Quench gum is very similar. You can still get a bucket of 200 off amazon for $15. I ended up giving 3/4 of it out for Halloween because I couldn’t handle it anymore.
Corrected, apparently you can’t get a bucket of $200 dollars for $15 dollars off amazon. Just gum.
also forgot that was a thing. dang brain! probably happening because of my electrolyte deficiency!
Quench can also be had for ~$0.07/piece if you buy it in the tub form on amazon
This is how they sell it.
> Turpentine has been used as natural remedy for a variety of health problems for generations! Great-grandmothers used turpentine for a yearly "cleansing" for every member of the family or for her rheumatism and nagging cough. While the thought of using paint brush cleaner sounds harsh and foolish, turpentine could be classified as an herbal remedy. > > Herbal remedies are medicines made from plants, and that is just what true turpentine is! Turpentine is made by distilling pine resin from pine trees. Many essential oils are made by distilling plant material into a concentrated natural medicine.
I'm not linking to site, i don't want to give them traffic, but it also lists turpentine as being part of ''protocols'' for autistic children.
Want to know how popular it is, check out the amazon review stats here
On the Q&A section, the question is asked "The label on the bottle says this is not for internal use?", the response from the seller (and producer)...
> > This is in accordance with FDA regulations. > > Also in accordance with FDA regulations, we do not give medicinal advice regarding our products. You are welcome to read customer reviews of our products to obtain the information you are seeking, or you can also seek out the advice of a holistic health practitioner. > Thanks again!
So they're selling this snake oil, knowing they have to deceive the FDA to do it, and telling people to read the reviews for the ''medical'' advice as they know they cannot give any.
I hadn't thought of it as stimming either, but I DO THIS. It is NOT good. I've gained 20 pounds the last couple of years (well, 15, I lost 5 recently trying to nip it in the bud).
I hate chewing gum (also hated pacifiers as a baby, so it's weird I stim eat, but I definitely do), but if I get an ice cold water with a random fruit in it or unsweetened tea that really helps me have an alternate.
I also try to find other things to do when I want to be eating - usually it's a secondary activity to something else (working, driving, watching tv). I find singing works as an alternative in the car. I'm still working on the other two, but I did buy a mini elliptical that can be used either standing or sitting, which I'm hoping will provide an alternative for work and tv.
Things I use when I can't help it: Bamba (PEANUT BUTTER CHEATO THINGS. Come on. They melt if you suck on them or you can crunch them. They're cheap and you can eat 40 for 160 calories. They're Israeli but Trader Joe's sells their own version for 99 cents. There are elephants on the TJ-version package); blueberries (I'll finish a pint), fruits and veggies cut into little sticks to make them easy munch finger foods; and a new discovery that only works because it's super intense and weird: C. Howard Violet Mints. They taste like a bathtub. I love them in all their grossness.
I wonder if you could use REAL gum and not experience bloating... as I said, I don't like gum. But I like it when things are just absolutely bizarrely flavored (see above). Check out Falim gum. It's Turkish and made with tree sap, which makes me feel like I'm either chewing on a pine tree or some really weird nonboozy gin. It's super chewy, too. Some people in the Amazon reviews buy it as a jaw workout.
Does it say which animal
here are some camel balls at amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fini-Camel-Bubble-Balls-Pack/dp/B0052Q6UW4
Not the same brand, but here's a similar Caffine gum product that's often comes in U.S. rations. It definitely works!
I once took something like 800-1000mg of caffeine while pulling an all-nighter procrastinating on an essay in high school. Was a combination of coffee, energy drinks, and this disgusting garbage (unbelievably awful combination of bitter and sickly sweet).
Started feeling sick on the bus to school in the morning, and ended up being one of the worst sensations I've ever experienced:
Nausea and stomach cramps that I can't even explain. I stumbled straight into a bathroom once I got into school and clutched the toilet for dear life. Probably sat there with my head lolling, drooling into the water for like an hour.
Atrocious, pounding headache and racing heartbeat for hours, and lots of cold, clammy sweat. I could feel and hear my pulse ringing in my ears from every heartbeat.
I also got these insane involuntary muscle twitches. Random muscle fibers in my chest, neck, and face would contract pretty strongly, and I felt like I was a fucking mini epileptic. One of the weirdest and most awful things I've ever experienced - my head would randomly jerk to the side because neck muscles would uncontrollably activate, and my face was constantly twitching. I looked like I was having a mini seizure.
Eventually made my way to the nurse's office and lay down for a couple hours to ride it out. 4/10 - would not recommend but got a 96/100 on the paper, so it was all worth it.
Got any authentic Greek restaurants nearby? Also search for "Chios" - this one has a few weeks lead time, not months, on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Chios-Mastiha-Natural-Mastic-Growers/dp/B00YSO7KRA
Mahlepi is probably easier to find. I got mine from Amazon and vacuum pack + froze it to save it for whoever cleans out my freezer when I die.
Good luck. Take pictures, put them on Reddit.
110% pine resin. As someone who has been shopping the med/rec markets of the Northwest for just about a decade, now, I can promise you that this is not a Cannabis concentrate.
This video is absolutely identical to the pine resin sold on amazon that I've linked; for the sake of your lungs, toss that shit in the garbage. Better yet, tell your 'plug' to take that product and shove it right up his peehole.
There’s a lot of mastic gum that isn’t the real deal… it shouldn’t get stuck in your teeth, here’s the one I get Greece, Greek Chios (Xios) Mastic... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008RT2UVI?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
After reading your long ass thread aha- from my understanding gum arabic is a somewhat generic term and not a specific gum from a specific plant or whatnot. It's usually used for cooking, as a thickener from my understanding, while Greek Chios gum is a specific sap that comes from a specific tree in Greece. I think it's primarily found on one island, but I'm not sure about this part. This is what you want to chew but don't overdo it- start off chewing for 15-20 minutes or so and then buildup slowly over time or you may irritate, or even damage, your jaw. I've linked the kind that I've bought before and it seems to be very high quality, after they cut the tree to let sap out they put in in sand to prevent it from sticking to everything so you want to rinse the gum before chewing.
This is very late but chewing gum, especially masseter gum and mewing can make a big difference to your jaw, falim gum i would recommend and looking up dr mike mew on YouTube for his series on mewing https://www.amazon.com/Falim-100-Chewing-Gum-Damla-Sakizli/dp/B005GR1WO0
Looks identical to some stuff that's going around my area for $300/oz. My state's medical program, thankfully, is expanding and dropping prices. I've been living back in my home state for just under 4 years, having moved from WA State, and in that time I have only purchased flower. If you aren't closely connected with the person/people doing the extraction, the canna-concentrate game in illegal states has become so grimy that people will cut their product with poison to stretch their product and make an extra dollar.
Pine resin is becoming all too common of an occurrence here, as well, being sold as 'shatter'; hell, It's on Amazon's next day delivery. From everything that I have read, the "flame test" is decently telltale, but isn't foolproof. Still, though, I'd heat up a small dab in a spoon and wait for it to cool. If it cools quickly and leaves a candle-wax like consistency (this will flake off the spoon when dried), it is 110% cut. Other than that, though, seeing whether it will dissolve in iso. is a go-to for many.
Wouldn't hurt to try. Turpentine/sugar protocol is the best introduction to cleansing parasites. While this protocol kills a wide variety of species, it does not kill everything. There are stubborn parasites require specific ingredients to detach and kill them off.
Back in the day, most would purchase over the counter turpentine at a hardware store, however, this stuff is loaded with solvents and other toxins. There's only one product that is 100% pure and that's Diamond Forest https://www.amazon.com/100-Pure-Gum-Spirits-Turpentine/dp/B00KE62DWS/ref=sr_1_4?crid=3DBP10V5KEPDC&dchild=1&keywords=turpentine+pure+gum+spirits&qid=1609637948&sprefix=turpentine%2Caps%2C191&sr=8-4
Parasites are attracted to sugar which is the reason poor diets help them thrive and multiply. It's best to cut back on all sugar 2 weeks prior to the protocol since it starves them out. When taking the Turp/sugar combo, the parasites are attracted to the sugar and aggressively chase it. The sugar is a lure. Once they take the bait, the turpentine kills them off. It's most effectively taken on the day of a full moon. I initially thought this was some weird new agey bullshit but after trying it, it was much more effective. The dose is one round teaspoon of sugar (must be table sugar) to one teaspoon of Turpentine mixed together. Take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and a wait an hour before eating. If one is naturally constipated, chase down 2 tablespoons of castor oil directly after the turpentine/sugar ingredients. Castor oil in itself will kill off certain parasites.
Do that. Make sure to chew sufficiently though. Don't go crazy with that either though so that you develop TMJ issues. But for real, chew sufficiently. If you eat a soft diet then compensate with chewing gum. I recommend hard gum such as Falim gum. You can buy it from amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Falim-100-Chewing-Gum-Damla-Sakizli/dp/B005GR1WO0).
I use it myself and it is tougher than any common gum. Also, it is sugarless and free of artificial sweeteners.
If you develop strong chewing muscles as a kid good resting oral will take care of it self. That was the case with our ancestors after all (according to Paul Ehrlich and Sandra Kahn, Mike Mew, and many others I am sure).
Also, obviously make sure that you never have clogged noses and that you always breath through your mouth.
These things are considered to be a part of "mewing" by the way. Mewing is not all about the tongue as I am sure you know.
Falim 100 Pieces Sugar Free Chewing Gum-Damla Sakizli https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005GR1WO0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_a.KwFb7BK24A0 This is the one I purchased
Shipping will be different depending on where you’re at (I’m in America)
Chios or Falim.
Diamond 1 Lb Pine Gum Rosin (1 Pound) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JFF6XP2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_bYzhFbDQ01S86 it made its way around my town too and still is, dudes selling grams for $20 and everybody’s to dumb to see why
I think this is the one I was thinking of. It has no sugar or artificial flavor/sweetener. Some people might not like the natural flavor it has (I’ve heard it’s a very faint, earthy/herbal flavor) and it is apparently a bit more firm than commercial US chewing gum but it’s much better for your teeth in the long run.
it 100% taste the same except flavoring but it hits the spot, trust me...You can find it on amazon pretty cheap
Both hubby (ATC) and I swear by this. No weird feelings or crashes. Before seeing if you like it, most stores carry energy gums by their energy drinks.
Get your iron checked as well. I had to get iron pills and the occasional iron infusion.
Exactly what I needed. Thank you
Edit: for anyone curious, I just purchased this rosin and will be trying on my shoes next week. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JFF6XP2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
As an infectious disease clinician, I'm curious as to exactly which parasite the "turpentine cleanse" is supposed to rid people of?
Edit: Oh my God, these reviews! Still can't find anything beyond "parasites".
I bought these since I couldn't find any cheap mastic gums that ship to Australia,
But essentially since pretty much all the food we eat is processed our jaw muscles don't develop as much as they would have if we were on a natural diet.
You can chew hard gums to develop your masseter muscles making your jaw area a little wider
Turkish falim gum. It’s relatively cheap on amazon, but the gum itself is much harder to chew than the regular gum we’re used to. It will really develop your jaw musculature if you chew often. This will make the effects of your mewing even more noticeable.
Here’s a link to the one I purchase - Falim Gum