This wonderful little book was put out by John Oliver and Jill Twiss with the help of Last Week Tonight. The episode where they unveiled the book is a gem. Check it out if you want!
EDIT: you can buy it here if you’re interested.
Link to the book's amazon page:
Seriously, children need early exposure to homosexual love.
It's actually the #1 best seller on Amazon at the moment. Which is both hilarious and great, since it has probably earned a great deal of money for the Trevor Project and AIDS United.
I ordered it too!
If anyone is interested, all proceeds go to The Trevor Project and AIDS United.
Link to book
Obligatory plug for the John Oliver's absolutely amazing book A day in the life of Marlon Bundo.
Maybe the best political troll of all time
100% of the proceeds from the John Oliver books go to charities according to the Amazon Ad
I guess you didn't look then. Retail is 18.99
Amazon is selling it for 11.39 40% off
Barnes and Noble is selling it for 21% off -
Did you know Amazon will donate a portion of every purchase if you shop by going to instead? Over $50,000,000 has been raised for charity - all you need to do is change the URL!
Here are your smile-ified links:
Friend have i got a book for you
^^i'm ^^a ^^friendly bot
It's a oversight to not have A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo on the list. It's actually a sweet story, and probably the first gay-related children's book most straight families have owned. The only other one I have is And Tango Makes Three, which I found at a yard sale.
Edit: > Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #279 in Books
>Number 1 in Books > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction > Animals
>Number 1 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Family Life > Marriage & Divorce
>Number 3 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Rabbits
That other Marlon Bundo book:
>Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #19,972 in Books
>Number 12 in Books > Children's Books > Biographies > United States
>Number 49 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Rabbits
>Number 119 in Books > Children's Books > Literature & Fiction > Historical Fiction > United States
It’s Not a Box.
One book that to mind is "A day in the life of Marlon Bundo" by Jill Twiss, issued by Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.
Not sure if the link is allowed, but it's readily available on sites like amazon.
Yep, this.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Presents A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo (Better Bundo Book, LGBT Children’s Book)
When my brother died of cancer a good friend of mine sent me this children’s book The Rabbit Listened and it’s basically this same thing only in a book for children. We all need somebody to be there with us and just listen when needed.
If anyone one, parents/teachers/et al, is looking helpful ways to communicate love to kids (and even many adults) … I highly suggest this book: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Presents A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo (Better Bundo Book, LGBT Children’s Book)
You should get the book "Goodnight Moon" - in that book, you say goodnight to everything, and it can be a bedtime story and satisfy her need to say goodnight to everything lol.
You comment reminded me of a book I haven't thought of in decades. It is called "I am bunny" and it was a little golden book. I found it on Amazon and I am going to buy it! Ha!
One of my favorite books that I saw outside my local library is a book called "The Rabbit Listened" by Cori Doerrfeld. It is not explicitly Buddhist, but when I read it, it reminded me of Thich Nhat Hanh telling us to listen deeply to the suffering of others. A lovely little book we plan on buying when we have kids.
I half expected a picture of the cover of this book, which I had as a kid.
In slightly related heartwarming news, Richard Scarry was apparently a great dad, and his son is continuing his father's legacy.
May I recommend A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo for your collection? A great LGBT book, and one of my favorite children's books.
Mmmmk, someone doesn't know how to find scholarly journals, court cases, common law documents, and proceedings.
~~UPDATE: OOooo I see you added a journal. Standby while I take a gander.~~
UPDATE2: Reference page 649 of your journal attached. Take notice this document acknowledges the data is from the Mother Jones data base, which only extends to 2011, therefore acknowledgement this information is nearly a decade old.
Got anything else?
It's a book cover. Somebody had it on r/MemeTemplatesOfficial.
I think you should present a summary or paraphrase what the book says instead of just posting a link. To show how useful your post is I will post a link about a children's book John Oliver's team wrote about accepting others where the main character is an adorable rabbit.
Letters from Felix! It's the story of a little stuffed rabbit that gets separated from his owner in an airport. He travels around the world and sends letters back to her, and of course, there's a happy ending where they reunite. The letters he sends are in envelopes in the book, so the kid can pull them out and read them. There are also travel stickers from his trip. It's very interactive. It's also very long--I think my parents didn't like reading it to me for that reason, but I still think it's worth it.
ETA: an anthology of fairy tales is great too! I'd get one that's got more disney versions and less original versions though. Grimm fairy tales creep me out as an adult.
There is actually a children's book almost exactly like this. Its a great book with tons of subtle world information and tons of pop ups and extras in it.
The whole Felix series is really cute and a great way to teach very young kids some basic stuff about other places in the world.
This is a great book for children. It's so simple and so very cute. Yet, it teaches them so much from reading it out loud. It's a book I keep in my classroom and at home.
"Letters From Felix" is a great story about a stuffed rabbit making it's own 'round the world trip and could be a fun read for your son.