I did a quick search but didn't see any 18 count plastic canvas or vinyl aida. I've used 14 count plastic canvas
I stitch them on sheets of white plastic Aida and just use an x-acto blade to cut them out. Here is an Amazon link for the brand that I buy from Michaels or Joanns craft store.
Bulk Buy: Darice Plastic Canvas 14 Count 8 1/2"X11" White 33275-2 (12-Pack) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0033PBANA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_1P-Sxb1DZYTP5
Agreed, he’s a river fish and he’s probably just trying to head upstream. If he worries you you could always get a little plastic canvas and fix it over the output on your filter (I use this material for a lot of aquarium needs https://www.amazon.com/Darice-Mesh-Black-Plastic-Canvas/dp/B0037A97I6/ref=asc_df_B0037A97I6/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198064086842&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4777992538350304463&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev... ). It’d need to be cleaned pretty regularly to keep from clogging, but might be worth it as a safety measure.
I have one like that (or at least one very similar to it) that I got from hobby lobby a few years ago. If you search 24 or 48 pencil case you can find a few that are pretty similar I am pretty sure this is the one I have
Just curious, does that happen to be a screenshot of a Jazza video? That design in the corner looks really familiar
Edit: I just noticed the tag, I'm pretty sure that one specifically is the global art version link
I've used this in my own attempts before- its cross stitch mesh and is easy to come by.
One note- the link for black mesh in the article points to a calendar on eBay. I think I found a comparable product on Amazon but of course pricier than a craft store.
Thanks again!
yeah I bought a 10 pack of plasctic canvas from Amazon for this and other projects
it's just a 50p flickering tea light LED.
Wasn't sure it'd be strong enough but it works ok
Speedball Canvas Storage Case. Available in many sizes.
I had to google.. they are officially called "plastic canvas sheets" - you should be able to get one for about $1-$2 at any craft store such as JoAnn Fabrics, Michaels, Hobby Lobby (maybe even walmart) - a linky for amazon so you can see what I'm talking about https://www.amazon.com/4-Pack-Darice-Mesh-Plastic-Canvas/dp/B073WJYWTC/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=plastic+canvas+sheets&qid=1669618418&sr=8-5
I would put a patch of plastic needlepoint canvas on the backside to not only stabilize, but also give you a structure/pattern for your mend.
Shoot, I was going to recommend this Darice that I got as pretty hardy but maybe not strong enough for what you're looking for? But I'm pretty sure I couldn't rip this without scissors. I made Christmas ornaments: Darice Perforated Plastic #14... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001145310?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I used this. The evil store (Hobby Lobby) has it a lot cheaper ($2 near me) but only has white, I uses clear here. I love this stuff. :)
Here it is! https://www.amazon.it/dp/B0042LNU32/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_W2FBP8VV5Y9A58X3TKH1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 This is perforated plastic and not regular plastic canvas (from what I recall they are different things?), so even if the count is always 14 it has way smaller holes :D I love it!
I misunderstood your inquiry, I think 🤦♀️ You could use plastic embroidery canvas like this and superglue it from the underside, I bet if you cut it well it would look alright.
I think the exact metal type I used is pretty old. I don't see them for sale anywhere. My friend got it from a craft thrift store (that I must visit now). I've seen some fabric Aida ones at Joanne's, but I prefer to use this, I prefer the white ove the clear but this stuff can be difficult to find, unfortunately.
I use this! I love using it but I prefer the white mesh over the clear. It can be a pain to find.
Crochet by its nature is stretchy so I feel like you’d definitely need boning or structure to keep it in place or get the shape you wanted.
I haven’t tried a corset, but these awesome folks on this sub helped me figure out some plastic additions to a huge oversized hat I was asked to make in order to keep it from being totally floppy. That stuff really helped and is here:
4-Pack of Darice Mesh Plastic... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073WJYWTC?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
HAHA I'VE FOUND IT!! https://www.amazon.com/4-Pack-Darice-Mesh-Plastic-Canvas/dp/B073WJYWTC/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1PREHE8QSKTSB&keywords=plastic+mesh+canvas&qid=1638765554&sprefix=plastic+mesh%2Caps%2C203&sr=8-2 This is the plastic canvas mesh thingy I was talking about. This is what I used to give it support.
It's on 14ct plastic canvas. It's great for ornaments!
I use a 14ct plastic canvas, so there's no fraying when I cut them out :-)
Awesome! If your son really gets into Cross Stitching characters, I recommend a 14 count plastic canvas. This will allow him to cut them out and play with them, make them into magnets, or ornaments. I've bee doing this with Pokémon
It's on 14 count plastic canvas. I absolutely love it for small projects. It makes for great ornaments, magnets, and such.
Not sure if this will work with pearlweed but I have glued moss to rocks to contain it. I have also read about using needlepoint mesh to create mats
I got it on Amazon, it’s called craft mesh I think!! 4-Pack of Darice Mesh Plastic Canvas - Clear - 10.5 x 13.5 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073WJYWTC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_2AF2C6QAH2F3KB5625N9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Maybe get some of this black plastic grid stuff and make a baffle around the outlet, connect with small zip ties.
How about a Buddha board. It’s essentially an art board that you draw on with water. When the water evaporates it’s wiped blank and can be used again. Basically mess free and an easy arts and craft https://www.amazon.com/Buddha-Board-Mini-2-Inch-Black/dp/B000LUYQ22?ref_=ast_sto_dp
You need a guard. I use this stuff to wrap around my power head. You can also use filter floss or pantyhose but neither of those worked for me. All get clogged easily so make sure you clean it.
I use size 14 plastic mesh, I did have to order it from amazon because my Joann’s doesn’t carry that size. It also feels more comfortable to work with than most plastic canvas I’ve tried