that I recently wrote a book that has thought experiments any entrepreneur can run to help them prepare for an eventual exit. This is the book I wish I would have read before our sale (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BN2KD1J/?__s=wigzaf6zfpg4zsyskigz) I can delete this if it's poor form to link.
We will have print on demand + Kindle. It will be free for the maximum days Amazon allows us (I think 5) starting Thursday.
Just watched. He makes a good point, but years of research show that ARV has a statistically above-average chance of working - and that is enough to make money IF you run your project well and use proper money management techniques. The book, 'Associative Remote Viewing' by Debra Lyn Katz and Jon Knowles goes into ARV in depth and will provide much better insights than I can here on reddit.
However, just seconds after your video mark, Courtney claims the reason that ARV is bad is, "remote viewing works on intention and the intention of the viewer is to satisfy the desires and needs of the tasker - and the tasker has, in their mind, BOTH images".
But that's the advice that Courtney himself doesn't take - the leopard ate his face. Courtney has in his mind that we are on a Prison Planet and that there are factions of aliens fighting against us, each other and for us, depending on the alien species. THIS is why his viewers get the data that they do. They are trying to satisfy the desires of his mind and intention and his is clouded with pre-conceived notions.
If I had a team of remote viewers doing ARV to find out if Team A wins over Team B and I personally desire and want and hope and think that Team A is the better team....guess which team the viewers are going to pick to win?
I ultimately decided to sell my business but before I did that, I hired some senior leadership so I could semi-retire. It was a great decision. Try checking out this short bit insightful book about selling vs holding your business with a CEO. You could even just read the chapter about hiring a CEO if you wanted.
Before The Exit: Thought Experiments For Entrepreneurs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BN2KD1J
https://www.amazon.com/Most-Important-Thing-Illuminated-Thoughtful-ebook/dp/B007SWH6OQ a good book on the investor mental
Get advice from an attorney who specializes in sales of companies of this size - and has done a lot of them. BEFORE you share anything with this person that is not already on your website. It's a tricky situation and what you don't know that you don't know can hurt you.
Since you weren't planning to sell, you have nothing to lose by saying no. Check out https://www.amazon.com/Before-Exit-Thought-Experiments-Entrepreneurs-ebook/dp/B07BN2KD1J
As for having too much to handle, if the deal doesn't go thru, raise your prices. You may sell less, but at a higher price and better profits.
The following book might be of help for you. It covers both Statistical and Machine learning tools
Title : Stock price analysis through Statistical and Data Science tools: An Overview
Your business should serve your life. Sometimes the money you could get for selling or the time you could free up serves your life better.
Here's an interesting book for people contemplating selling - it's by a guy who sold his company and what he learned (and regretted) in doing so. https://www.amazon.com/Before-Exit-Thought-Experiments-Entrepreneurs-ebook/dp/B07BN2KD1J
The following book might be of help
Stock price analysis through Statistical and Data Science tools: An Overview
ISBN - 978-9354579738
you can check the following book on stock market analysis
Stock price analysis through Statistical and Data Science tools: An Overview
The book provides an overview of the analyzing and predicting stock price movements using statistical and data science tools using R open source software with hypothetical stock data sets. It provides a short introduction to R software to enable the user to understand analysis part in the later part.
ISBN: 9789354579738
Literally the peak was driven by "number go up" so the crash was caused by "number stop going up".
If you want to read more:
His thesis is that bubbles can be analyzed as a risk premium on the possibility of a collapse.
Investors need to be seeing a super-exponential increase in prices because as the price decouples from fundamentals they are gambling that they can buy in at a stupidy high price and that it won't actually crash or that they'll be able to pull out before it crashes with a profit. But as it continues to climb it becomes more likely it is a bubble and more likely that it'll pop, and that actually causes the risk premium to increase, which demands that the price rises enough to meet the risk premium.
Eventually like all positive feedback loops it hits a point where it breaks because the price won't actually rise to infinity dollars.
Then since the number isn't going up it goes down and that risk premium in the price evaporates.
Unlocking W. D. Gann's Methods : How Gann's Methods Are Applicable to Today's Trading
FREE until January 13th
> William Delbert Gann (1878-1955) was a legendary American economist and stock market analyst in New York City in the early twentieth century. Gann, a finance trader, developed several technical analysis methods, including the "Gann angles" and the Master Charts, the latter being a collective name for his various tools like the Square of Nine, the Hexagon Chart, and the Circle of 360.
>His market forecasting methods were based on numerology and ancient mathematics and are considered timeless.
>However, throughout time, a singular problem with applying Gann material lies with the correct use of Gann's points.
>Craig Morena attempts to thus RE-DISCOVER Gann and apply his original methods published in the early 20th Century to today’s markets. This book shows you how to USE Gann’s original methods in his books 45 Years in Wall Street, Wall Street Stock Selector amongst others.
Optionality by Richard Meadows has an outstanding decision-making framework. I recommend hard copy over kindle as being easier to use at the implementation stage. I have both and, while kindle was OK for reading, you really want to e able to flip back and forth when you start to implement.
The book "Before the Exit" was very useful to me last year when I seriously considered selling my business. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BN2KD1J/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_8VvoFbC0Q012T
Only takes about an hour to read but can help clarify your thinking on what you want to achieve. The "lifestyle ladder" was my favorite thought experiment from the book.
The aim of mastering Excel is making data work for you. So here's one amazing book which is called <The Model Thinker>, you can purchase Kindle edition by $19.99 from https://www.amazon.com/Model-Thinker-What-Need-Know-ebook/dp/B07B8D3V9V/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1545720231&sr=8-1&keywords=model+thinking , or you can save 90% by clicking here : https://kindle-me.myshopify.com/collections/frontpage/products/the-model-thinker-what-you-need-to-know-to-make-data-work-for-you
Awesome! Put them in touch with me and we'll find a way.
And yes, the US has a ton of unfair advantages for companies now, including an amazing logistics infrastructure. If you are interested in learning more about this, I highly recommend "The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century"
Sorry, just have a minute and have not read the whole thread. I suggest this book that was just released about a situation looking similar to yours (and mine too actually). https://www.amazon.com/Before-Exit-Thought-Experiments-Entrepreneurs-ebook/dp/B07BN2KD1J
Quick read.