I see this referenced all the time. I haven't finished it myself, but from what I've read it's great.
$10 if you get the kindle version. https://www.amazon.com/Think-Like-Manager-CISSP-Exam-ebook/dp/B08D9L1BTF/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1619647039&sr=8-2
> I’ve taken the 401 once and scored a 700 but now I have to take the 501.
Have you watched through all the Professor Messer videos? Did you take any notes?
(Edit to add: I recommend buying his notes PDF for $20, print it out, then add your notes onto that printed copy as you watch the videos)
> Does anyone have advice or links to free study materials for the test??
If you're determined to not spend a penny, you could look at the CompTIA exam objectives PDF, and then read the Wikipedia articles about each thing listed there.
Otherwise, the Darril Gibson ebook only cost $10 in Kindle format.
I recommend getting the eTextbook edition! https://www.amazon.com/CompTIA-Core-220-1001-220-1002-Exam-ebook-dp-B07X56FRNC/dp/B07X56FRNC/ref=mt_other?_encoding=UTF8&me=&qid=1608597194
This edition works with the free kindle app. It has text-to-speech enabled also. So you can read it on your phone, tablet, computer and also you can have the free Alexa app read the book to you in Alexa’s voice! And you can give commands to Alexa in the app to rewind, forward, pause, slow down, speedup. Pretty cool!
There are a couple of them on Amazon, you should look at that site sometime
Im also curious why you want the Cloud+ , by that I mean do a search for most in demand cloud certs... I didnt see the cloud+ the last couple times I looked.
Es super mas conocido asi que yo haria security + en tu posicion.Tienes que comprar https://www.amazon.com/CompTIA-Security-Get-Certified-Ahead-ebook/dp/B09237T9ZB?ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=839484bb-dafd-4df2-8c1c-41f3188a04b8
El mejor libro para esa cert y tambien use los videos de cbtnugget y para repasar los jason dion.Exito!!!
I would recommend using Professor Messer's Security+ YouTube series. This is what I used to pass the test. Although, I did have some prior IT experience so I wasn't completely new to security. It may be a good idea to pick up a book first and then watch the Security+ videos. I'll leave a link to a book that I see recommended all the time on here. Once you're done studying I highly recommend Professor Messer's practice test. I can personally say that these were the best in terms of knowing when you're ready for the actual exam. Hope this helps!
Hands on experience with GCP is definitely going to make the exam a lot easier, but I wouldn't say it's required if you know how to study well. I studied for about 2 months straight, about an hour or two each day. I mainly used this book as it includes pretty much everything you need to know as well as lots of practice questions. There's also this youtube playlist that goes in depth into the logic behind solving exam questions, and I highly recommend it
Check out Darrill Gibson's book: https://www.amazon.com/CompTIA-Security-Get-Certified-Ahead-ebook/dp/B09237T9ZB
As far as sources check out this post over at r/comptia
Did you read Gibson's 601 book? Gibson's 501 book is highly recommended but there were several poor reviews for his 601 book on Amazon n one suggested Neil's book instead.
Hmm, I just looked at the site , apparently they do make the Ucertify material haha, I was just talking about the study guides Ill link one example. I did order their ucertify material for net+ as I want to use the lab.
Many do suggest taking the net+ first, I am taking the sec+ first. Its your own choice. As far as material you can start with the free sec+ 601 vids by Professor Messer, and look for the next Udemy sale,
and there are some pretty cheap study guidies on amazon. like below, but you may not like ebooks.... I have downloaded them on my pc and tablet plus many come with practice questions. Good luck,
Professor Messer also has study guides that are great for your final stages of preparing for the exam
Use quizlet flash cards. There’s already a lot of them premade for the comptia exams, but you can add your own too for free!
I'm assuming this is the book you're referring to?
And through my work, have free access to all you mentioned (just wish the app had over 100 questions though)... will investigate more, thanks!
Hi, Darril’s Security+ 601 ebook is selling for $9.99 at this time on Amazon as a Kindle edition. I am using it for my exam preparation. I recommend using the 601 edition if testing under the 601 exam objectives. Here is the link:
CompTIA Security+ Get Certified Get Ahead: SY0-601 Study Guide https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09237T9ZB/ref=cm_sw_r_u_apa_glt_3TVRMCT5FK7BBSSREBZ1 Here's a Kindle version of darill Gibsonia 601 coming on the 15th
I'm sorry to read that your preparation was not enough, or perhaps you entered the exam with the wrong mindset? The positive side is that at least you know what to expect next time, so you will enter the room with less emotions. Have you thought how to approach this exam differently next time? Perhaps this book might be useful for you: https://www.amazon.com/Think-Like-Manager-CISSP-Exam-ebook/dp/B08D9L1BTF
I came across some positive comments around it but myself didn't have enough time to go through.
Good luck, don't lose hope. You are one step away from it, just requires a bit of different thinking and luck. Yes luck. As many say there comes a point where you just gamble, myself I gambled at least 20% of the time. I was not sure at all. I picked two answers which made more sense to me and gambled.
I used comtia practice questions I bought it off of amazon, the kindle version is really cheap! and I also used the free practice questions online.
and https://www.examcompass.com/comptia/security-plus-certification/free-security-plus-practice-tests
Dan Sullivan’s book is the best resource and it comes with practice tests hosted by sybex. There’s some aspects that are dated but if you pair this book with Linux academy or udemy classes you should be ready. It’ll likely take more than a week to finish the material.
Gibson's Get Ahead, Get Certified is available for free through Kindle Unlimited on Amazon.
I assume that you meant the All in one guide by Mike, Its been on Amazon like all year and similar sites
Get Daril Gibson's book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07652KDXM/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
Check out Professor Messer's SY0-501 video course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbxRf_9Rcmg&list=PLG49S3nxzAnnVhoAaL4B6aMFDQ8_gdxAy
After you've taken some time to get through those, do some practice tests online. Look at the exam objectives and make sure you know the material before taking the test.
Hi Bowelman,
I used Mplaza to pass the PSM1 a few days ago. From the videos, sample questions and the 3 exams, I scored a 77/80. I also recommend the book below too. I read the authors book on PSM1, which helped me too.
Thanks. Kind of crappy that they are that expensive for 30-60 days. That's what screenshots are for, though.
Edit: There is also a kindle edition.
I would highly recommend Darril Gibson Only $9.99 for the kindle version, his book touches on every point on CompTia's objective list for the SY0-401. It also has quite a few practice questions.
As someone who just took the Sec+ Test, dont soley rely on CertMaster if you are using it. THIS is your ticket to passing. Covers the stuff that is actually on the test in the format of the test.