The Enchanted forest chronicles. It's about a princess who is not a typical princess, (She bakes cherries jubalee and knows some magic and sword fighting) A friendly king of dragons, a kitchen witch with a dozen cats, and the king of the enchanted forest and all the crazy pressures he has to deal with. These books are amazing, the ladies are strong the gentlemen clever and it's a fun read. Read it to my sons when they were in their middle teens and they loved it.
I'm not sure about the traditional fairy tales, but if you want a fairy tale vibe with powerful well-written female characters, try The Enchanted Forest Chronicles. Seven might be a little young for reading them on her own, but they would be excellent for reading out loud to her. Or just wait a few years and give them to her around fourth or fifth grade.
I think I know exactly what the 2nd book you’re talking about is. It’s called Dealing With Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede. I’ve been rereading it since I was a kid too, and it’s really good.
It also dealt w/ fantasy-style loopholes and dry humor that may have influenced your defense.
If you're interested in a story that is slightly similar to the premise in this comic, I suggest The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede. The first book is Dealing with Dragons.
I’m pretty sure I bought it on Amazon! hope that link works (I’m on mobile) I found it available new just now by searching “Song of the Lioness Box Set”. They’re paperbacks! Alanna is amazing :) also I’m digging your Eddings username!
It is a box set here’s the link to amazon for it
Edit. This is I’m sure you can find it on whatever platform you need
Oh man, I loved the Enchanted Forest Chronicles as a kid. I can't wait to share them if I ever have kids of my own.
It's a wonderful mix of humor and fantasy, and it's one of the things that got me hooked on the genre as a little kid.
The Redwall series is also great (though I don't remember how many follow a female main character), but some of the books get a little more mature and should probably wait until she's a little older.
I don't think so...If you read the intro to the updated version, it talks about the dynamics of it & how she basically backed into the first three books due to the little bit of history she included in the fourth. Look at the preview here -- it's super interesting!
The enchanted forest series by Patricia wrede. Fun reads, smart girl protagonist, fantasy. This is book 1:
I don’t know any true non-fiction books, but there are some great historical fiction novels for pre-teens out there. They usually are based off of facts, but some of the more sordid stuff has been taken out.
The one I remember reading when I was a kid (granted this was over 15 years ago) was the Royal Diaries. I’m sure they have more masculine themed ones too if that is what you’re looking for.
Here’s an Amazon link if you’re interested
Princeless is a great fantasy for middle grades about a fairytale princess who rescues herself
Doing a bit of research I found the book on Australian Amazon for $22.75 + shipping. Unfortunately it's extensively more expensive to purchase things from online retailers that have to ship all across the globe.
As far as I understood it, this was a one pager that Katie O'Neill did on her website but then went on to turn it into a full series and had it printed.
A few of the redditors above mentioning the hardback book found on Amazon, a great way to support the artist.
See, this is the problem with today's youth. You have a girl royal brat and they're a princess, you have a boy royal brat and they're a prince, that's what those words mean :P
Also, read this do it now you know you want to.
I think it's from this:
You guys would probably enjoy the comic regardless, it really turns the woman's role in the whole sword and sorcery genre on its head.
I think the Royal Diaries book about Elizabeth I ( had a bit in there about Anne of Cleves - but it is a kids' book and I probably read it like 15 years ago, so not sure if I remember correctly...
I know that they have this style for the Immortals series as well.
Here is an Amazon link to this particular box set (reasonable price!)
And here is The Immortals in this set.
If they decide to do the Protector of the Small (which ranks highly in my opinion) then I will be quite pleased! I remember buying the first Beka Cooper but then never actually getting into it. Worth it?
Fun fact, I read this book when I was 9/10 and it made me interested in the history of CoE. Probably the reason I became Episcopalian when I reconverted, lol.
I remember we had a book in my elementary school called that, it was some drawn out, trying to hard, fantasy story that didn't actually teach you jack shit.
EDIT: found it. Lady Di of Ameter? give me a fucking break could they no try any harder than that?
There's actually a series of books about Sir Cumference
Awesome! Reminds me of this book that I loved as a girl. The whole homecoming court/prom queen "tradition" is a fucking joke, and that's how it should be treated.