> Dr. Seuss would be proud
You remind me of that delusional little bird in the Dr. Seuss story who thought a steam shovel was her mother
Mentor, investor, and potential business partner is a lot to ask someone to bring to the table, when you haven't said what you're bringing to the table. Nor said how someone will benefit from working with you. Put yourself in the other person's shoes. Most people want more time, money, or fulfillment. How can they get one, two, or all three with you?
Regardless, how do you find someone?
First, become the person you want to attract. So remove phases from your vocabulary like, I don't know how-to, I don't have the time, I don't have the motivation, knowledge, etc. The conjunction n't (can't, don't, won't, etc.) is no longer allowed in your vocabulary ever again. If you can't do something, then figure it out. If you don't want to do something, then you must do. If you won't do something, then find someone who will. This is tough love, every entrepreneur must face.
Second, ask yourself what are you bringing to the table and become the best version of it. Then either network with people online or offline (so you will have to make time), to find someone who complements your skills and you theirs. If this is a symbiotic partner (meaning you bring equal, but different value to the table), then you must give before you ask. If this is a non-symbiotic relationship (meaning the other person clearly brings more value to the table), then they must see something special in your raw material that they can mold.
I'm thinking about the book, Are You My Mother? ( https://smile.amazon.com/Are-You-Mother-Beginner-Books-ebook/dp/B00480OHWK/ )
Substitute the word mother for mentor and my response is, you don't go around asking, because your mother/mentor will come to you.
Now, entertain me, if someone on this sub says they're interested in being your mentor, what's next?
"The whites saying" means "white people who say," which denotes a subset of the aforementioned group. Therefore, the original statement was not referring to the entire group of people with white skin color, but to a smaller group within the larger, and specifically, those who say the phrase "we're not racist." The overall context of the statement indicates it was made in jest to imply that the people included in the said subset are disingenuous in their claims. I hope this explanation has been helpful. Here are some additional resources that may be of further assistance.
Here is a useful source for you to check out when going over this thread after you are hopefully banned. I would also recommend checking out the sidebar.
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Is the illustration from this book? If it is, then I really want that book. Such a cool illustration!
Hey I'm new to reddit, sorry for any confusion. But my book right now is free on amazon, please care to check it out and leave a review?!