hemp wicks are maybe what you are looking for? Something like https://www.amazon.com/Humboldt-Organic-Hemp-Wick-Foot/dp/B004ZVNHNW -- I keep a few feet of that wrapped around a lighter, use the lighter to light the wick and then use the wick on the pipe/bowl
Calary - it’s cheap but I’ve had the tools for two years and they all still look great.
It's actually an attachment for your lighter! It allows you to funnel that hemp string you can see in the pic through the top and light it with your lighter, using it as a match of sorts results in more precise burns if you're smoking a bowl, but it's also just healthier for you, I use it for everything.
Of course! Here’s the link :)
calary Candle Wick Trimmer Candle Snuffer & Candle Accessory Set (Rose Gold) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CNMPPJZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_0RX371B83YR1Y55KWCJ4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Get you some hemp wick and zen pipe cleaners. Sucking butane from the lighter is no good and makes the bowl hit different. I get an inexpensive version off amazon along with the zen cleaning bristles
Hemp wick
Zen Pipe cleaners
Sugar and dishwashing soap also works to clean them out but like someone earlier recommended Orange Chronic or formula 420.
Enjoy bruh!
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0711HN3T5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_44HfFbX504712 these are awesome, I don’t smoke without it and I bring it with me to every session. 2 for $10 is a pretty good deal, I think. The wick that comes with it leaves something to be desired, but the holders themselves are a lifesaver.
Buy some hemp wick, it’s much healthier and cleaner than inhaling butane into your piece and longs
Light the hemp wick with your lighter, then light the weed with the hemp wick.
Your smoke shop will have some, but once you switch over you won’t ever hit it raw again
No one's mention that the butane from a lighter has the ability to change the quality of a hit. That for say the solution to this is using a hemp wick. This provides a much smoother, less heat intensive hit when smoking regular bud. The added benefits from the hemp wick also result in a better taste. But please keep your expectations at a minimum this isn't going to result in absolute spectacular results. You will notice a postive difference but then again revert back to what I've said. I've also noticed that shorter pipes tend to be more harsh, try something longer like a glass churchwarden pipe (example listed) https://www.etsy.com/listing/801250109/gandalf-pipe-gandalf-glass-pipe-glass?ref=share_v3_lx
Hemp wick https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ZVNHNW/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glc_fabc_CTBZMDTR3DH53RGH08JQ
Churchwarden gives + 5 HP and + 30 XP. As for the hemp wick +25HP and +10XP.
That wasn't my doing.
Bee Wick Hemp 420ft Spool of 100% Organic Hemp Wick, Waxed by Hand in The USA with American Beeswax (1.0mm) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00JVAPF8W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_71P6G07YFWMCFVM5XH5D?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Superbly clever marketing by them!
Easier to light and you’re not inhaling a bunch of bad stuff like butane.
Highly recommend this one:
Hemplights Hemp Wick Lighter 2 Pack Wrapper, Includes 8FT Hemp Wick by USA (Black/Yellow) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0711HN3T5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_WSQPAAK70D2ZYRAK20HB
You will never make it through all of this lol. 6 ft lasted me a few weeks when i used it regularly.
Have you tried hemp wick? The wick is thin and usually goes to the bottom of any bowl. Goes great with a toker poker too.
Honestly, flower is going to be the cheapest method for you to use. If the taste or smell sucks for you guys, I definitely recommend buying some hemp wick or just some basic matches, and it will significantly improve the taste of the weed.
Personally, I prefer to smoke with matches on flower as it tastes exactly how a campfire smells to me, and it's amazing.
I hope this info helps!
I would! Nice idea!
Theres also a lighter holder on Amazon with hemp twine that catches the fire. Saves your lighter fluid. Takes a bit of getting used to but I think its neat! https://www.amazon.com/Hemplights-Lighter-Wrapper-Black-Yellow/dp/B0711HN3T5/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1538451198&sr=8-13&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=hemp+lighter+holder
For the fuel for torches I guess I'd start by looking at using fuel for tiki torches. Not sure how it would work in a bowl but whoever you're getting for your pyro work should know.
I would only use it on your bong inside since it is alittle hard to handle But dont be afraid to wrap it up on something but its worth bro https://www.amazon.com/EricX-Light-Organic-Natural-Standard/dp/B01I2TXJEY/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1496904591&sr=8-3&keywords=hemp+wick This is the one i have
Very resourceful, my friend! Just an FYI to anyone reading this thread: another GREAT method for smoking kief is Hemp Wick, because it burns at a very low temperature relative to a butane lighter.
It's so cool when you use a nice even heat source for your kief bowls because you can actually see the kief start to bubble and boil as you warm it up (as opposed to burning it to hell with a superhot open flame).
I got this fella off amazon http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00XMAZUFA/191-7595793-0604454?vs=1 for like $10 I think. There is a noticeable difference between the $10 one my Space Case or my buddies Santa Cruz, but it is still a tank. It's not a smooth as my expensive ones, as in there's a little more resistance you can feel coming from the grinder sticking to itself some, but it's teeth are perfect quality. Shreds and fluffs. For the price it's perfect.
Zippos are fun to play with but the taste is awful. Bic lighters are bad about their butane taste but it is nothing next to a zippo. I don't suppose it's healthy either. But I can still see why'd you want one. I would say go to their website to the exact one you want so you'll want to keep it around for a while and just refill it. If it's a budget zippo id say get it on amazon with the grinder or go to a local cigar store. Not Walmart cause fuck Walmart. If you do but a zippo, I suggest buying thick hemp along with it. My personal favorite it Beeline, it's organic hemp with bee's wax made in the USA (Hawaii!). It burns much cleaner than any lighter, and gives the most subtle taste of honey. You can get a big spool off amazon but I just buy the little packet for a few bucks at the headshops. http://www.amazon.com/Line-Hemp-Spool-Thick-Gauge/dp/B003UMZO0Q
Best of luck bud. [5]
I do not envy your situation. Get a few tiki torches and use an oil like this. This is the kind of thing my family used to do and it should help at least ward them off. Other than that, go full scorched earth tactics (BURN EVERYTHING) or wear a bee suit.
That's shitty man. Try the torch and let me know how it works for you.
I know you said lighter but I just thought i'd throw this out there and add, "I love this shit"