Put one of these on their car and call it a day
That or call a tow truck
One thing I've found handy for EDH with it's massive amount of possible tokens, is to invest in some dry erase cards, and a couple dry erase markers.
I live in Canada, and bought mine from Amazon
The ones I originally bought went up in price a bit, but the shipping should be reasonably fast this way.
Hope this helps!
I'm also canadian, and I bought some of these on amazon last year!
I love to do shit like this. I have a pack of these that I absolutely love to use for people like this. Best $10 I’ve ever spent.
I think your paper thicknesses are off.
A ream of paper is generally 500 sheets and 2 to 2.5 inches thick. 25.4mm per inch 25.4 * 2.5 = 63.5 mm per ream. 63.5 / 500 = .127mm per sheet of not the thinnest paper. This calls into question the rest of the math...
It seems best to go directly to the dimensions from a notecard seller Amazon sells 3x5 note cards packaged in negligible plastic and measuring 0.8 inches thick. 0.8 * 25.4mm = 20.32mm per pack / 100 = .2032mm per card.
EDIT - Wording.
Multiple studies have shown that fights on Facebook are the best way to drive voter turnout.
I would recommend starting with PostcardsToVoters.com or votefwd.org. These are things you can do on your own time, even if you have just a few minutes. votefwd.org is simpler in that you don’t need to buy any postcards, as long as you have a printer. You largely follow a script, so there is no concern about “messing up” as you might fear on a phone bank call.
If you decide to go with postcards, you can buy a 100 pack for $5 on amazon
Send all the fundraising request emails to junk.
There are many other things you can do (as you have noted), but I think this is a good place to get started. I’m happy to help if you find some more free time and want to try something else.
Thanks for getting involved!!!
Get these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07QV77ZX7/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Dry-erase playing cards. I used them as tokens for events that I don't know what tokens I'll be using, but you could easily just write the number of tokens on these.
these affirmation cards are amazing and really funny. We use them in a support group I'm in and they always find the mark and lighten the mood.
Will people please stop wasting their money on this. They're charging $12 for 25 cards. Here's a Link for 180 for $8
Instead of paying infinitokens premium for a border, I ordered cards similar to these from amazon
Yep, pretty sure it was postcard sleeves that fit decently well. There’s some overhang horizontally as they’re a little long. Doesn’t bother mea too much, but you could always just cut off the excess. I went with these
I suppose, but they're very expensive for what they are.
Try these: LotFancy Dry Erase Blank Playing Cards, 180PCS Reusable Flash Cards, DIY Vocabulary Study Cards, Learning Cards, Game Cards, Message Card, Gift Card, Glossy Finish, Poker Size https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QV77ZX7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_ZQR7CJVPMYWW9AZH6ZAN?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Traffic lawyer here. Although It says it's fake and any reasonable person should conclude it is because it lacks things like the city of issuance, many people would fall for it in my experience.
English is a second or third language for some. Even for those who are native English speakers have trouble reading tickets. During my consultations, I routinely have to walk them through how to read parts of the ticket. Even the simplest instructions such identifying who issued the ticket is extremely challenging.
To do this, I tell them to locate their last name on The Ticket and read the line of text directly above it. I tell them that it should say either "people of the state of _______" or "city/Village Municipal Corporation plaintiff vs". They then proceeded to read something besides that such as the county which is written several inches about that text. I've then have to repeat myself. The line I need them to read is literally the next line of text above their last name. Then I wait like 10 seconds for them to read the line of text above their last name. Suffice it to say, I have very little confidence that people would be able to tell this is a fake ticket. Hell, most people who call me have trouble reading an actual traffic ticket with the assistance of a lawyer who has done traffic tickets exclusively for nearly a decade.
Considering how small the text is about it being fake and the fact that it is not highlighted or in different font or color, I think these tickets are pretty messed up. It's practically a mail fraud do-it-yourself kit. I much prefer things like these
Traffic lawyer here. Although It says it's fake and any reasonable person should conclude it is because it lacks things like the city of issuance, many people would fall for it.
English is a second or third language for some. Even for those who are native English speakers have trouble reading tickets. During my consultations, I routinely have to walk them through how to read parts of the ticket. Even the simplest instructions such as locate your last name on The Ticket and read the line of text directly above it lead to confusion. Then I have to repeat read the line of text that is literally above your last name and after 10 seconds of searching, they read it.
Considering how small the text is about it being fake and the fact that it is not highlighted or in different font or color, I think these tickets are pretty messed up. I much prefer things like these
A great idea, but a lot of extra cost for the name brand.
I bought this last year, and they've worked a treat. Standard playing card sized, usable on either side, and cheap enough that I don't mind if one gets mishandled or lost during a night of playing.
I provided an Amazon link for ease of reference, but if anyone wants these, shop around, see if you can get a better deal (or at least not through Amazon if that bothers you).
Look, Infinitokens are neat, but you're definitely going to pay far too much.
I've been using these since September, and I have permanently lost two individual cards so far. One due to a friend using a Sharpie and not a dry erase marker, and the other just got bent while it was being handed from person to person, and I tossed it.
PARTH iMPEX You Parked Like an Idiot Business Cards (Pack of 100) Bad Parking Cards 3.5"x2" Multi Reasons Violation https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MF6T7RL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_EVZ6AF381W9PTSX1TPBM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
My therapist recommended Affirmators after I made the same comment. There are some sample cards. You might like these as well.
You should try these! Great for all kinds of tokens, especially copies so you can keep track.
Be petty, and leave a note saying they park like shit. And stock up, on these:
PARTH iMPEX You Parked Like an Idiot Business Cards (Pack of 100) Bad Parking Cards 3.5"x2" Multi Reasons Violation https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MF6T7RL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_3DX9GZF6G8QRRRWQD1XD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Desk calendar, bullet journal/planner, her favorite pens to write with. I’m a big fan of affirmation cards. Affirmators on Amazon are pretty funny.
i think the price is right for these cards. expos wipe away if you want to reuse them or sharpie to keep them around.
Buy these they represent the board state better for the table when everyone can clearly see you have like 20+ tokens. Plus you can draw on them
How people who drive expensive cars like BMWs can and usually do drive like absolute idiots. If I had a Beemer or similarly nice luxury vehicle I would be using my blinkers excessively for every turn, lane change, etc and parking in the back of every parking lot to avoid dents, scratches, and other damage. I get the reason why people will park in 2 or 4 spots but that’s still a dick move and it wouldn’t kill you to walk a bit further and take just one parking space.
I’m usually not one for petty revenge but the jerks who park in multiple spots with one car make me want to invest in cards like these.
Cut it to size, put your info in it, and wrap it on the inside of the head tube around the fork. I haven't done it in a long time, but that's the gist of it.
These dry erase cards Here could work too! Only issue being that if there are permanent elements that need to remain on and/or be printed on the cards...that might be difficult but you could always test it out! These are pretty cheap too
My Grandma MaryAnn and I do all the postcard stuff, so I bought us this box of animal postcards on Amazon for $4.95! Here
I am going to go shopping for some more soon, but I'd love to get some cool Louisville ones but really haven't shopped yet!!! Bardstown Rd in the Highlands may be a great place to start!