It sounds like you are being targeted and you have some realistic idea of what is going on. There is probably someone better than me to ask about this but here goes.
1 Get confessed and stay in the state of grace.
2 Do the duties of your state in life.
I personally would fill your home with relics. It may not deliver you in and of itself, but holy objects literally burn demons. For ten dollars you can get oil from the bones of St. Jude.
Fr. Ripperger also has a book of prayers that sounds like a good bet.
Deliverance Prayers: For Use by the Laity
From the book “An Exorcist Tells His Story” written by Father Amroth, Chief Exorcist of Vatican:
“The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil” (1 Jn 3:8). By taking away the existence of the devil, we destroy redemption; he who does not believe in demons does not believe in the Gospel.
You have got to be willing to go easy on yourself right now in this regard.
It is truly the only way out.
Pray in private if that will make you feel better.
The more you beat yourself up right now, the more you will consign yourself to the same behavior. The devil can also get ahold of us and keep us spinning on the hamster wheel of 'should' 'ought' 'must'.
Yes, there are plenty of things you 'should' be doing, but right now you have got to be willing to humble yourself and take baby steps towards them because you are not in a place to do the 'big' things right now. You must start with the 'little' things of simply being willing to say a prayer in whatever circumstance you find yourself in.
Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
It is imperative that you receive grace and be willing to go easy on yourself at the moment. You are in the throes of addiction and I dare say there is a strong component of devilry influencing this too. THere are good deliverance prayers which can also begin to help you - by Christ's power - break these yokes too.
Mary, Jesus accepts us where we are at, but they don't leave us where we are at.
You must be willing to be small, to do the small things, to take a small but imperfect step of faith in prayer and PRAY THE ROSARY IN SPITE OF YOUR SIN RIGHT NOW.
His Deliverance Prayers book? That has a nihil obstat and imprimatur. It's also just a compendium of already approved prayers, so really nothing new.
Do the "look inside" feature to see the nihil obstat and imprimatur.
I definitely don’t want to poopoo the other great suggestions here about how to use a particular BCP for personal devotions, but I do want to point out that among most orthodox Anglicans, the 1979 isn’t necessarily considered very faithful to the original Reformed vision of the BCP or Church of England as set forth by the English Reformers (and their continental brethren who had considerable influence in the development of it). If you are looking for the most “authentically Reformed” expression of the BCP, and the original from which all BCPs trace their lineage, pick up a 1662 BCP, which is still the officially approved BCP for use within the Church of England. Used by JC Ryle, George Whitefield, John and Charles Wesley, Isaac Watts, John Newton, JI Packer, John Stott, among others, it’s the OG BCP and remains a powerful, and beautiful, expression of Reformed liturgy. It has archaic language (lots of thees and thous), but I haven’t found it to be much of a barrier to my own personal use of it in daily prayer. You can get it pretty easily and cheaply here at Amazon:
Book of Common Prayer, Standard Edition, Black, CP220 Black Imitation Leather Hardback 601B
If you need any help on how to get started, I’d be happy to chat with you in the DMs if you like.
If you were Catholic, I'd recommend you say deliverance prayers for him, just in case he's diabolically obsessed. (Catholic exorcists say about 15 to 20% of the population is. And, just to be clear, it's not the same as possession. That's much more rare.)
He also sounds like needs a swift kick in the pants.
In case you want or need the prayers - Deliverance Prayers for the Laity:
Fr. Ripperger (a Catholic exorcist) on how to use the book:
He has a whole book on them. :)
Really helpful stuff!
May I recommend a book, particularly if you’re Catholic. I get nothing from this if you buy it. It’s written by a well respected exorcist. You can find Fr. Ripperger on YouTube as well
Deliverance Prayers: For Use by the Laity
This leather-bound one is still in print
But I believe all the hardcover ones are oop.
> I want to be a devotee but I can't find any prayer book of the little office,
Yes. You need to find a priest. In the mean time, you can try deliverance prayers. There’s a deliverance prayer for “Generational Curses” in this book. It’s by Fr. Rippeger.
Deliverance Prayers: For Use by the Laity
Oh my, my, my, my.
Yes. If you grew up being brought to mediums and such, you may want to consult with a priest about double-checking that you don't need an exorcism. These "attachments" can have long-lasting effects and/or stay with us and cause difficulties.
To get you started, here is Father Rippeger's book with many initial deliverance prayers.
I would say start praying those and seek out a competent priest.
God bless.
For a physical copy of the complete Office of the Hours, you'll need the 4-vol Liturgy of the Hours.
Christian Prayer has an abbreviated OOR, but it probably won't satisfy what you want.
Just a note about the books. A massive translation project is happening right now -- pretty much like what happened for the Mass a few years ago. The timeline for the new translations being finished -- or at least the final vote -- is 2020. Will they be published in 2020? Nobody really knows.
Even so, I bought my 4-vol LOTH in March. I figured that even if I just got two years out it, then it would still be worth it. I happened to find a good used set on amazon and saved a little bit of money.
And just an fyi about a really cool book, Witness of the Saints: Patristic Readings in the Liturgy of the Hours.
>In the four volumes of the Liturgy of the Hours, the official daily prayer of the Catholic Church, there are nearly 600 selections from the writings of Fathers and saints. Seeing the potential of this vast collection as a theological resource, Milton Walsh has organized these selections by topics according to the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This topical concordance allows the reader to compare what the various authors have written on the same themes, while a chronological timeline of the readings shows their relationship to each other in time.
So this is a fascinating way to study the Catechism. Don't get something like this instead of 4-vol LOTH. This is something that you may circle back around to later on.
The Jordanville Prayerbook from Holy Trinity Monastery. Beautiful prayers.
There's a book of deliverance prayers written by an exorcist:
Deliverance Prayers: For Use by the Laity - by Fr. Chad A Ripperger PhD
You can't go wrong with this pocket Cambridge edition of the 1662 BCP. Surprisingly excellent quality for the price!
I'll always recommend the 1662 BCP versus other editions if you only plan on owning one, just since it's the standard by which all others are judged. (That being said, avoid this "updated" version. Unless you only own modernized editions of Shakespeare too lol.)
There is a great book you should use to fully leave Freemasonry. I've read somewhere that apparently the 'cloak' of the Masons can stay with you for the rest of your life if you don't properly shed it. Here's the book for reference Don't get it from Amazon if you can
The 1979 edition is what is currently authorized. Here is an inexpensive edition. 1979 Book of Common Prayer Economy Edition: Black Imitation Leather
As long as it says 1979 Book of Common Prayer, then it is the right one. The various options you are seeing are likely about the binding and the size. You've got pew editions, which are generally hardcover. You've got the small personal size which have a faux leather sort of cover and are smaller, then you've got the ones that are a little bit larger with something more like real leather. And then there are ones that have red covers or black covers, but the content is exactly the same. Some will have a Bible or a hymnal also as a part of it. There are lots of different options out there, but what is on the inside should be the same as long as it says 1979.
If you just want a basic one for personal use, get this one-
Since you are the father, you have spiritual authority over her. It doesn’t hurt to pray deliverance prayers for her. I recommend Fr. Riopergere book:
Deliverance Prayers: For Use by the Laity
I also recommend doing either a fast or novena of masses or a novena of adoration and pray for intercession.
With that said, I will offer up my adoration time today for your daughter along with prayers.
Yes, it would seem that you are suffering from the Diabolic. I would also say that the "she" in "I would have let him die if she didn't help", refers to the Mother of God.
Have you told a priest about this? If you could find a good priest he could try saying deliverance prayers over you. This link has some information.
I have also heard that the book Deliverance Prayers: For Use By The Laity by Fr Ripperger is also helpful for those who are suffering from certain spiritual problems, though I have never used it myself.
There's definitely a good chance that generational spirits are involved. For sure talk to your priest about it; he'll know what to do.
I'd also recommend getting a book called Deliverance Prayers for use by the Laity by Fr. Chad Ripperger, which has a lot of good prayers that you can pray yourself in this area
I don’t have an infographic, but there’s a pocket sized booklet called “pray the rosary” with a blue cover that you can get for like 3 bucks that effectively does what you described. here’s the Amazon link. It goes over how to pray the rosary and then has scripture for each mystery of each category. The original version doesn’t have the luminous mysteries, but there’s a new version with those included if you want those as well.
You're welcome. I hope you can help your family.
Here are some good books:
Deliverance Prayers: For Use by the Laity
Manual for Spiritual Warfare
I don’t know if you are Catholic, but, I find this book very helpful. Note that I get nothing from any sales of this book. I have no relationship with the exorcist who authored it.
Deliverance Prayers: For Use by the Laity