Now if only they took down the even more egregious patriot’s Bible with commentary notes comparing the second amendment to Abraham arming his servants and extolling the virtues of stonewall Jackson and Robert E Lee
The NKJV, American Patriot's Bible, Hardcover: The Word of God and the Shaping of America
5/5 rating on amazon
My brother and I bought a copy of <em>The American Patriot's Bible</em> when we visited a Sam's Club across the border. It includes many excerpts from guys like Jefferson, Payne, and Franklin. For us, it's kinda corny and funny to have, but I assume some people really appreciate it as a serious study(?) bible.
Don't be upset you're argument is not sound based on your own behavior. Again would you like a book on logic so you can learn how to use it? I couldn't find the text I learned from but this seems good enough for you. I just think you should at least have a decent argument if you're going to take such a selfish and detrimental stance to society
The Bible was written for all of God's people for all time, but it was written to certain of God's people in a certain time. This means that we cannot fully understand and appreciate what the Bible is saying to us today until we first understand what it was originally saying to the people it was first written to. So, I'd recommend reading something that will help you to understand the Bible in its historical and cultural context.
I'd highly recommend Hill and Walton's A Survey of the Old Testament for this. It's not too tough a read, and does a great job helping to understand the context of the OT with an eye for the spiritual transformation of the reader - how this impacts our understanding of the Bible and God, rather than just trying to provide dry knowledge.
I'd recommend picking that book up (hard copy is pricey but digital copy is cheap) and reading it alongside re-reading the Bible, and see how your understanding is impacted.
Look no further: The Jesus Storybook Bible ( 4.9 out of 5 stars on Amazon, with thousands of reviews. It contains the most significant stories in the bible without the genealogies, prophecy, theological teachings, and so forth.
Then you're going to love this.
It basically claims that Trump is the second coming of Jesus, and Biden is the anti christ.
Somewhere along the way, it tells you that America is the "new Jerusalem".
>The Biggest Story Bible Storybook
How is it similar to/different from The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones?
A Survey of the Old Testament by Hill and Walton addresses what you're speaking about. They offer the major perspectives on authorship (though they affirm the OT cannon in its entirety). This also provides historical information and survey info. It's by no means the most in-depth, but they've done the research for you, so it would allow you to get a lay of the land for every book without needing a significant number of books to dig through.
Yes, I did my service teaching logic to undergrads. They don’t pay me enough here, sadly. But here’s an excellent book to help you on your journey:
Yes, 100% American.
Maybe as part of my upbringing, but I began to be turned off from the various pledges. And I’m certainly bothered by the notion that Christianity and in particular American exceptionalism can become so commingled to the point it becomes dangerous.
The NKJV, American Patriot's Bible, Hardcover: The Word of God and the Shaping of America is a thing over here. And yeah, that particular Bible does cause me to wince.
I'm racist because I believe no matter how talented a coach a black person is they're unlikely to get interviewed because I believe, with evidence, most NFL owners are racist?
This may help you:
Your son is 3? This has been amazing for my family. Sometimes I come out in tears... Just read these after breakfast or dinner. I think there are study guides/questions to go with it.
Look into Charlotte Mason's pedagogy instead, perhaps starting with Susan Schaeffer Macaulay's "For the Children's Sake." Very strongly recommended.
We reaaaally love to read this childrens bible: the Jesus storybook Bible. Every story whispers His name. amazon link
The stories are close to the bible translations and it really tells why we need Jesus. It is full of love, even the stories like satan in the garden or Noah’s boat.
This has been out over a decade but there’s no better piece of evidence. Intersperses American history with the Bible:
In case you still have Christmas shopping to do...
Sometimes, when no one is saying "I love you", it helps to be told that you are loved and lovely. When you feel like you need to be rescued, it is good to be told that there's a rescuer. A book that helped me, and that I still read is The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones.
Suggested this earlier, and was downvoted to oblivion. Maybe this time folks will care more about the question being answered than their bias. But I doubt it.
Sometimes it helps to have a story framed in a way you haven't seen before. Sometimes it helps to learn that your experience isn't the limit of human experience. Sometimes it helps to be told or reminded that you fit into the story.
After trying a bunch I’ve found the Beginners Bible to be best. Great pictures and very short stories - simplifies in a helpful way and great for short attention spans.
The Beginner's Bible: Timeless...
I also like the Jesus Storybook Bible for the overall narrative but I’ve found with my 2 1/2 year old it’s a bit long still. Probably best for a bit older.
The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every...
It's not specifically geared towards Christmas, I think the Jesus Storybook Bible does an excellent job at both (a) telling the Christmas story and (b) tying everything together from the OT to the NT. Even in the creation story and the earliest chapters, it does a great job of constantly referencing the coming of Christ.
(Since you're SBC, I'll assume you don't hold to a strict 2C interpretation. If that's an issue for you, then this ain't for you.)
We use the Beginner's Bible every night with our 2 sons.
Covers many great Bible stories, is actually Biblical, and has pleasant art to go along with it.
Both of my sons love it (ages 8 and 5).
This one by Scott Hahn's wife, Kimberly is also an excellent read!
Thank you for your well wishes, and my prayers that God blesses you with a large family!
I don't know if this has been said but I too struggle with this. Got baptized very recently and was feeling the same way. Two books that have really helped are "Mere Christianity" as mentioned already, but I'd also recommend the "Jesus Story book bible." We're both infants in our faith and this book is perfect for us. I gotta say, it's really helped me quite a bit. I hope this helps you out, good luck, and God bless you. Welcome to the family! Link to book:
The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name