This is what I use.
The thing is the absolute toughest pistol safe I have ever seen. So far I haven't seen any detractors be able to open it easily. It's mechanical so you don't have to worry about failing batteries or electronics, and I can open mine and reach my pistol in about a second and a half.
I researched these not too long ago and to sum up what I found: small document firesafes are kind of terrible.
There's a few on Amazon for less than $100 like this one but the reviews are usually not all that great. More importantly, the smaller the file safe the less fireproof it is. Anything you can pick up and move yourself is probably only rated for .5-1.5 hours in a fire.
Mine is not commercially offered any longer but this is a pretty good one. SentrySafe HD4100 Fireproof Safe and Waterproof Safe with Key Lock 0.65 Cubic Feet , black
You can also double up, use fire safe pouches inside the safe for extra protection.
Any of the small household safes can be bolted down.
Or just get a nanovault so you can use it in your car if you ever need to do that while travelling or if you carry and need to disarm before going into a post office or other restricted area. It comes with a cable that's good enough to prevent the typical smash and grab.
I wouldn't store it at the girlfriends house - too many potential issues. It would be better for everyone if you just cross that off your list.
Link to said safe:
Customer images, it's like the 18th image.
> So I gave this to my concrete guy as gift for the work hes done to my house and when he opened the safe there were womens nasty panties in there. I order from Amazon alot and I would never have thought this would have happened. He thought they were mine! He took the plastic off and opened it and those were inside!! I thought it was a new safe?!?! Horrified and grossed out!!>
I would keep everything all these people are suggesting, but I would keep in a fire proof safe. Something similiar to this. You can pick up inexpensive ones from Walmart or amazon for under $50.
In addition to all your Navy stuff you can keep wills, titles, SSN cards, birth certs, and whatever else you don't want to keep in a bank security box.
When I was in college, I just kept them in a folder in my desk inside a sheet protector. I wasn't terribly worried about someone stealing it and even less worried about the dorm going up in flames or flooding. The idea here is to just keep it mostly safe and out of the way.
Now I'm graduated and in an apartment, we have a small safe stashed in the closet for all of that. For reference, we keep our birth certificates, passports, social security cards, titles, backup drives, extra cash, and jewelry stuff in there. We brought it with us to the ~5 different apartments we've lived in since buying it and have always find a mostly safe spot to put it.
For me and my sister the only thing we'd share would be eyeshadow and blush.
Mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick are off limits incase one of us gets herpys or styes from each other.
Try to inform your sister of the problems that come with sharing makeup. If that doesn't scare her off then there's a cheap electric safe on amazon right now. 30$
Highly recommend getting a Fort Knox PB1 lock box. It has simplex locking mechanism which needs no batteries and is very quick and easy to open.
Kinda related: Here's something the wife and I did years ago. I think it's a good tip.
Keep a second wallet, safe somewhere at home. I call them our "Bug Out Wallets."
When you renew your driver's license, pay an extra $10 to also get an ID card. When you get your passport pay the extra $10 to get the Passport ID Card in addition to the actual soft passport. In that same wallet we also keep some uncirculated but active credit cards with no annual fees, and each of them also have several hundred dollars in cash in them.
I bought a small (like $40 off of Amazon) pin code safe and lag bolted it into a bookshelf. That's where we keep the back-up wallets. We also keep various other small things in there. The keys to the firearm cabinet, extra house keys an extra set of car keys and car remote fobs.
It's come in very handy to have all of that important stuff in one area, when needed.
It doesn't have to be huge, or expensive. Here's a fire-resistant lockbox on Amazon for $20. There's a bigger version on that same page for $30.
If you want off-site storage, call some local banks and ask what their lowest rate is for a safe deposit box and how big the box is. Most are around 3x5x12", enough to pack a lot of negatives in. You can sometimes find smaller banks that will rent them for $40-50/yr, but pricing varies a lot. You can sometimes negotiate a lower rate if you pay multiple years in advance. Just make sure to pay the annual fee, or they'll seize the contents, obviously.
You can back up your scans for free on Google Drive or Dropbox, up to a certain storage limit.
Most medication has to be within room temperature levels. If it's pills I have no clue about temperature. Just buy one of these lock safes. You can lock your meds in there with room for bras/whatever too. E Z. Problem solved.
And I'm having the same problem with my chest lol. I'm currently wearing the Bali seamless and wireless sports comfort bra with an undershirt and thick t-shirt on top every day and it's sort of worked. I'm only tanner 2 or 3 though. I've tried sports bra but they always have these annoying lines everyone can see bumping out from under my shirt if I'm bending over or reaching for something. Been trying to buy this binder recently as an upgrade but larges are sold out. Probably gonna get a gray one soon
Do you happen to have a large gun safe that you could put something like this into?
You might also want to think about getting a safe deposit box at a bank/credit union if it's not a document you need quick access to.
I bought this for my bed side drawer:
no complaints, as long as you follows the instructions you'll set up fine. Although they did forget to include bolts in there I had to go to Lowes to get some bolts to secure it in the drawer. The customer service did get back to me after 2 days and offered to send me the bolts for free but I said thanks.
Not biometric but works without batteries and it will always open. Pretty well built. I bought one and had it sent to my Niece when they were having a baby for the pistol I gave them earlier. Other similar models might not be out of stock.
TOTALLY NTA, for sure, but may I gently suggest you get a small, passcode safe--they're on amazon for under $60. I have one for my important documents. I'm not blaming you, but in the future, it might be useful? This is the one I have:\_1\_1\_sspa?crid=1HZ2ZEI784U83&keywords=honeywell+safe&qid=1658441389&sprefix=honeywell+saf%2Caps%2C342&sr=8-1-spons&ufe=app\_do%3Aamzn1.fos.1...
Do you mean this link from one of your earlier comments?
First off the list price is $60, but that's the least of our worries.
LockPickingLawyer has a video showing the safe being defeated within a minute. This "safe" is absolutely insecure, and garbage like this helps the burglar by basically giftwrapping all the valuables into one easy to open package. This is definitely not a UL 768 lock at all.
The steel in the walls are probably not sufficiently thick either, but even if they were, with a garbage lock, it frankly doesn't matter if the walls were completely invincible when the door can be opened utterly easily.
Also, real quick, how can one store a shotgun in that safe? It doesn't seem like it would fit.
It's $60. If you can't afford a safe you can't afford a gun.
I’d add: Buy a safe ahead of time. I’d recommend the Fort Knox Pistol Box Fort Knox
PB1 Handgun Safe with 13.5 Inch Dean Safe Pistol Sock
Burger breaks in Can't get in it. Wife asks why didn't you take the glock out? It's another wyze bug. Don't worry I will toss the safe at him. Try this not going to use the keypad just the key. Old school it.
Amazon Basics Steel Security Safe and Lock Box with Electronic Keypad - Secure Cash, Jewelry, ID Documents - 0.5 Cubic Feet,13.8 x 9.8 x 9.8 Inches
When I lived in the Barracks I had something like this SentrySafe HD4100 Fireproof Safe and Waterproof Safe with Key Lock 0.65 Cubic Feet , black
These will open if you push the correct buttons and they do not need electricity. These locks are used in hi security areas on doors that open several times a day. They last decades. I wouldn't use anything else.
As with everything, YMMV, but fire rated safes do have different ratings.
This is just solely to illustrate the point, but THIS SAFE is rated to withstand 760ºC (1400ºF) for 30 minutes, while THIS SAFE says that it’s rated for 927ºC (or 1700ºF) for 60 minutes.
I’ve also see a literal SHIT TON of cash survive a fire in a metal filing cabinet…so, there’s that too.
You may want to go the nuclear option. Go to the local courthouse and speak to someone about emancipation. Though it can take 4-6 months to complete. If there is less than 6 months until you turn 18, just wait it out.
An alternative is to get a small digital safe, stick it in the bottom of your closet and keep cash in there.
Sounds like all the evidence points to her stealing your medication. You could check the date of the last time you your prescription filled and count out the days on the calendar. If you take exactly the amount you’re prescribed every day and subtract that from 30 (or however many pills they give you in one bottle), it should match up to today’s date. Show that to your mom as proof. And I would probably start keeping your medication in a locked cabinet or a digital safe. You can get a small jewelry safe on Amazon for like $50 or $60.
Digital Safe – Electronic Steel Safe with Keypad, 2 Manual Override Keys – Protect Money, Jewelry, Passports – For Home, Business, Travel by Stalwart
I like this one but it looks really big. Do you know if they have the same model but smaller?
Obviously there would be a 24-48 hour period from the time you realized the gun was missing to make a report. When you get home at 6 pm you and you see your home has been burglarized and and your gun taken and you contact the police to tell them your possessions including your gun was stolen. When they take a report they will see evidence of forced entry on the door/window to your house and the place where you keep your guns locked up. Keep the receipt that for your gun safe. Bolt the safe in place. If the whole safe is taken by the burglar and he/she somehow manages to get into it without damaging the gun you have done due diligence to secure your weapon.
Clearly there are some gun owners who take many precautions already. Theres a pretty brisk business on Amazon of gun safe sales. This one has 2,266 reviews and there are hundreds of others for sale in all price points.