It's basically Genesis for LotR. It describes how the world came to be, how the different races came to be, etc.
My username is actually derived from a character in The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien. Gil-Galad. When I started playing online games, I modified it to Gilgilad and I've been using the username ever since.
Try amazon smile to donate to charity automatically at no cost to you!
^^^I'm ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^and ^^^this ^^^action ^^^was ^^^preformed ^^^automatically.
I have this set and they are amazing! (I have them all face up on a table to show them off)
In addition to the quote the other commenter shared, here's one from the letter to Milton Waldman at the start of The Silmarillion (I'm not sure which editions it's in, but it's in the Amazon preview of the Kindle version if yours doesn't have it):
>He repents in fear when the First Enemy is utterly defeated, but in the end does not do as was commanded, return to the judgement of the gods. He lingers in Middle-earth. Very slowly, beginning with fair motives: the reorganising and rehabilitation of the ruin of Middle-earth, ‘neglected by the gods’, he becomes a re-incarnation of Evil, and a thing lusting for Complete Power – and so consumed ever more fiercely with hate (especially of gods and Elves).
Combined with the other one, seems like while he was too ashamed to return to Valinor, his repentance and an attempt to do good nonetheless did last a little while before he fell heavily back into darkness again.
someone actually took this meme as the premise of a book:
Mrs. Perivale and the Blue Fire Crystal
This book series features an 80 something year old grandmother who is the chosen one and goes to a magical land with her devoted butler and her 7 cats to save the universe.
Deal link: Amazon
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Mrs. Perial and hte blue fire crystal Its free on kindle unlimited. I haven't read it yet.
Not sure if there's any book that a story exactly matches with Moana (story that takes place in ancient Polynesia). But if you're interested in all kind of books that inspired by Polynesian mythology, here is what I got recommended by my Sāmoan friend.
Plan to pick up on the Telesa Series. Telesa- Covenant Keeper looks good, Polynesian deity /monster killing /South Pacific. This is the edition I am reading. If we just found a mistake that would be weird.
Those books are like $7 each on amazon