Vegetables in Underwear
It’s a bit strange if you ask me, but maybe in title only... lol
When I want to create but I've got that sort of mental block, I pull out my coloured pencils and a colouring book. (I've got two on the go now- one of Victorian fashions, and one of medieval tapestry.) This is like 100% subjective, but when I don't want to work on a project, it's normally because I'm terrified I'll ruin it. Colouring gets me in that visual design mindspace without that anxiety that I'll fuck everything up because even if I do, hey, it's a colouring book, who gives a fuck?
Try googling books that are similar to the Cloverleaf series. It led me to Amazon and I looked at other books purchased and found this series. I'm sure there's more.
Happy cake day!
So thisis from my wife’s wishlist, but I think it’s a great idea. It’s used to help sketch out your new makeup looks before you put them on your face. She’a used hers up, but when she had it she uses it to sketch out makeup ideas for friends who are mikes away, including helping with drag tutorials and interview looks for the kids in the youth group she serves. :) if you love to play with makeup, this is more fun than you’d think. :)
There are no classes that teach skirts and dresses? It still would help to have someone with experience teach the basic skills. It may avoid having to unlearn bad habits later. Classes are always better but after the fundamentals you might be able to get along with Craftsy or Prof. Pincushion.
These books look good:
This book has always looked good to me. It has a companion volume for machine stitching. I would start with hand sewing, but if she's really intrigued by the machine, why not do some simple projects if she has the maturity to use it?
I'm not sure what part of my soul I need to sell to get one monthly pimple :P do you have an amazing skin care routine?
Ooh you could have a flip book like this to help create recipes when using the food up!
I found a kids book at Goodwill when I was really high called Hats, Hats, Hats blew my mind.
I kinda wish I had found the thrilling sequel Bread, Bread, Bread.