OP could add God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything for a little light reading as well.
She might get the message that a 5th Bible next year is a wasted effort.
I'm gay and I've had no problem reconciling my faith with my sexual orientation from the time I was 14/15.
The most important thing in my mind is acknowledging that historical context impacts the way the Bible should be interpreted. The word "homosexuality" wasn't in the Bible until the twentieth century. Verses that have been used to condemn all same-sex sexual activity are surrounded by verses that would seem to approve of slavery, if taken at face value.
Jesus, in reference to Christian teaching, says that a good tree cannot bear bad fruit. If teaching is sound, it will not result in the harm of those impacted it. This hasn't been the case with the conservative teaching on homosexuality. The church needs to act in a way consistent with the idea that "perfect love casts out fear."
There's a lot that can (and has) been said about this topic. I'd encourage you to grapple with it yourself, but to never forget that God loves all of their children. Also, if you haven't read them, God and the Gay Christian by Matthew Vines and Torn by Justin Lee are great books on this topic.
Warmest of wishes, friend.
Austen Hartke's Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians is a great resource for this question.
You may find this book helpful: Eve Tushnet's Gay and Catholic: Accepting My Sexuality, Finding Community, Living My Faith
Trans theology as a subset of queer theology has grown enormously in the past 10 years. Under the "Trans Faith Books" section of Austen Hartke's website (a Lutheran whose book on the subject will be released in April), there are about 10 books listed that you might find interesting.
“With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.”
― Steven Weinberg
I suggest you give this book a read if you want to learn just how wrong you are on all of this religious denialism you're presenting here:
Have you (and Saint_denloj) ever read <em>Gay and Catholic</em> by Eve Tushnet? You may find it enlightening.
This book is worth the read: https://www.amazon.com/God-Gay-Christian-Biblical-Relationships/dp/160142518X
From what I've seen, many who still affirm the Bible's validity and affirm a gay lifestyle denounce the clobber passages as mistranslated and not referring to the kind of gay relationships we see today (monogamous, committed, loving). Most argue Biblical passages are referring to pedophilia, rape, and hyper sexual (guys would have sex with other guys out of extreme lust outside marriage) relationships.
I have heard this is well written. But honestly I feel your pain. Sorry for what your going through. It sucks sometimes.
If you have the time you should read this book called God and the Gay Christian, by Matthew Vines.
It's full of gay-affirming arguments and most of them are based on scripture or interpretations of it. Wish I'd known about it when I was figuring everything out!
You may benefit from reading, for example, Bible, Gender, Sexuality by James Brownson, a theologian at Western Theological Seminary. It may help you address the claims you're referring to while also providing broader context of the issue at hand.
If his concerns stem from religious indoctrination, ye may want to read, What the Bible Really Says about Homosexuality, by Daniel Helminiak. https://smile.amazon.com/What-Bible-Really-about-Homosexuality/dp/188636009X
Great book, you can find it here on Amazon.
You can get it used for like six dollars. Well worth the money.
For yourself start on the first link...
For science see about this guy's books and articles...
More questions... dm... :)
Late to the party, but it's my second day now!
I've started strong by doing most of the 6 basic action steps outlined in The Porn Trap:
I dont know if this is a good way to start out but...
I use the HALT method.
When you feel the urge to PMO (Porn Masturbation Orgasm), do you feel Hungry, Angry, Tired, or Lonely?
If so, eat something health, do some meditation or exercise, go to sleep, or call a friend.
I hope this helps! Good luck! I've been in the same boat, my friend.
I would recommend a book called "The Porn Trap" by Wendy Maltz. It has been helping me with really figuring out why porn was a problem.
Its usually not the porn, its the shunting away feelings that is the culprit.
Unrestricted handouts only perpetuate dependency and allowing people to buy these presents at a discount lets them retain some dignity rather than just giving a handout. This church is doing a good job helping to break the cycle of poverty. Read this for more info:
Unrestricted handouts only perpetuate dependency and allowing people to buy these presents at a discount lets them retain some dignity rather than just giving a handout. This church is doing a good job helping to break the cycle of poverty. Read this for more info:
Unrestricted handouts only perpetuate dependency and allowing people to buy these presents at a discount lets them retain some dignity rather than just giving a handout. This church is doing a good job helping to break the cycle of poverty. Read this for more info:
First of all, sorry that your friend has treated you like that, it is not a Biblical view on how we are expected to treat others. Never has the Bible advocated forcing our beliefs onto other people and it is sad that a large swath of Christians have been doing it.
We are all sinners, we all need Jesus, God loves everyone be you straight, gay, black, white, old, young, male, female, other. We are also called to love everyone, even those we disagree with, even those who hate us.
I love my LGBTQ+ friends, and I hope they feel the same towards me.
I personally think that homosexuality is not right for me but I don't force that onto others. Someone might think that eating meat is wrong for them but you would still be friends with them right? Again it would be wrong for them to try and push their "don't eat meat" values onto yourself especially said not to. Tolerance is only possible with those you disagree with (by definition) you can love someone and be friends with them without agreeing with everything they do, we do so all the time.
One good book on this subject to see the biblical view is "Is God anti-gay" by Sam Allberry https://www.amazon.com/God-anti-gay-Questions-Christians-Ask/dp/1908762314
I'm thinking maybe you'd profit from reading Eve Tushnet's Gay and Catholic book.
She's very "progressive" (I don't myself agree with the prudential judgment behind all of her proposals) yet fully committed to affirming and living the teaching of the Church for human sexuality and her SSA. She excels at offering a very insightful and refreshing perspective that goes beyond the all-to-common "too bad, offer it up" response from some catholics out there, and into an actually positive framing focused in self-acceptance and fruitfulness.
Anyone looking for a comprehensive and biblically based exploration on the topic should check out Bible, Gender, Sexuality by James V. Brownson.
Check this out:
And then learn some psychology:
You can get free of the images.
Check out this book:
Understanding the psychology will ease your mind. You are not alone. Porn changes your brain, but you can resist the temptation and heal from it.
This book helped me:
Learning the psychology takes the mystery out of the situation.
This book helped me:
Learning some psychology can set you free.
This book helped me, if he is open to therapy he might be open to learning:
Been there. This can help you understand the psychology of the problem:
You can get free of it.