If you have access to a drill, an eraser wheel is by far the easiest way. Just make sure the surrounding paint is clean to prevent scratches. This is the one I have, I used it to remove body molding adhesive: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00488DDB8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Some say even touchless is dangerous (due to grit being recycled through). I either do two bucket or use Wash Wax All with microfiber cloths (1 to apply and 1 to dry). I keep a kit in the well in the trunk particularly for wiping bugs off.
Simple foam cannon from Amazon
If you think $15 bucket is better than a $2 home depot bucket, then it will be only because you have to justify for spending the extra money.
A lot of times in the detailing business if the seller believes in the price so will the consumer.
Nothing fancy at all. 1) Wal-Mart gas pressure washer 2) Foam cannon from Amazon https://www.amazon.ca/Fasmov-Pressure-Release-Adjustable-Blaster/dp/B01DKC6IY6/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=foam+cannon&qid=1555904617&s=gateway&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1 3) Meguiars NXT car soap. Costco was clearing out the 64oz size for $5/jug like 10 years ago. I bought 6 jugs and it's still lasted for me to this day. Still have 4 jugs of it unopened.
I wash my car once a month usually. Since I have underground parking with no access to a hose, I've been using this waterless car wash off amazon. I think it has wax built in but the results have been amazing everytime and super easy to use. Just spray on and wipe off. I'm sure people who are super into detailing prob won't use this but I'm a big fan of it.
Gilmour Cleaning Sprayer Foamaster II Multi-ratio Spray Gun 1609706073 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000Y190WE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_C4DdBbD3ZN2TV
It’s on sale right now for the next 4 hours via Amazon. Great for washes and doesn’t require a pressure washer.
It’s a synthetic clay.
AUTOSCRUB Fine Grade Sponge [AS-019] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CUAWJ6G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Mx3gFbP1K5215
They do have a whole mitt version too. But I’ve found for sedans this is good enough
I've had the California Car Duster for at least 15 years. It's especially useful at spring time because of pollen. I fully endorse.
Get a set of wheel woolies. I have these. They are like $35 and worth every penny. Amazon shows them more expensive now, so keep an eye out for the price to drop. Or look for other brands. They last a long time if you care for them.
I got this from Amazon: Wet or Waterless Car Wash Wax Kit 144 Ounces. Aircraft Quality for Your Car, RV, Boat, Motorcycle. The Best Wash Wax. Anywhere, Anytime, Home, Office, School, Garage, Parking Lots. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00X04JRMU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_E8PdDbGX5F082
I use this stuff: Wet or Waterless Car Wash Wax Kit 144 oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00X04JRMU/
If the car is really dusty I’ll spray with water then use the cleaner. But typically I just use this stuff and wipe down with a good microfiber cloth. Pretty quick and convenient if you don’t let the car get too dirty. I’ve even see guys do it at the super charger while they wait.
If you're going to go to an automatic car wash, make sure it's touchless. I 100% guaranteed if you take it to one that has those swirling brushes, you paint is going to be swirled beyond recognition after that.
One other problem with the touchless ones though, is if you have a 2021 with the chrome delete, the harsh chemicals in the soap they use for the touchless is going to change the color of the chrome delete. So automatic car washes in general are a lose-lose if you have a 2021.
Wash Wax All is what I use for waterless washes. Actually though, I always apply when the car is still wet, but you can do it either way. Great product.
I am a big fan of this stuff… all I use now for washing my car.
Wet or Waterless Car Wash Wax Kit 144 oz. Aircraft Quality for your Car, RV, Boat, Motorcycle. Guaranteed the Best Wash Wax. Anywhere, Anytime, Home, Office, School, Garage, Parking Lots. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00X04JRMU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_RAFBHA1N32E59X4HTB40
And plastic parts get protected with:
303 Marine UV Protectant Spray for Vinyl, Plastic, Rubber, Fiberglass, Leather And More – Dust and Dirt Repellant - Non-Toxic, Matte Finish, 32 fl. oz. (30306) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000XBCURW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_BCXHYGPBQ231E8KSTT5J
I had the same issue. I bought this set: Wheel Woolies. 3 sizes, strong plastic handles with no exposed metal anywhere that might scratch. They will shed a little during the first few uses. Appear to be holding up just fine after the initial shed. I also have a smaller detail brush set. One I use for wheels (and front grill) and the other 2 are dedicated to the interior. This is an inexpensive set that has even more options: Detail Brush Set.
Just got a new car, trying to read everything here to avoid scratching it with love marks. Familiar with the methodology, not sure about the equipment.
Should I get a microfiber wash mitt, or one of the fancier wool ones? Maybe a cheap one for the lower panels, and the expensive one for upper panels? Does it matter? Or should I be using folded microfiber towels or something?
Basically you have 1 bucket with ONR mixed with water and another bucket with clean water. You dip your mitt into the first (ONR and water) bucket, clean a part of the car, then rinse all the grime off the mitt in the second (water-only) bucket. This makes it so way less dirt gets into your clean bucket and onto your mitt.
Foamaster. Slightly smaller version of the NuCalgon coil gun. Half the price. Originally bought it to wash my car before I saw the NuCalgon version in RE Michel one day. Works pretty good! There's cheaper versions on Amazon. Adjustable dilution for different lighter or heavier soil buildup.
Honestly, I just use this stuff, Aero Cosmetics Wash Wax All
Spray on, wipe with damp microfiber, wipe with dry microfiber. Takes me 4 cloths to clean my whole car. Granted, I live in Las Vegas and rarely get anything than dust on my vehicle. It’s really easy and looks great, every time.
My first thought would be an eraser wheel: http://www.amazon.com/AES-Industries-51823-Eraser-Adapter/dp/B00488DDB8/ref=pd_bxgy_263_img_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=07GQ4SRGYXSE2W5G6HC5
It strips really well, but I don't know how brittle the plastic is.
Get this AES Industries 4" Smart Eraser Pad with Drill Adaptor Arbor https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00488DDB8/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_VE9svb1P0Z8DV. It works fast and is worth it. It's just like a huge eraser, keep it moving or it will get hot and burn your paint. It does get messy with all the eraser remains so be ready for clean up. I used it on a few badges and trim on my truck would buy again because it works so well.
The California Duster is your friend during this time of year.
I'm not OP, but I've been using this on my cars for like 10 years and it comes out stupid shiny!
I recently purchased some waterless cleaner, and I've been extremely impressed. It seems highly rated among car afficianados, of which I am not one. But it's been amazing for me!! (I also turned my FIL onto it, he has a new 2022 Tesla S which is his baby and he bought the stuff after trying it at my place. He wipes it down after every drive)
Here's the stuff I bought: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00X04JRMU/
Wet or Waterless Car Wash
This is a great waterless car wash solution, and it keeps my car cleaner than a standard wash. if you are cleaning daily, it is quicker to clean after this product has been used once or twice
3 years ago bought this guy and still using it for my weekend profits…. Just saying $15 now compared to anything more expensive….
Wet or Waterless Car Wash Wax Kit 144 oz. Aircraft Quality for your Car, RV, Boat, Motorcycle. Guaranteed the Best Wash Wax. Anywhere, Anytime, Home, Office, School, Garage, Parking Lots. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00X04JRMU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_B31EFAEBDJR4D5MR9YQE?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
There are a ton of different ones who know which is better but this is what I got
I’ve been using this for a few years now.
You can use it with or without water depending on how dirty the bike is. Mine cleans up extremely well with it.
Wash Wax All
Wet or Waterless Car Wash Wax Kit 144 oz. Aircraft Quality for your Car, RV, Boat, Motorcycle. Guaranteed the Best Wash Wax. Anywhere, Anytime, Home, Office, School, Garage, Parking Lots. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00X04JRMU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_RJ1A26PH24816BDGMMPF?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It's thoughtful but I agree, it's overkill. This is pretty much all I use to clean my bikes: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00X04JRMU/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_M1WHKCZ7GZD9YRSAJSF3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Doesn't require any water (although you can use water with it), comes with a few nice towels, and 144oz will last a loong time. Takes me 5 mins to get the bike nice and clean.
It's also recommend this to keep the bike clean between washes: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00008RW9V/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_6FSS95Q5K3ZDZ79ZYPQ0