I bought this set from Amazon. I gave one to all of my friends, and I have three I love. I bet there is one you could use. For the price of a standard dab tool, you can get this entire set.
Thank you so much! I have a wide array of tools that ive collected over the years, but probably a majority of the detail in this piece was achieved with more precise metal sculpting tools. Similar to these and easily found on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000SVRSRY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_YqwcCb4YFKK2R
Thank you! I just use silicone sculpting tools and dotting tools. Similar to these
Zuoyou 5 pcs/Set Soft Pottery Clay Tool Silicone & Stainless Steel Two Head Sculpting Polymer Modelling Shaper Art Tools Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SX7M83C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_WFRM9ER4V997X1HHTX91
Yay! It's a fun hobby and makes me feel super creative.
I would not recommend Michael's for tools. They are overpriced. There are a lot on Amazon. I got this set and it's only 5 bucks right now!
The clay kind of depends on what you want to make. I started out with a few Premo colored clays from Michaels. The vibrant color is nice. Now I use just a grey Super Sculpey and then paint over it after baking.
Those are some tasty pottatoes.
Some unasked for advice:
If you really want to get into miniature sculpting I might suggest a sculpting kit. They are qute cheap on Amazon and they go a long way helping to get some detail. And remember: you need to think with planes and general shapes!
Get some wireframe skeletons in there if you haven't already. They help with overall shape and they let you get away with more complex poses.
Also if you have access to a drawing tablet (which again, really cheap on Amazon though this one goes up to the 50~ish USD$) try your hand at 3D modeling, it'll help you a lot and most of the digital tools are exact copies of the physical ones, only you get to CTRL+Z away your mistakes.
The fourth from the left at this link +alcohol. I use this same exact tool to scrape and clean every single situation like that. Have for about 3 years and I'm still on the same set. Would definitely recommend to save precious pieces you can sometimes get into to clean like that. https://www.amazon.com/Studio-71-Cleaning-Tool-Set/dp/B001ED3JMS/ref=mp_s_a_1_12?dchild=1&keywords=metal+clay+tools&qid=1603429045&sprefix=metal+clay+&sr=8-12
CYNAMED 10 Pc Stainless Steel... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N4HDS25?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Try these out, nothing special or pretty looking BUT for the price and function of them they are my favorite tools. If your a handy person you can also make some nice handles for them like I plan on doing sometime in the future!
Ah I see what you mean. To work with 2 parts putties you need to use silicone sculpting tools, like these ones. I don’t understand the reason behind it, but putties don’t stick to silicone at all, no water needed. These tools make putties much easier to work with.
If you dint already have these tools get them! They're like baking tools I think? But so so amazing for tiny detail work that needs to me smooth something like these
I picked up a set of tools for carving clay - dirt cheap and I find them infinitely useful for mmj. The one I use for dry crumble is like a little spade or shovel for the garden. This is what they look like - I’ve seen them at the dollar store as well. Cheap, no real loss if I lose one, lots of shapes, styles. I consider these tool essential in my toolbox. This is just a sample not the exact set I ordered:
These things saved my life when it came to gap filling. They are silicone so they don't stick to the putty, and their flex allows them to really smooth out the putty nicely. I'll use the flat edge ones to press the putty down into the cracks, then the cone to go over it a bunch to smooth it out. They more than halved the amount of time I spent gap filling, amazing tools.
Also, are you using a regular 2 part putty? I use the Vallejo Plastic Putty, works great, and being in a dropper bottle means you can apply it precisely. It does clog occasionally but even still it save a lot of time as well.
Just go on Amazon and get one for like 5$ 2 Pieces Wax Carving Tool 4.75 Inch Stainless Steel Clay Sculpting Tool (Silver) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08RDGKB81/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_54KX49HYG84JX33W0W29
I haven't done a ton of sculpting so maybe I'm not the best person to advise, but the way I like to start is exactly how you've done it. Next I block in the skull, rib cage and the pelvis - just the basic shapes to dial in the proportions, I don't detail these parts. This is also a good time to make any last tweaks to your pose. Let that harden, then lay in the main body shapes - the flesh over the chest and hips, the belly/waist, neck. I build out the arms and legs by creating "muscles" out of putty and putting them in the right place, then smoothing and blending them so they look like an arm rather than a bunch of tubes.
I really like Apoxie Sculpt. I find it a bit too tacky to work with right away, so I will start a kind of assembly line of bits of Apoxie that I blend together in 5 or 10 min increments, so I always have some that's at the right consistency. I also have some silicon-tipped sculpting tools that work really well for detailing.
I've always just applied it. Its really pliable so you could probably just use your fingers to press it in. It got a one hour working time and I think it fully cures in 24. It is an epoxy so once it cures its not going anywhere. I'd recommend getting some silicone tools like these to help press things in and smooth it out.
for the price of that tool someone listed you could have the same plus more
make sure to clean them with iso before using. plus with multiple tools you can easily scrape/drop it in your insert (i've personally never used one because of item linked below or just cold starting)
element live is good. some of the cured can be good too. see if you can smell them first before purchasing and do the toucan sam.
thca less flavorful but might still have a smell/taste and is more like front of your head high. definitely the more potent and still can be flavorful. you'll want to use a scoop for it.
i mean you can leave it in the fridge sure. just make sure the lids are always tight and try to put lids back on like after you take your hit out. if you do the fridge thing though try to make sure it come back to room temp before opening the jar.
also grab one of these if you don't already have a temp device.
I would just find a cheap brand new screwdriver at a hardware store if you insist on not just using a regular dabber. Amazon has a pack of 5 “dabbers” lol for like 10 bucks. HTS 154S5 5 Pc Stainless Steel Spatula/Chisel Wax & Clay Sculpting Tool Set https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01C7X7D3E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_RTG26MBNE1STSEX2B283
I've never seen that before? It says it's a cleaning tool? Does it have a sponge on it or anything? $70 is a bit spendy, the tool end isn't to special. https://www.amazon.com/HTS-154S5-Stainless-Spatula-Sculpting/dp/B01C7X7D3E/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=5+pcs+chisel+tool&qid=1620047362&sr=8-3 I use these tools and until recent just qtips and isopropyl. The dab sponge is like $20 so for $30ish dollars you can have a cool cleaning tool and 5 nice big tools
Not HCH but I dab raw rogue river labs. Its great I actually prefer it too terped sometimes. The taste is either nothing or slightly hemp/plasticky cannabinoid taste.
Any dab tool is fine. I reccomend looking up clay sculpting set https://www.amazon.com/HTS-154S5-Stainless-Spatula-Sculpting/dp/B01C7X7D3E/ref=sr_1_11?dchild=1&keywords=dab+tool&qid=1614053232&sr=8-11 5 different unique shapes for 10
Have never used the dyna coil but have a dynavap. it should work good if you keep the dabs small and the heating temp low. maybe get a water pipe adapter so you can filter it, although you might as well just get a quartz nail at that point.
theres tools like these, but I pretty much only use an xacto knife and a blunt tip tool
Start with a mixed pack of clay (sculpy or fimo) instead of buying everything individually. Unless you're very specific on what your color pallette will be.
this wax carving tool set is where I got my dab tools/dry herb stirrers. There's some with less rounded corners than others, but I'd not call any of them sharp. Scraped my CU clean a couple times now w/o any damage. Ymmy/don't be dumb about it etc...
Metal for sure, stainless is good enough. I don't care enough about my metal dabbers to spend more just to say I have a titanium dabber. $10 Amazon set got me basically every dabber end I could want.
dont waste your money on expensive dab tools just get a wax carving tool kit from amazon
i bought this one and use the middle scrape tool for collecting and the scoop and pointy tool for dabbing
Let it cure a bit for hard edge sculpting. Use an old razor to slice off little equal chunks. It's pretty sticky and will ruin a nice blade. Cut off very small amounts at once until you get a handle on your skills, think a few grains of rice. When you pas the sculpt time, just smash the blobs onto bases and make mud or sandstone. When it's to far gone, it will just fall off, so rocks can easily be glued back done. Balancing stickyness and hardness is really key.
Go out and grab a huge pile of dental tools for cheap. The little paddle and shovle kind, not the wire picks. I own several real deal sculpting knifes but I go back to that one dental tool I like the best. Amazon has lots, but they are really common.
A good first project is layered sandstone for bases and other base elements to get a feel for moving it around. Then try out gap filling then furtrim and chain mail.
Honestly polymer clay can be pretty inexpensive or it can be really expencive depending on your intented application.
If you want something that's cheap and something where you don't expect to push the bounderies of the material (making really long peaces or stuff that supports a ton of weight) then Sculpey Original is fine. the bad thing with it that is it can be kinda sticky and when bakes it's brittle.
If however you want something that can take a beating and looks good, then something like Super Sculpey or Fimo professional is what you want.
In comparison I was able to get a 8lb block of sculpey original (which is a TON of clay btw) at Michaels for 60$ but if you can get a 40-50% coupon then that's such a good deal.
Meanwhile a single pound of Super Sculpey Living Doll was a wooping 20-25$ (200$ for 8lb!)
Luckily there's a lot of tricks that people use to stretch their good clay by using fill in material such as tinfoil or even cheaper polymer clay.
Then there's the tools which can be kind of expensive but are a one time cost if you treat them well. One such tool set I highly recommend are wax carving tools like these I bought mine years ago and they're still my go to for getting the small detail, and they can be used on anything.
this one? you would need a dab tool (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01C7X7D3E/ give them a good alcohol cleaning).
and i mean you could get a ~140$ american rig ;p
I use these tools and they're awesome. I've seen plenty of other people with the same set. 5 good tools for $9 is pretty tough to beat.
Best kit ever for dabs it has a flat scraper what I would do get you an airtight glass container scrap up everything in the middle transfer it to silicon. Fold what's left put it in the ziplock bag, put that in your glass container seal toss it and your scrapper in your freezer for 5-10minutes longer if needed but keep an eye on it. It will scrap off so easily and you will get every last bit you can. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01C7X7D3E/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09__o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
metal doesn't matter so long as you don't get it super hot while inhaling the vapor.
Oh yeah, I bought this set of wax carving picks about a year ago and get tons of use out of all the tools: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000SVRSRY/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Not many better deals for less than 10 bucks if you ask me. Not to mention buying the one's labelled for uses other than vaping/smoking are always a hell of a lot cheaper than the one's you get in a smoke shop.