Also, the prices could be inflated, ya know "list price" vs "sales price." A quick look at Amazon shows the first Harry Potter (illustrated version) with a list price of $39.99, but they're selling it for $22.79. Wouldn't at all be surprised if the library's calc is using the "list price" in their calculation.
Inhuman?!?! That’s awful and so terrible someone has said that! I’m so sorry you all experienced that.
Idk about you, but growing up, I spent way more time reading my Dragonology book than ever thinking about sex...I’m happy to be a dragon then 🤣
Wow, this post gained more traction then I expected, haha. For those curious, yes, it's for sale! You can buy it here on Amazon, but it's currently out of stock.
Most of the manga (up to BW2, including FRLF and HGSS remakes) have been translated into English and are avaliable on Amazon as physical prints. For the US release, the earlier regions/games are split up into box-sets containing all the books of their respective arc.
Here's the first set:
EDIT: XY series is currently being released as individual volumes in the US, with Vol. 8 coming in October. You can either buy them individually for ~$5 each or wait for the eventual box-set.
I suggest a few things:
I hope this helps!
Don't call yourself a liberal if you haven't read theory
Educate yourself sweaty. 🙄
Reading has always been the love of my life and one of my greatest passions. Throughout the toughest times of my life, reading was always there for me and was as my escape from the real world. When I am feeling down I immerse myself in stories and characters that help me distract myself from the troubles around me. One specific book that had a great impact on my life was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone not only introduced me to the wonderful world of Harry Potter, (one of my biggest loves to this day) but it helped me through one of the darkest points of my life. During my teenage years, I battled many personal issues (I’d rather not get into them) and sticking my nose into Harry Potter books helped me to feel safe and happy during my darkest times. I took comfort in the characters and the story in a way in which I had never felt before. I will always be thankful for the magic that Harry Potter brought into my life!
Thank you so much for holding such a generous contest for us bookworms.
Looks like they have the first 3 books is a set for them but you can find them per book also.
They also have straight up fully-illustrated harry potter books. I can't comment on the quality but it is something that I'll probably pick up whenever I have kids and they reach age ~10.
Best edition, IMO.
Pottermore shopを見たところ、電子版ならKindle, kobo, Reader等で買えるようです。紙の本のほうが好きな場合はamazonでアメリカ版の取り扱いはあります。参考程度にどうぞ。
Seriously, I'd recommend reading the English version. I gave up reading the Japanese translations because of the terrible quality. I doubt Matsuoka (or Seizansha) would let go of the only successful book they released, so I wouldn't hope for re-translations if I were you.
I have no idea if you're in the States (ignore if you're not) but you can get the whole set fairly cheap on Amazon. For the same price (at least it is where I am), it is also available in Costco. If you're near one but don't have a card I'd bet someone in your life can get you in. Alternatively they used to sell day use cards, dunno if they do still but worth a shot.
I wholeheartedly agree that you should read the books before you progress further into the movies. It is a very different and enriching experience!
Have you thought about the illustrated books? The third one was just released this past October. The illustrated versions are great for any fan, plus they’re great once your friends child is old enough because they can read to their child and show them the pictures as they follow along.
I'm from Germany and I found a lot german online book stores that have these editions, sure there aren't greek websites that have these? Or you could buy them on Amazon here (
Amazon. But only the first three books have been illustrated so far.
I've bought on Amazon over the last couple years they've been releasing. They are really cool, and I am looking forward to sharing the illustrated version with my children one day, luckily for my wallet, kids are hopefully pretty far off...
Here is a link for the first 3 books. You may be able to find used for cheaper and buy one book at a time.
Adding to this-- it's $31.09 shipped here in the states in Paperback
Scots really is it's own thing. (I know that video is Glaswegian but it still cracks me up)
I love that there is a Scots version of Harry Potter
10gb of text is a LOT of text. The entire Harry Potter series is just over a million words (1,084,170) which is roughly 2MB. So 10 gigabytes is the entire Harry Potter series 5,000 times.
If you printed all five thousand copies into the paperback box set which is 10.6 x 8.5 x 5.5 inches and weighs 6.6 pounds, you would have 16.5 tons of paper filling 1433 cubic feet of space.
I don't know if your nephew already has them but my daughter is around the same age and while we read all of the normal copies of the books first (we just finished Book 4 as a family) she really enjoys collecting the illustrated books
They really did a nice job.
I remember one time as a kid I went over to the Russian kid's home to play. (this was in Denmark) First thing I noticed was that he was the one that had stolen all the cool books from the library. The ones that had cross sections of planes, ships, and also the super cool star wars editions. (this one). He denied that he took them from the school library but they had the library stickers on them.
Anyways afterwards we played with foam swords and he started crying after I managed to hit him. His mom came in, he told her that I hit him and I got scolded like crazy. Never went over there again.
Dont know if any of it was particularity Russian but that family seemed fucking weird.
So I can't find the exact book because I'm juggling google and making my son breakfast, but this this is definitely the same author. This is one on the OT while the book this post is from is one on episode I.
Not Scots Gaelic, but Scots. I have a copy of it.
It’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stane.